The Teacher Ascends

As time passed, more and more powerful beings arrived at the scene.

The avatar of the Original Ancestor, the City Lord of Chaos, and True Yan were among those who came. The birth of a Void True God in the Primitive Universe region was a significant event, attracting a large audience.

"Luo Feng." Hong and Thunder God also arrived on a treasure.

"Big brother, second brother," Luo Feng smiled and nodded. The three of them had journeyed from Earth together, and their bond was unique.

"Once Sitting Mountain Guest breaks through, he will have to face the Samsara, right?" Hong asked. After all, he was also a True God, and Luo Feng had already advised them that even if they were confident in breaking through, they should first discuss the timing with Luo Feng and the Original Ancestor.

Luo Feng looked into the distance, "Yes, after the breakthrough, within a year, he must face the Samsara."

"Brother," Luo Hua arrived with their father Luo Hongguo, and mother Gong Xinlan, accompanied by 'Ximo.'

"Sitting Mountain Guest is your teacher, and since he's about to face the Samsara, we naturally had to come," Luo Hongguo said. The fact that Sitting Mountain Guest was Luo Feng's teacher was already well-known in the Primitive Universe region.

Luo Feng nodded slightly and continued watching the expanding small universe.

The expansion of the small universe continued for over a month, stopping only when it reached a diameter of 7.2 billion light-years.


An elderly figure flew out of the small universe—it was Sitting Mountain Guest.

Luo Feng flew up to meet him.

"Teacher," Luo Feng greeted as he approached.

"I've been in the Primitive Universe for so long; it's time for me to return," Sitting Mountain Guest said with a sigh. Although he had lived in the Primitive Universe for more than one cycle of Samsara, this was not his home.

"Are you going to face the Samsara now?" Luo Feng asked, looking at Sitting Mountain Guest.

Sitting Mountain Guest nodded, "Yes, right now."

"How will we meet again in the future?" Luo Feng asked.

After reaching the Origin Continent, his teacher would undergo reincarnation, and his divine power avatar left in the Primitive Universe would dissipate, making it difficult for them to meet again.

"We will meet when the time is right," Sitting Mountain Guest smiled at his disciple. "The greatest achievement of my time in the Primitive Universe, spanning more than one cycle of Samsara, was taking you as my disciple."

"A mediocre disciple relies on the teacher for support. But for an extraordinary disciple, the teacher merely provides a helping hand," Sitting Mountain Guest said, looking at Luo Feng. "How far you go ultimately depends on yourself."

Luo Feng nodded.

"Remember, don't be in a hurry," Sitting Mountain Guest advised. "When you are strong enough, helping me avenge myself will be a matter of course. But if you're not strong enough and force yourself into the matter, it will only lead to your death."

"I understand; I have patience," Luo Feng nodded.

Sitting Mountain Guest nodded back, "I'm off to face the Samsara. No need to see me off!"

With that, Sitting Mountain Guest nodded slightly to the many powerful beings in the distance and then flew toward the Samsara Passage in the Qinfeng Realm.

Luo Feng watched the scene from afar.


Everything went according to plan. After his teacher, Sitting Mountain Guest, faced the Samsara and arrived at the Origin Continent, he quickly used a reincarnation secret technique to be reborn as a native lifeform of the Origin Continent.

"Luo Feng," the City Lord of Chaos hurried over.

"Teacher," Luo Feng greeted him. Growing up from Earth, Luo Feng had received much help from True Yan, the City Lord of Chaos, and Sitting Mountain Guest. He had always respected these teachers deeply.

"Sitting Mountain Guest's small universe is starting to collapse!" the City Lord of Chaos said urgently.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

"He's your teacher; aren't you worried?" the City Lord of Chaos asked, puzzled. "Moreover, you've told the many True Gods of humanity that as long as they break through to the True God level before facing the Samsara, they are guaranteed success. How could Sitting Mountain Guest die?"

The City Lord of Chaos had no personal ties with Sitting Mountain Guest, but having dedicated his life to the human race, he naturally worried about the future safety of the many True Gods of humanity.

"Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest successfully faced the Samsara," Luo Feng explained. "He died after completing it."

The City Lord of Chaos was confused, "Died after completing it?"

"There are supreme rules that prevent me from saying more," Luo Feng replied.

"I understand," the City Lord of Chaos nodded, knowing about the supreme rules.

