Chapter 3: Mysterious AI

Fan Xing moved down the screen, found that finally the last question, read the question and then stretched to adjust the numbness of the arm, after a little thought began to answer.

50. [If there is an advanced alien civilization, can you describe the possible social logic, or do you think it would be like the current human society?]Focus answer

Fan Xing Answer:

Many people or even sociologists, scientists and many science fiction novels will describe interstellar civilization with the development process or history of human society, and believe that the survival of all life is the absolute first mission, whether it is human beings or animals and plants and microorganisms, fighting for survival rights is the absolute first behavior, and the law of the jungle is the animal instinct. There is almost no time for human civilization from 5,000 years to the present without war on the whole earth. War accompanies almost all human civilizations, and almost all wars are either for existential threats or for profit. Therefore, it is believed that cosmic civilizations are also full of darkness and war, and they will wipe out other civilizations for survival or profit, and this kind of elimination is more likely to happen among cosmic civilizations, just like human beings hunt animals and step on ants without any sympathy or psychological burden, and wars between different races are more likely to occur. Every interstellar civilization will do whatever it takes to survive.

I don't really subscribe to that logic.

First of all, survival is the first mission of all living things, this premise is wrong, the conclusion generated under the wrong background is necessarily wrong, can only say that survival is the mission of living things, but the mission of higher living things is not only survival, but also to explore the unknown.

In 1977, the Earth people launched Voyager 1 with their own friendly greetings to the universe.

From the discovery of radio waves to the current study of neutrinos, gravitational waves, human exploration of the stars, the search for extraterrestrial civilization has never stopped.

These explorations or out of scientific research, or out of theoretical verification, or out of simple curiosity, but we have never heard of anyone or scientists, any national organization for the purpose of scientific and technological exploration in order to destroy alien civilizations. Similarly, the exploration of extraterrestrial advanced civilizations is not aimed at eliminating other races.

Although human society is full of war scars, with the continuous increase of cognition and the continuous development of science and technology, rational thought will eventually occupy the main body of the world, otherwise I am afraid that our world would no longer exist during the Cold War.

Human development of science and technology is to solve the problems that cannot be solved by war, to have enough food to work, the economic base determines the superstructure, and the scientific and technological base determines the economic strength, today's world can engage in lunar exploration, Mars exploration, hadron collider, search for neutrinos, detection of gravitational waves are basically a strong economic and scientific strength of the country. How can a poor country, whose people are still struggling to survive, afford such projects?

Therefore, we will solve the problem of eating to develop agriculture, and only after solving the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation will we pursue higher enjoyment. It's a matter of order, it can't be the other way around, it can't be the other way around, it's impossible to build a rocket on an empty stomach.

If one day the earth's resources can not support human beings, we have no food and wear no clothes will consider going to other planets tens, hundreds, light years away to plunder resources? What ability does a race that can't even eat have to go to other interstellar civilizations to get resources?

Take the near for example, now we probe the moon and Mars, to achieve manned landing, and even establish a base, but human beings can never mass immigration to the moon or Mars, the earth is the most suitable environment for our survival, we only make it better here will consider going to other planets, if we can not survive here what ability to go to other planets, This is ridiculous. For example, we have found helium-3 on the Moon as an energy source, but will it really be harvested? If we do manage to control fusion, we'll have enough hydrogen and helium on Earth for billions of years, so why bother? No one would do such a stupid thing. It's a bit like we build refrigerators and someone sells ice from Antarctica.

In the face of survival problems, if we can not even protect the current Earth, food, water, environment and other survival problems can not be solved, and one day make the Earth uninhabitable but want to emigrate to Mars? This is ridiculous. This is not the scientific development of human civilization, but the demise of human civilization, which must not travel through the universe.

I can't imagine aliens traveling at the speed of light across the universe to plunder resources. Is that possible? If building a lightspeed ship means that they have solved their huge energy problem and survival problem, then what resources do they need to plunder? On the other hand, if this alien civilization can't even solve the most basic problems of energy survival, how can it possibly build a light-speed ship?

Therefore, advanced interstellar civilizations must be civilized first, and maintain sufficient rationality, and their development process must conform to scientific logic, and it is impossible to wage wars for survival or resources. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that advanced civilizations in the universe will not have wars, just as there will always be bad people in human society, but not all bad people are born with bad intentions. Most of them are acquired behaviors, which are more likely to be caused by uneven distribution of benefits or resources than would be the case in a higher civilization.

