
"The law source he controls must involve toxic laws," Luo Feng speculated. The native Eternal True Gods of the Origin Continent often harnessed the essence of exotic beast blood in their cultivation, which sometimes allowed them to master unique talents or rare law sources.

Nineteen spikes attacked Luo Feng from all directions, forcing him to stagger and become somewhat disheveled, with many wounds appearing on his body. However, the wounds healed instantly. The rate at which his divine power was consumed was far slower than the rate at which his small universe, with a diameter of 100 billion light-years, could replenish it.

"He can resist my toxic law while enduring my Blackwater Spikes?" The black-robed figure, Hei Duomo, was secretly astonished by what he saw.

Hei Duomo specialized in two major techniques, one of which was his toxic law! This toxic law was insidious and mysterious, capable of damaging the divine body and corroding the mind. The weak would die instantly, while the strong would suffer significant damage.

However, he was unaware that Luo Feng's perfect god body was impervious to the toxic law's corrosion. As for its effect on his soul and consciousness?

Luo Feng's True God heart was protected by the Star Tower, and his soul's will had reached the peak of the Chaos level, far beyond the influence of such a toxic law.

"Is this all you've got with your poison?" Luo Feng smiled as a blade suddenly appeared in his hand.

It was the Bloodshadow Blade, a Divine King-level weapon embryo. The blade was dark, with a hint of blood-red light. As soon as Luo Feng grasped the blade, the source of life and death laws was naturally triggered, and countless grayish blade lights emerged from the void, sweeping in all directions and forcing back the spikes.

This was the Life and Death Blade, the first move of the "Nine Breaker Blades" technique!

During his journey through the Reincarnation Passage, Luo Feng had received a vast inheritance from two lineages and naturally chose the one that suited him best.

In addition to the core techniques "Annihilation" and "Donghua" from the Duandong River lineage, which were mandatory, Luo Feng also chose a body refinement secret technique, "The Great Chaos Strength Chart," and his primary blade technique, "Nine Breaker Blades." He also selected the "Nine Phantom World" for the Original Ancestor.

However, due to the short time and the high difficulty of "Annihilation" and "Donghua," as well as the need for vast resources to cultivate "The Great Chaos Strength Chart," Luo Feng had not yet reached the Eternal True God level in those techniques.

For now, he had only mastered one move from the "Nine Breaker Blades," the Life and Death Blade, which perfectly matched his mastery of the life and death laws.

"You dare to act so arrogantly after being hit by my toxic law?" The black-robed figure laughed, his body twisting and growing larger until he was as tall as a mountain.

He was now clad in scales, resembling a monstrous creature standing upright with four thick legs, a massive torso, eight deep green arms, and three lizard-like heads.

This three-headed, eight-armed Hei Duomo held a black spear in each claw. With every breath from his three heads, toxic gas spread over a vast area, causing vegetation to wither.

His mountainous figure and three enormous heads all stared at Luo Feng, growling, "Why don't you reveal your true form?"

"With just you?" Luo Feng held his blade with one hand, looking up at the colossal figure.

On the Origin Continent, Eternal True Gods typically maintained a humanoid form, standing about one "blade" tall. A "blade" was a basic unit of length on the Origin Continent. According to the intelligence Luo Feng had gathered, the ancient beings on the continent revered the humanoid form, so beings at the Divine King level usually retained that shape.

This trend influenced the entire continent, where beings of all races—whether mechanical, metal-based, or plant-based—adopted a humanoid appearance.

However, when it came to combat, they would reveal their true forms to unleash their full power!

Their true forms allowed them to exert their full strength!

"Maintaining a small form would limit their power, so they need to reveal their true form. Normally, an Infinite God Body can change size at will, allowing full power even in a smaller form," Luo Feng understood. He, too, could change his size without affecting his power.

"Then prepare to die!" Hei Duomo's three heads snarled ferociously as he took a massive step forward, crossing through the clouds, and bringing his eight spears down upon Luo Feng, covering the sky.

Luo Feng transformed into a gray blade light.

A towering, colossal figure clashed with a tiny one in an instant.

Booming thunder echoed as the blade light, imbued with the mysteries of the life and death source and the might of the Divine King-level blade embryo, along with the immense divine power contained within Luo Feng's perfect god body, unleashed a terrifying force. Although Luo Feng had only recently become an Eternal True God, this single strike carried immense power.

The spears, equally formidable, were a testament to Hei Duomo's profound cultivation. Having been an Eternal True God for countless eons, he had honed his secret techniques and invested vast resources to elevate himself to the Eighth Realm of Eternity. The might of each spear was a reflection of his deep foundation.

