Getting To Camp

"A fresh kill? That means whatever killed this is nearby," one of the other girls said while biting her thumbnail.

Jasmine turned to the girl who had just spoken. She stood up and walked over there, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"We will be fine. Razor rats are known to be fast; it's nothing to worry about... yet," Jasmine said, trying to make the best of the situation.

The girl placed both hands in her hair and paused for a moment. She took a deep breath and pushed her straight yellow hair behind her ears. Her bangs stood out then, swooping from one side to the other.

"Grace, are you going to be okay?" Jasmine asked her.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Fine. I'm fine," Grace said.

While they were worried about the possibility of a razor rat being close enough to attack them, Vincent had different worries.

"Hey guys," Vincent said, still staring at the devoured carcass.

"Huh," they all turned and responded to him.