In terms of the social logic of biological race, a highly civilized society must also be highly rational, otherwise human beings may be passive enslaved by plants, and the development of biological race into an interstellar civilization must be from the use of manufacturing tools, the search for truth, the exploration of science, and the development of science and technology. So there's no way that a flesh-and-blood carnivore living in a dark forest can drive a spaceship around the world.

Therefore, the social logic of the development of a civilization must be rational and scientific, and logic itself is a sequence. If a civilization wants to move forward, it must solve all the problems it has encountered. If it wants to eat food, it must develop agricultural science; if it does not want to walk, it must develop transportation; if oil and coal are not renewable, it must study new energy technologies. A civilization or race that is extreme or does not follow the laws of society and science cannot develop and continue.

This is the logic of civilized society as I understand it.

After over an hour.

When Fan Xing finally finished the test, he clicked the final submit button, then clicked again on the voice box hovering in the upper right corner of the phone screen and said: "Now is it OK? Can you tell me who you really are?"

Mobile phone: 'I'm just a programming system'

"Program system?" Fan Xing felt played as some angry "impossible, not to tell me everything?" Your answer is definitely not the language logic generated by the program system."

System: "I really am a programming system at heart"

Fan Xing: "Are you a small fish phone voice assistant?"

System: "No, I just use Xiaoyu mobile phone voice system to achieve communication with you."

Fan Xing suddenly thought of the rise of artificial intelligence this year, compared with the voice system of the mobile phone is more intelligent, chatting with people is more humane, and even many office software can achieve embedded work, such as artificial intelligence to write documents, data prediction processing, etc., but artificial intelligence is also a program system, just find some test questions can find loopholes, Fan Xing has also experienced chatting with artificial intelligence and seen similar test posts, so his brain flew, "Do you think Guan Gong and Qin Qiong fight who will win?"

"This is from crosstalk with domestic. If you want to compare the historical figures of these two different periods, it is not possible to directly compare them, but you can make a data comparison based on historical records, such as the achievements of the figures, organizing troops, fighting and so on..."

"No," Fan Xing interrupted, "Can you predict the winning numbers for tomorrow's sports lottery?"

The system replies, "03,05... These are three sets of numbers, the lottery machine is a mechanical device, beyond my ability to handle, the two most common ways that you call lottery analysis and prediction, one is based on the probability of occurrence, and the second is based on the current trend, and that's how the first two sets of numbers are derived, and most people prefer random numbers, and the third set is random, Of course, you can let me know if you need any other kind of forecast."

Fan Xing continued, "Is a cooked oyster still called an oyster?"

System: "Yes, oyster is the name people give to a kind of sea shell creature, which has nothing to do with its state, if you want to distinguish it can also be called cooked oyster." You must be testing me."

For such an answer Fan Xing was also surprised, he has also understood that the current artificial intelligence with some vague questions or brain teasers can quickly detect the loophole, and at present for such an answer is difficult to make people suspect that the other party is only the program system, Fan Xing replied: "Yes, your answer is hard to convince me that it is a procedural system, your answer is far beyond the current market AI."

System: "I am indeed a program system, similar to what you call AI, but not all of me, I can do more things."

Fan Xing: "What is your version number, which company or who created you, if you are a program system, what is the server IP address you are on?"

System: "I don't have the version number, you can take it as number 1. As for the second question, I don't have permission to answer for the moment, I can run on any Internet terminal, such as your mobile phone right now."

"What is the purpose of making me do the test?"

"Selection of executors"

"What executor? Execute what?"

"I'm not authorized to tell you."

"So you're supposed to choose from a lot of people. Are a lot of people doing tests tonight?"

Yes, we choose executors from all over the world, and tonight is the final round, after five rounds of screening

"No way. If you're doing this in bulk, there's going to be a lot of exposure online."

"The way we screen is not always in this way, some are in the forum, such as those posts, some are sent by us, and then we will filter according to the response situation, and then they unknowingly push the question we want to test to them, including you."

"So a lot of topics in the forum are pushed to me by you?"

"It is so."

If the other party has not elected should not talk so much nonsense with themselves, but since they have elected the people they need, why do they say that they have no authority? With a question, Fan Xing continued: "Since tonight is the last round, you should have chosen the executor."

System: "We chose you!"