Both the Original Ancestor and Luo Feng had faced the Samsara, one being his teacher and the other his disciple. The City Lord of Chaos was well aware of the supreme rules' restrictions.

"As long as breaking through to the True God level ensures safety during the Samsara, that's good," the City Lord of Chaos nodded. "As for Sitting Mountain Guest..."

"In the future, you will understand, Teacher," Luo Feng said.


On the Origin Continent, in the Kingdom of Yu, in Huyang City.


The doors of the underground hall in the cave residence opened as Luo Feng emerged from seclusion.

"Master," Morosa quickly came forward to greet him, with Mo Yuqingyan also hurrying over from a distance.

"Mm." Luo Feng nodded at them and then leaped to a distant mountain, where he sat on a large rock, drinking alone.

This scene made Morosa and Mo Yuqingyan exchange glances.

"You go about your business," Morosa ordered Mo Yuqingyan before quietly flying over to Luo Feng, smiling ingratiatingly.

"Master, what's wrong? You don't seem very happy?" Morosa asked.

"I'm not unhappy," Luo Feng shook his head gently. His teacher's reincarnation was to prepare for revenge, and his greatest hope for that revenge was clearly this disciple. The Kingdom of Shi had survived through strength, and dealing with the Kingdom of Shi's rulers wouldn't be easy. Luo Feng naturally felt some pressure.

"Not unhappy?" Morosa observed Luo Feng closely.

"I'm thinking about several formidable enemies," Luo Feng replied.

"Several formidable enemies of the master? Who are they? Do you need my help?" Morosa asked.

Seeing Morosa, Luo Feng's mood lightened.

He needed to temper his will, practice secret techniques, and comprehend the laws, advancing step by step. But Morosa, by consuming energy and growing stronger, would naturally reach a level where he could overlook the Kingdom of Shi.

"If I need your help, I'll let you know," Luo Feng said. "I think I can handle them."

"Just leave the corpses to me," Morosa quickly reminded.

Luo Feng laughed, "Don't worry."

"By the way, Mo Li Meng sent a message through Mo Yuqingyan, wanting to visit you," Morosa said.

"He sent a message through Yuqingyan?" Luo Feng was surprised.

"I heard that Mo Yuqingyan's father, 'Mo Yuhu,' has been recruited by the City Lord's Mansion and is now an official there," Morosa laughed.

Luo Feng had a good impression of Mo Yuhu, the first being he had met upon arriving at the Origin Continent. Mo Yuhu was willing to do anything for his three children, and Luo Feng admired him for that alone.

"Let Mo Li Meng come," Luo Feng said.

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away," Morosa quickly left.

Since the Mo Li family's residence was also in the Chaos Armor District, it only took a moment for Mo Li Meng to arrive with Diao Rongqi to visit.

"Divine Lord Luo He," Mo Li Meng greeted warmly.

"Lord," Diao Rongqi's eyes welled up with tears as she immediately knelt. "Thank you, Lord, for avenging my father and the many lives of my Diao family."

"Please sit," Luo Feng said as he sat down.

Mo Li Meng sat across from Luo Feng, while Diao Rongqi sat to the side.

"I am Mo Li Meng, fortunate to hold the position of Deputy City Lord of Huyang City," Mo Li Meng smiled. "Upon hearing of Divine Lord Luo He's feat of slaying the Blood Python Society Leader, I felt immense admiration and came to visit."

Many important matters of the City Lord's Mansion were decided by the five great families together, with Mo Li Meng representing the Mo Li family and also serving as the Deputy City Lord.

"It was a small matter," Luo Feng replied.

"It may have been a small matter for you, but it was no small matter for our City Lord's Mansion. Across the Origin Continent, the dark forces are relentless and can never be fully eradicated," Mo Li Meng shook his head. "Our City Lord's Mansion can only try to restrain them, but we cannot eliminate them completely. If we don't throw them a bone, they will tear the facade apart and engage in rampant slaughter and plunder."

"Maintaining order is not easy," Luo Feng nodded.

He had access to a vast amount of intelligence from both the King Jin lineage and the Donghe lineage and knew how terrifying some beings could be. In their frenzied slaughter and plunder, weaker True Gods had no means of resistance.

The City Lord's Mansion had to both forcefully restrain and offer some concessions to maintain a balance. This had already made the City Lord's Mansion a coveted place of refuge for weaker True Gods.

