Spirit Tree

Eric and Acer made their way through the wooded area they found themselves in. They traveled about a mile south until Acer saw a landmark that he recognized. Come to find out This was the area Acer patrolled the other week.

The landmark was a large oak tree. The odd thing about the tree was there was a knot on the tree about 7 feet from the ground on it. What made the know unusual was that it wrapped around it, making a perfect circle.

Something about the tree was drawing Eric to it. He walked toward it. The closer he got to it the bigger it got. The tree itself was wider than a semi-truck. The tree's bark was smooth and had a whiteish tint to it.

"I don't think this is an oak tree," Eric stated.

"I agree, but isn't it awesome. I have never seen anything like this. This is why it is the landmark I marked in my mind."