No Repercussions

"Brother Luo He, as long as you're willing to drink, I'll always be here to accompany you," Zhu You laughed heartily. "Nowadays, being able to drink with Brother Luo He is truly a great honor."

Although what Luo Feng did was something that the Eternal True Gods in Hu Yang City wouldn't dare to do—they had to consider the forces behind them—it didn't diminish everyone's admiration for him.

"Let's go, let's go," Luo Feng, completely unbothered by his recent actions, pulled Zhu You along back to the previous hall.

Mo Luo Sa and Mo Yu Qing Yan followed behind.

"Hehehe," Mo Luo Sa chuckled as he walked, in a great mood.

"Lord Mo Luo Sa, after what the master did, you're still laughing?" Mo Yu Qing Yan couldn't help but send a message, "The five major families probably won't let this go."

"And if they don't?" Mo Luo Sa looked at Mo Yu Qing Yan.

Mo Yu Qing Yan's expression grew serious as he sent a message back, "There might be a bloodbath."

"The blood will be theirs," Mo Luo Sa said as he ruffled Mo Yu Qing Yan's head, smiling happily. "You'll understand in time, kid."

"Their blood?" Mo Yu Qing Yan followed behind, deep in thought.

As Luo Feng returned to the hall to continue drinking, the other guests in Dream Flower Pavilion were in an uproar.

Some were excitedly discussing, while others quickly left to report in detail to their respective forces. The thousand or so Void True Gods of the Huyang Guard quietly slipped away as well.

What happened in Dream Flower Pavilion quickly spread through Huyang City, escalating rapidly.

In the hall of Dream Flower PAvilion, Luo Feng and Zhu You sat across from each other, drinking and chatting comfortably.

"Brother Luo He, what you did today has caused quite a stir in Huyang City!" Zhu You sighed. "The Eternal True Gods of the five major families are the rulers of Huyang City. You killed one of them—they won't let this go easily."

"And if they don't? What can they do?" Luo Feng smiled lightly as he sipped his wine. "I'll be here in Huyang City, out in the open. Let's see what they can do."

Zhu You could see that Brother Luo He truly wasn't afraid of the five major families.

"Impressive," Zhu You exclaimed, "My Zhu clan wouldn't dare to do such a thing."

"You have a family to care for, so you naturally have to act cautiously," Luo Feng said with a smile. "I'm just a lone wanderer, with only two servants by my side. I'm unattached and can act freely."

Zhu You nodded, "But Brother Luo He, you must still be careful. Even if no one in Huyang City can harm you, they might bring in outsiders."

"I've already given the City Lord's Mansion a lot of face," Luo Feng poured himself another drink. "Tonight, I only killed the deeply sinful Mei Wu Qi and his accomplice Qian Yu Chong. I didn't harm any other Hu Yang Guards, and I even let them take the Zi Yu Hou with them. I've been quite restrained. Even if this reaches the ears of the Chaos Sovereigns, they'll praise me."

"Praise you?" Zhu You was taken aback.

Luo Feng glanced at him, "You don't understand. The God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns are high above us, their clans have multiplied over endless ages, and they don't even know how many descendants they have. They can't house them all in their own domains and have to place many of them in other chaotic regions."

"For the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns, they need the massive resources provided by each city," Luo Feng explained.

"Indeed," Zhu You nodded.

The massive cities, the countless True Gods paying residence fees—after sustaining the operations of the City Lord's Mansion, Huyang Guards, and Huyang Army, the rest is handed over to the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns.

"A single True God's contribution is small, but the contributions of millions of True Gods across the many cities of Yu Nation add up. This is what the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns value most," Luo Feng continued. "So, they established laws to ensure the safety within the cities so that countless True Gods would willingly pay their residence fees."

"But Mei Wu Qi massacred billions of citizens within the city. If the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns found out about this, the first thing they would do is kill Mei Wu Qi!"

Luo Feng shook his head, "By killing Mei Wu Qi, the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns would only praise me. They wouldn't even punish me. If they did, they'd be ridiculed by the other God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns in Yu Nation."

Zhu You's eyes lit up, "Brother Luo He, your insight is exceptional. You truly understand the thoughts of the God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns. Indeed, in such matters, the Chaos Sovereigns would never intervene."

"The clans of the Chaos Sovereigns are vast. Do you think they have time to deal with every little matter? Are they the subordinates of their clans?" Luo Feng shook his head. "Unless it's something catastrophic, something that enrages the Chaos Sovereigns, they won't get involved."

With the legacies of both the Duan Dong River lineage and the Jin Divine King lineage, Luo Feng was well aware of the way God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns operated.