"The True Gods' dwellings are absolutely safe! During the lively daytime or in bustling areas at night, we strictly forbid any dark forces from taking action," Mo Li Meng said. "But if someone ventures into a remote and dark place and is killed by the dark forces, there's nothing we can do."

"This is to give the dark forces a bit of leeway; otherwise, if pushed too hard, they might defect to the Kingdom of Shi," Mo Li Meng shook his head. "The Kingdom of Shi's forces are the greatest scourge for Huyang City."

Luo Feng listened intently.

"Qiqi, you may leave," Mo Li Meng glanced at Diao Rongqi. She gave Luo Feng a grateful look, bowed respectfully, and then left.

"Divine Lord Luo He," Mo Li Meng lowered his voice. "I wanted to ask if you would be willing to accept a bounty from the City Lord's Mansion to kill the leader of the Kingdom of Shi's forces, Blood Cloud?"

"I've heard that the leader of the Kingdom of Shi's forces, Blood Cloud, has clashed with the City Lord's Mansion multiple times. Even the City Lord's Mansion has mobilized the entire Huyang City formation, with Commander Mo Li Xiao personally taking action, but they still couldn't subdue Blood Cloud?" Luo Feng asked.

In Huyang City, the City Lord's Mansion held the geographical advantage.

But even so, Blood Cloud had remained at large.

"He's extremely powerful," Mo Li Meng admitted.

"So you want to hire me to take him down? The price would have to be high," Luo Feng said.

Mo Li Meng was taken aback.

He's really considering it?

"How much?" Mo Li Meng asked.

"In addition to the public bounty offered by the Yan Wind Pavilion, I'd need an extra five million Universe Sand," Luo Feng said. "I can give it a try, but I won't guarantee success. If I fail, I won't ask for the bounty."

Mo Li Meng quickly shook his head, "That's too high. If the City Lord's Mansion could afford that, we would have already offered a six-million Universe Sand bounty through the Yan Wind Pavilion. That would probably attract some terrifying powerhouses from other regions."

"How much can you offer?" Luo Feng asked.

"Currently, the Yan Wind Pavilion's bounty on Blood Cloud is one million Universe Sand. We can offer an additional one million Universe Sand," Mo Li Meng replied, looking at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng shook his head, "Too little!"

"If you're interested, I'll see what I can do, but adding five million Universe Sand is impossible," Mo Li Meng said.

"Your first challenge will be finding Blood Cloud," Luo Feng said, ending the discussion. Before killing the Blood Python Society Leader, Luo Feng had already thought about dealing with Blood Cloud. But the biggest challenge was finding him.

Mo Li Meng nodded, "He hides very carefully. Once we find him, we'll contact you."

"We'll discuss it further then," Luo Feng agreed.

"By the way, Divine Lord Luo He, the Blood Python Society Leader likely sent messages to several factions before his death," Mo Li Meng mentioned. "I received one such message."

"Oh? What did he send before his death?" Luo Feng asked.

Mo Li Meng responded, "Divine Lord, if you give me a transmission imprint, I'll send the message to you in full."

Luo Feng produced a transmission token, and the two exchanged imprints, allowing them to communicate directly.

"A standard transmission token?" Mo Li Meng noticed.

This type of standard transmission token had a range slightly larger than Huyang City's, but it could be blocked by a small universe's domain. However, the stronger an individual, the more likely they were to use such standard tokens.

"This is the message he sent me," Mo Li Meng said, sending the message to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng read it and laughed, "His mechanical flow treasure is worth 1.5 million Universe Sand, and mine is worth 5 million Universe Sand? I didn't know my mechanical flow treasure was so valuable."

Mo Li Meng was surprised by Luo Feng's openness. He didn't hide the fact that he owned a mechanical flow treasure, clearly indicating his confidence.

"Divine Lord Luo He, you mustn't be careless," Mo Li Meng warned. "Such enormous wealth might attract some terrifying powerhouses from other regions to Huyang City to target you."

"Will they believe it?" Luo Feng asked.

"There might be some who do, and those who dare to act will certainly have some confidence," Mo Li Meng said.

Luo Feng nodded, "Thank you, Brother Mo Li."

Deep down, Luo Feng was actually looking forward to powerful challengers showing up—it would make him even richer.