Twelve – Oliver

Dad whispers through the phone, "Hey, Ollie..."

This doesn't sound good, at all. I knew as soon as my phone rang that it was Dad. No one else calls me.

I stay silent.

"...I think you should come home now." He sounds nervous.

I look over at Calvin. He searches me with his eyes, trying to read my expression and figure the situation out. I pull my phone away from my ear for just a second to read the time. It's only 12AM.

Dad tries again, "She's out cold right now. You could come home. You might get away with it." From the sounds of it, I won't get out of this easily. I don't even think Dad can convince himself that.

"I guess I'll have to," I say, sounding more disappointed than I intended.

He lets out a sigh, "I'm sorry Ollie... I'll see you soon."

"Love you." I hang up.

I don't know how I feel, I'm frustrated, sad and scared all at the same time. My underwear are awkwardly pulled up, halfway off my ass, I probably look like a mess, and I can't help but be self-conscious about it. I look at Calvin, how he's sitting there quietly, the blanket loosely around his waist, his tan chest glowing in the soft candle light. No, no this can't be happening. There's no way this is happening right now. I want die.

He deserves an explanation.

I pull my knees up and drop my head, "I have to go home."

My mood went from the best it's been in a while to the worst. I'm so conflicted, and I'm too angry at myself to find a solution for anything. Calvin moves closer to me. If he's disappointed, he's doing a good job at hiding it. He looks more concerned, but I don't blame him. He knows a lot more about my mum now.

"It's alright." He holds my face with his hands and kisses my forehead, "I understand."

I lean into his touch, "I feel horrible, I keep doing this to you."

"To be fair, it's not your fault. I would gladly blame the phone though," he says light-heartedly. "It seems to be what stops us half the time."

"Or the impending doom of our parents," I add.

He lets out a gentle laugh.

Calvin lets go of my face and goes to get up. I grab his arm with one hand and slip the other behind his neck and pull him into a deep kiss. I push into him and he pushes back. It doesn't last long. We come apart carefully, waiting for the other to fill the silence with some form of solution to this unwanted situation. But nothing arises.

I should've ignored it.

I didn't need to ruin that, I could've let it all play out like I wanted to. I would've faced the consequences just for that. But I can't go back. The mood is completely ruined.

Calvin is watching me carefully. I look at him, i try to say something but all i do is open my mouth before i close it again. The emotions are strangling me. The words I could've said building in the back of my throat.

I try to say something, anything. "Just three more minutes..."

I'm tearing up.

I shuffle my pants back on and do them up. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could tell you how much I wanted that to play out. I want to lay back down, I want to feel Calvin all over me again, but I know leaving now is my best chance. My face still burns from the mix of intense feelings and caffeine. I know what he wanted, and I wouldn't have stopped him from taking it.

I'm so frustrated with myself. I lay back, grabbing handfuls of my hair. What if I stayed here? Mum has work tomorrow, we can sleep in Calvin's car, and I'll get home tomorrow. All I have to do is call Dad and say so, I know he won't stop me. But I shouldn't.

I could cry right now.

Calvin rubs a hand on my stomach as comfort. He slips my sweater up a bit and leans down to kiss me just above the waistband of my jeans. It almost feels like a promise, that we'll get our chance again. I loosen up a bit, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry."

I feel his gentle smile curve against my skin. He picks his head up and pulls my sweater back into place. "You don't have to be. We have plenty of time."

I nod. He's right, if I get home okay now, then I'll be able to see him as much as I want to. With added caution.

Calvin starts to pack up and hands me what's left of my drink. I don't hesitate to swirl then skull the rest of it. He looks me with extreme disappointment drawn across his features, I wink at him and he can't help but laugh. At least it's not awkward.

After we finish packing up the date that was cut short, Calvin wraps a blanket around my shoulders and leads me back to the car. The moon is high now, bathing the entire field in grey light. The moonlight painted wisps of grass sway in the chilled breeze. We disappear into the dark forest cover, tracking our way back to the fence. Calvin gestures for me to go through and picks the ends of the draping blanket up as if it were a grown or a veil, helping me along and stopping it from getting caught on the wire.

I feel sluggish. Not even Calvin's special treatment or the remanence of the caffeine can pick my mood up. He unlocks the car and I let myself in, trying to avoid contact with the cold seat by snuggling up in the blanket. He slips into the driver side and starts the car, putting the Mercedes into reverse letting it slowly roll back towards the road.

Once we hit the road again, he swings the car around and drives towards the more populated part of the Middle. We leave the coverage of the trees behind and the car is flooded by sliver light. I turn the music up slowly until it's blaring, trying to distract myself, and Calvin drops the windows. He looks over to me briefly, slipping a hand between my thighs and winks at me. Then he floors it. The Mercedes growls lowly beneath us, sending a contagious, electric buzz through my body as we speed down the abandoned road. Of course, Calvin always knows just how to make anything exciting.

Wind rushes past us, nipping at my cheeks and leaving them brushed pink from the cold. I look over at Calvin. He has one arm holding the bottom of the steering wheel while the other hand remains tucked between my legs. His hair is messed up from our make-out session and the harsh wind, and his eyes look calm and content, reflecting the gentle silver moonlight.

He looks sideways at me and smiles, "We should do that again sometime."

"And hopefully not get interrupted this time," I say with a huff.

Calvin watches me amusedly, probably pleased with the way I'm reacting after being ripped from his touch. He seems to enjoy that, making me sexually frustrated or conflicted. I mean, he does a good job of it, even if I do really hate it at times.

When we hit the city again, Calvin slows the car down, rolls the windows up and puts the heater on by my request.

He squeezes my thigh, "I can drive you all the way back to the Lower-class station if you want. It's pretty late after all."

"You don't have to do that Calvin," I say, shaking my head.

We hit a red light and he looks over at me, contemplating my answer. He's obviously not going to accept it. He knows that my situation could be more serious than I'm making it out to be, so he decides himself, "Hmm, actually I do."

Before I can respond, the light turns green and he speeds ahead, down the path that would take you out to the Lower-class gate. I shake my head at his theatrics and hide my smile in the blanket.

The trip doesn't last very long. Calvin and I sit in the car, pulled up in a park outside of the Lower-class station. I don't want to move. I want to drive around all night, exploring the night, exploring our desires. Anything but this. I refuse to leave him. The consequences of my actions will not stop me from giving my everything to the rest of this night, making the most of my time with Calvin, because I don't know when I'll get this chance again. I want to stay with him,

Calvin looks over at my sulky figure. He undoes his seatbelt then reaches over and undoes mine. He leans across the centre console, bringing his lips to mine. The kiss is desperate, desperate for more time, more touch, more of each other. Neither of us want to leave and that's obvious.

He breaks our kiss, leaving barely millimetres between us. "Come on… if you're really desperate for me, we always have tomorrow," Calvin runs his thumb across my lips, "and who knows what we could get up to in a whole day."

I know he's just teasing me for fun, but I can't help but hope that he intends exactly what I think he means.

I kissed him one last time. "I promise we will continue later."

"You keep saying that," Calvin smirks.

I drop my voice to a whisper, "I know, but I really mean it this time."

"I hope you do."

I checked my phone, it's been almost half an hour since dad called, but luckily he hasn't called again.

"Oliver, I…" I look over at Calvin and he stops, "Goodbye, Oliver Night."

I untangle myself from the blanket, leaving it on the seat, open the door and climb out. "Goodbye Calvin Wood," I say with a wink.

Then we go our separate ways...

But I didn't know that would be the last time I'd see Calvin.