Acting a Guard

Luo Feng thought to himself, "My divine body has reached its current peak. Next, I need to focus on cultivating the 'Lie Yuan Technique' to achieve a breakthrough in my willpower and also to deepen my understanding of the laws. I need to first master a few Chaos-level moves."

Understanding Chaos Laws is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires continuous accumulation, first mastering some Chaos-level moves, and then, over a long period of time, experiencing a moment of enlightenment to fully grasp the Chaos Laws.

"Following the path of bloodline cultivation, one can achieve the Chaos level through bloodline evolution," Luo Feng mused, "But for me, the only path is to comprehend the Chaos Laws."

"I've already mastered the 'Chaos Force Diagram,' 'Nine Blades of Breaking Worlds,' and 'Nine Abyss Realm' at the Eternal True God level. However, 'Donghua' and 'Duanmie' still have some aspects that I haven't fully comprehended, and there's still much room for improvement in the 'Lie Yuan Technique.'"

With that thought, Luo Feng continued to maintain the 'Great Destruction Heart Refining Technique,' sharpening his willpower. Although this seemed painful, his mental and spiritual strength had long adapted to it.


While honing his willpower, Luo Feng's divine body returned to normal, and he emerged from the Star Tower.

With a thunderous rumble, the underground hall's doors opened, and Morosa and Mo Yu Qingyan immediately came to greet him. "Master!"

Luo Feng's perfect divine body could perfectly conceal all his aura, so neither Morosa nor Mo Yu Qingyan could detect any changes in Luo Feng.

"Qingyan, why aren't you at home with your father?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"When Master went into seclusion, he returned home to spend time with his father and brothers. But it wasn't long before he came running back," Morosa laughed.

"Running back?" Luo Feng was surprised.

Mo Yu Qingyan had to explain, "My eldest brother recently got married, as did my third brother. They and others were trying to match me with various female cultivators, who even came to my master's mansion. I was overwhelmed and had to escape back here."

"Female cultivators pursuing you?" Luo Feng chuckled, "So, how many were there?"

"Quite a few," Morosa grinned. "Some of the bolder ones even came to your mansion, Master. Qingyan had to ask me to scare them off."

"I'm not interested in relationships; I just want to quickly comprehend the ten fundamental laws," Mo Yu Qingyan said.

Luo Feng nodded and smiled, "True, once you become a Void True God, your lifespan is infinite. There's no rush for relationships. When you meet someone you truly like, your heart will let you know."

Although Mo Yu Qingyan listened, it was clear that he was determined not to involve himself in matters of the heart.

Luo Feng then asked, "Did anything significant happen in Huyang City while I was in seclusion? Did Shang Tianyan encounter any trouble?"

"He's been living leisurely; no one would dare trouble him," Morosa replied. "But Huyang City has seen fierce battles, with the City Lord's Mansion clashing with Shiguo forces several times, resulting in many casualties."

Luo Feng nodded.

"The biggest commotion was about Gao Wu Shui. This Gao Wu Shui commander even turned against his own family," Morosa said with a laugh.

"What happened to him?" Luo Feng was curious.

Gao Wu Shui was Mo Li Xiao's favourite disciple, and he had once tried to capture Mei Wu Qi. Luo Feng had a favourable impression of Gao Wu Shui.

"Gao Wu Shui was originally a marginalized member of the Gao Wu family. He voluntarily joined the Huyang Army as a soldier and was favoured by Mo Li Xiao, who nurtured him to become an Eternal True God," Morosa explained. "Recently, Gao Wu Wei, the family head, invited Gao Wu Shui to a banquet, but Gao Wu Shui suddenly turned on them, bringing in Huyang Guards to arrest the family head and several key members, even his own father!"

"He had his family's top members arrested and publicly accused Gao Wu Wei of defecting to the Shiguo forces," Morosa continued. "Treason is a capital offense! Gao Wu Shui clearly wanted them dead. The family head was executed shortly after being arrested."

Luo Feng nodded, "Gao Wu Shui left his family at a young age and has very little emotional connection with them."

"Even so, such a harsh action against his own family shocked everyone in Huyang City," Morosa remarked. "Many suspect that Gao Wu Shui fabricated the charges."

"You seem to know quite a bit," Luo Feng teased.

"I've been out and about, eating and drinking, and hearing a lot," Morosa laughed. "By the way, Vice City Lord Mo Li visited and left a message for you to contact him as soon as you emerged from seclusion."

"Mo Li Meng?" Luo Feng nodded and then sent a message to Mo Li Meng.

Moments later.

Mo Li Xiao and Mo Li Meng arrived together to visit Luo Feng.

"Please, take a seat," Luo Feng said, sitting in a pavilion on the mountaintop, with Mo Yu Qingyan helping to pour wine and set out some rare fruits.

"I assume you know that the Shiguo forces have been causing trouble in Huyang City recently," Mo Li Xiao said as he sat down. "The City Lord's Mansion is quite troubled by this. Today, I come as a representative of the City Lord's Mansion to ask for your help."

"Ask for my help?" Luo Feng shook his head. "I have no grudge against the Shiguo forces. Why should I get involved?"

Mo Li Xiao nodded, "I understand. Most of the local families in Huyang City are reluctant to get involved, fearing reprisals from Shiguo. But you, Luo He, only have two servants and no other ties. Why fear the Shiguo forces? You are an Eternal True God, and the Chaos Sovereigns of Shiguo wouldn't stoop to bully you. Facing only a few Eternal True Gods, I believe you wouldn't be too concerned."

"I'm not afraid of them, but that doesn't mean I want to engage in a life-and-death struggle with them," Luo Feng declined.

"We're asking for your help, and we are sincere in our request," Mo Li Xiao said. "Luo He, we only ask you to guard a location for no more than one era. We're willing to offer one million Universe Sands."

