Information Relayed

Eric jumped forward and then pulled on the shadow whip to launch himself at the fire user. While in the air he lifted his sword and slashed down aiming at his chest.

'I guess, he was weaker than I thought. What excuse can I come up with about killing him? It was an accident, I didn't want to kill them. Not my fault he was weak.'

Right before the sword made contact an explosion erupted from the fire user's chest. The explosion engulfed both of them. The on-lookers couldn't see them while they were in the explosion, The people who were watching the fight felt the force of air hit them

When the expulsion had been dissipated, Eric could be seen with his arms in the shape of an X covering his face. The right arm of his uniform was burnt off, all the way up to the midway point of his bicep. The ends of his uniform were smoldering.