When the blade light collided with the spears, both Luo Feng's tiny form and Hei Duomo's massive body were slightly pushed back.

"No wonder you dare to fight for the treasure! You do have some strength!" Hei Duomo became more serious, coordinating his eight black spears to launch a frenzied assault on Luo Feng.

In a head-to-head clash, Luo Feng's Life and Death Blade was only evenly matched with one spear.

But now, with eight spears perfectly coordinated, the threat level increased several times over.

This weapon technique was one of Hei Duomo's two signature moves—the "Black Sky Spear Technique"! Hei Duomo had studied this technique for tens of thousands of epochs and cultivated a body with eight arms to fully unleash its power.

Now, as he unleashed the full force of the Black Sky Spear Technique, Luo Feng found himself surrounded by an overwhelming array of spear shadows.

"My only powerful blade technique right now is this one—the Life and Death Blade!" Luo Feng felt a bit embarrassed. After all, he had come to the Origin Continent immediately after becoming an Eternal True God, with no time to study his inheritances in depth.

Wielding the Bloodshadow Blade, Luo Feng repeatedly used the Life and Death Blade, but he was completely suppressed by the intricate coordination of the eight spear shadows. Occasionally, a spear would strike him, sending him flying and crashing into the ground!

"What's going on? How can his god body be so strong, yet his blade technique so ordinary?" Hei Duomo grew even more cautious. When facing an Eternal True God as an opponent, he never allowed himself to be careless.

What he didn't know was that Luo Feng had not yet had time to cultivate any body refinement secret techniques. His god body was naturally this strong simply because he had just become an Eternal True God! His blade technique was already decent, having mastered a rather powerful move.

"There must be a trap!" Hei Duomo believed in one thing: never trust the enemy's outward display of power.

"Burn the divine power!" Hei Duomo's aura suddenly surged as his divine power ignited, dramatically increasing his strength and speed. The overwhelming aura shocked Luo Feng.

Luo Feng immediately ignited his divine power as well. "Divine power burn!"

"Annihilation," one of the three ultimate techniques of the Duandong River lineage, was incredibly profound! Luo Feng had not yet fully comprehended the Eternal True God-level method of burning divine power in a short time. As a result, his current method of burning divine power was somewhat crude, far less effective than Hei Duomo's technique.

"He's burning divine power, yet his strength hasn't increased much? Does he not have the secret technique for burning divine power? Then how does he dare to fight for the treasure?" Hei Duomo briefly wondered.

But his actions didn't stop.

The eight spears became even more terrifying.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Though both were burning divine power, it was clear that Luo Feng was in a worse situation, completely suppressed. He was struck repeatedly by the spears, and his injuries were becoming more severe.

"Master, do you need my help?" A voice echoed in Luo Feng's mind—it was Morosa, the Sector Beast, watching the battle from afar with his aura concealed.

"I'm enjoying this fight. Don't interfere." Though Luo Feng was struck again and again, he relied on his nearly limitless divine power to endure the injuries. He was fully immersed in the experience of battling at the Eternal True God level.

Hei Duomo had completely taken the upper hand, but he was shocked that he couldn't kill Luo Feng's god body. "What an incredible body refinement technique!"

"Time to show him my ultimate move!"

"Black Sky Spear Technique—Myriad Worlds Unite!"

Hei Duomo poured his burning divine power into the eight spears. The surrounding world distorted, and Luo Feng saw a spear with the force to destroy everything appear right before him, striking directly at his head.


The power of this strike far surpassed anything before, sending Luo Feng plummeting to the ground.

But as he fell, another spear followed, then a third...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of spears struck Luo Feng, one after another, leaving him no chance to defend himself. He could only endure the relentless onslaught.

In less than a breath's time, as he plummeted from the sky, Luo Feng was hit by thousands of spears.

Luo Feng was stunned, feeling an endless, terrifying force continually battering his body, constantly consuming his divine power. He crashed into the ground, the shockwaves causing trees to topple and rocks to crumble. For miles around, the beasts went silent, all hiding in fear.

Even the solid ground of the Origin Continent was blasted into a massive basin, with Luo Feng lying in the center of the crater.

"Ugh." Luo Feng blinked and sat up in the crater.

"Master got beaten pretty badly," Morosa, watching the battle from afar, couldn't help but cover his eyes and ask telepathically, "Master, are you sure you don't need me to step in?"

"No need, I can handle it," Luo Feng replied telepathically, then looked up at the towering Hei Duomo.

Hei Duomo looked down at the tiny Luo Feng, all three of his heads filled with shock. "He's still not dead?"