For those who stood at the pinnacle of the Origin Continent, countless descendants needed to be honed and selected! The weak and foolish would be eliminated, while the strong and exceptional would remain.

Luo Feng wasn't wrong.

Even if the Chaos Sovereign of the Mei Wu Clan knew about what happened in the distant "Nine Jiang Chaotic State," where a branch of his clan committed such crimes, he would praise the actions and even sternly order the clan to never repeat such offenses.

"I may be a lone wanderer, but there are others like me," Luo Feng said. "I'm considered someone who follows the rules."

"Indeed, I know of some Eternal True Gods who have passed through certain cities, killing indiscriminately, and their identities were never discovered," Zhu You nodded.

As Luo Feng chatted, he also took a moment to examine the items Mei Wu Qi left behind.

The item he was most concerned about was the treasure, the "Sinful City."

The treasure "Sinful City" was indeed something Mei Wu Qi carried with him.

"There are still over 180 million citizens alive in this Sinful City?" Luo Feng's divine power infiltrated the treasure, confirming the number of survivors with a single thought. However, the scene inside the Sinful City made Luo Feng's heart tremble.

The remaining 180 million citizens had all undergone severe torment, with many of their minds twisted, their auras chaotic and deranged.


In Hu Yang City's "Chaotic Alpha Zone," the most expensive estates were numbered from 1 to 5, all owned by the five major families.

Chaotic Alpha No. 1 and No. 2 were owned by the two great royal clans.

Chaotic Alpha No. 3 was owned by the most powerful Ma Li Clan.

Chaotic Alpha No. 4 was owned by the Jiang Clan, rulers of the Nine Jiang Chaotic State. Although Hu Yang City was still managed by the Yu Nation's official government, the Jiang Clan took a large portion of the resources, stationing some of their descendants there to oversee them.

Chaotic Alpha No. 5 was owned by the Mei Wu Clan, a renowned chaotic clan in the Yu Nation, boasting two Chaos Sovereigns! The branch of the family stationed in Hu Yang City was ranked among the five major families.

At this moment, the high-ranking members of the Mei Wu Clan had gathered in their massive estate.

Eight figures sat apart.

"Our Mei Wu Clan's branch in Hu Yang City had nine Eternal True Gods, but now only eight remain!" The black-haired elder at the head of the table, with branches and leaves growing from his body, spoke sternly.

"Mei Wu Qi was killed in broad daylight! That Luo He didn't even bother to hide it. He killed Mei Wu Qi in front of everyone, showing no respect for our Mei Wu Clan. He must die!" One of the clan's high-ranking members, his face twisted in rage, spoke with murderous intent in his eyes.

"We should call for reinforcements from the ancestral land and kill Luo He."

They were just a branch sent here, while the Mei Wu Clan's core was in the distant ancestral land, where the two Chaos Sovereigns resided, and where nearly ten thousand Eternal True Gods, cultivated over endless ages, lived.

The true elites of the Mei Wu Clan were more powerful than even Ma Li Xiao.

"Fools! We can't let the ancestral land know about this."

"All you do is indulge yourselves, just like Mei Wu Qi! How can you even think of reporting this to the ancestral land?"

Several high-ranking members immediately scolded.

The black-haired elder at the head of the table nodded, "Mei Wu Qi massacred billions of citizens within the city! This is an undeniable, heinous crime! The God Kings and Chaos Sovereigns have explicitly ordered that the safety of city residents must be ensured. So today's matter must not be reported!"

"If we keep this under wraps, it's a small matter. But if the ancestors find out, we'll all be punished."

The eight high-ranking members of the Mei Wu Clan understood that they were just a peripheral branch within the entire Mei Wu Clan. If they angered the ancestors, they could be sent to do hard labor, and the privilege of enjoying life in Huyang City would fall to another branch.

"We can't pursue this matter openly, but in secret, we must make sure the entire Huyang City knows that anyone who dares to defy the five major families will pay the price!"

"Find a way to deal with him! Even if we can't kill him, we must force him into hiding, where he can never again show his face openly."

"If we don't address this, it won't just be the Mei Wu Clan that loses face. In the eyes of all the powers in Huyang City, Luo He is challenging the entire five major families. The other four families will also have to step up."

As the eight high-ranking members discussed, their anger simmered. After all, they had been in power for so long that they couldn't tolerate such defiance from an Eternal True God.


The black-haired elder at the head of the table's expression changed dramatically. "This is bad."

"What happened?" the other seven high-ranking members asked, puzzled.

"That Luo He is completely out of control!" the black-haired elder said urgently. "He's publicly released the over one billion surviving citizens from Mei Wu Qi's 'Sinful City' right into Huyang City."