"Guard for an era?" Luo Feng shook his head. "That's too long."

A million Universe Sands could be gathered in other ways, so the offer wasn't very appealing to him.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be for an era. If the Shiguo forces attack, and you help defend the critical location, the task will be considered complete," Mo Li Xiao explained.

Luo Feng responded, "You should know that one million Universe Sands doesn't mean much to me."

"Indeed, Luo He, you forced the Six Monarchs Alliance and Yun Bao Lou to pay you a million Universe Sands in a single day," Mo Li Xiao acknowledged. "But the resources the City Lord's Mansion can mobilize are limited."

"I need a batch of 'Black Ze Liquid,'" Luo Feng said. "If you're willing to provide it, I'll help. Otherwise, you'll have to find someone else."

"Black Ze Liquid?" Mo Li Xiao was surprised. "Luo He, you know about the 'Black Ze Liquid' produced by Yuguo?"

"I've heard of it," Luo Feng replied.

The intelligence provided by his master Zuoshan Ke and the Duandonghe lineage had given Luo Feng a good understanding of the ancient forces across the Origin Continent, including Yuguo's specialties. Among them, 'Black Ze Liquid' was something Luo Feng found suitable.

Black Ze Liquid contained a terrifying poison, but in small doses, it could be used to temper one's mind and willpower.

A batch of Black Ze Liquid was relatively inexpensive for Yuguo as the producing nation, as it was typically supplied to the scions of major clans across the Origin Continent. It rarely reached large cities.

If Luo Feng were to buy it on the open market, he would likely have to pay several times the cost.

"I need to discuss this with the City Lord," Mo Li Xiao said. At the same time, his divine power avatar at the City Lord's Mansion was already consulting with his colleagues.

Before long.

"Black Ze Liquid is a specialty of the Qumeng royal family. The City Lord has promised to procure a batch for you," Mo Li Xiao said.

"Good," Luo Feng nodded. "Where do I need to guard?"

Mo Li Xiao smiled.

With the right conditions, it seemed they could indeed enlist Luo He.

"I'll take you there," Mo Li Xiao nodded, and Mo Li Meng also smiled.

At the City Lord's Mansion.

The Huyang City Lord, the white-haired elder, Mo Li Xiao's divine power avatar, and a one-horned man sat together.

"Luo He isn't afraid of our Five Great Families, nor does he fear the Shiguo forces. It's easy to hire such an unencumbered strongman," the City Lord of Huyang City said with a smile. "But the fact that he knows about Black Ze Liquid shows that he has some knowledge."

"With such strength, it's natural that he has had some encounters," the white-haired elder said. "With him joining us, our forces at the three restricted areas will be solid, with no weak points."

"No one witnessed his battle with Ying Cang, so his strength might not be as high as you think," the one-horned man said indifferently. "I don't see the need to involve Luo He. The City Lord's Mansion may be weaker, but it's more reliable!"

Mo Li Xiao explained, "We've studied Luo He's temperament, and he's trustworthy. Besides, all three restricted areas must be secured!"

"Fine, after this matter is resolved, I'll return to the royal capital," the one-horned man said.

"Thank you for your hard work, General Yong."

The Huyang City Lord, the white-haired elder, and Mo Li Xiao were all very polite.

General Yong was a commander in the ancient royal capital of Yuguo, with strength surpassing even Mo Li Xiao's. Because even the God Kings found it challenging to mobilize the Chaos Sovereigns, they usually dispatched subordinates like 'General Yong,' a super-powerful Eternal True God.

"If it weren't for dealing with the Shiguo forces, I'd like to test Luo He's strength myself," General Yong remarked, then left with a smile.

"Fortunately, General Yong understands that the mission is the priority," the Huyang City Lord sighed. "Otherwise, if he fought Luo He before even engaging the Shiguo forces, it would have been a joke."

"General Yong is highly valued by the God King for a reason; he knows what's important," the white-haired elder said with a smile.

In one of Huyang City's critical locations, the Golden Armor Legion was stationed.

A flying boat descended into the camp of the Golden Armor Legion, landing in a building. From the boat emerged five figures: Mo Li Xiao, Mo Li Meng, Luo Feng, and two of his servants.

"The camp of the Golden Armor Legion?" Luo Feng was surprised. "Is this where I need to guard?"

"Yes," Mo Li Xiao replied. "This may seem like just a camp, but it is actually one of Huyang City's restricted areas. On the surface, only one legion is stationed here, but there are actually two hidden Huyang Guard units. With your help, Luo He, this place will be well defended."

Luo Feng looked at the building in front of him and sensed that the deeper parts of the building were much more heavily fortified.

Three figures approached quickly: the general of the Golden Armor Legion and two Huyang Guard commanders.

"Commander," the Golden Armor General and the two Huyang Guard commanders greeted respectfully. They also noticed Mo Li Meng, Luo Feng, and his two servants.

"Luo He will also be stationed here from now on," Mo Li Xiao said. "Continue with the previous plans, and Luo He will have the freedom to move around the camp."

"Yes," the three of them responded.

Luo Feng looked at them, his gaze lingering for a moment on one of the Huyang Guard commanders. This commander was none other than Gao Wu Shui, with whom Luo Feng had a fair bit of interaction.

"Make sure to deliver what you promised, or I'll be heading back," Luo Feng urged.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you're taken care of," Mo Li Xiao said with a smile.

The Golden Armor General and the two Huyang Guard commanders quietly marveled at the situation. The highest-ranking commander of the Huyang Army, who was usually very serious, was now so polite and friendly toward Luo He.

They also understood that even the combined forces of the Golden Armor Legion and the two Huyang Guard units would likely be no match for Luo He. Luo He was clearly the most critical defense at this location.