Chapter 12: No other choice, must be accepted!

After a few cups of tea, Fan Xing's mind returned to the task: even if everything the system said before was right, how could they guarantee that I would carry out their task? And contrary to what I had expected, I thought they would try to coerce me into doing the job with benefits or other threats, but now it seems that they don't care: "I still don't understand why you chose me? Even if I get the injection, I can still choose not to carry out your plan. What can you do?"

System: "I can't answer your question directly, but I'm sure you will." Have you ever thought about what you would have done, or had any dreams, I mean without meeting me, without all this time, back in the beginning, before you did any tests."

Fan Xing's thoughts went back to the past: "At that time, I earned ten thousand yuan a month, even if it was ordinary in this city, I didn't think about doing anything spectacular in the past, if I met someone I liked, and then bought a house, a car, and then gave birth to a few children, my life would have passed, and that was it."

System: "So if there is no task, I can still help you, what will you do?"

Fan Xing: "Maybe just like now, you can buy a luxury car and a big house, enjoy life, and then travel to the world."

System: "Then what?"

Fan Xing was confused: "Then?"

System: "You want to enjoy life can, I can give you spend endless money, you can lie in a mansion every day to eat delicacies, 10 years, 100 years, and then what?" ;

You want to travel, go to the world, can also, 10 years, 100 years, you can go to every inch of the world, you can also visit every ocean in the world, then what? ;

You want fame and money, you can, even if you do not make money through finance, the technology inside the host can also let you earn endless wealth, let you become the greatest scientist, the money earned for hundreds of years, thousands of years can not be spent, and then?

You want power, I can help you, whether it is by force or by relying on technology or even economic means, any country in this world, whether it is poor or backward now, can become a dominant world in a few decades, and then? ;

If you want to live an ordinary life in seclusion, you can find a small mountain village with beautiful scenery, work at sunrise and end at sunset, you can live for 10 years, but can you stick to the same life there for 100 years? And then what? ;

You have a long time to do all these things in just a few decades, and then what else do you want to do?"

Fan Xing: "Yeah, what do I want to do? It's like none of this is interesting."

System: "What was the origin of the world? What is the end of time? What is the edge of the universe? The pursuit of the final answer may be your only meaning..."

Looking at the traffic downstairs, looking at the ebb and flow of the distant sea, looking at the loss of time in a hurry, Fan Xing fell into meditation: 10 years later, I may have affection, love, my own children, friends, I can get a career, fame and even rights... And then what?

Ahh... My parents left me after 30 years, love and friendship left him after 50 years, and his children left him after 100 years. 500 years. A thousand years... And then what?

Ahh... Power and fame have no meaning to me, relatives, friends around all the people I know will become memories. It'll be a blur in 3,000, 5,000 years. None of it meant anything to him.

And then what? What am I left with? If you really can live forever, then only one person alone to the end of time, the end of time.

Yes, perhaps the only meaning is to reach the end of time as a witness to history, the end of time, the edge of the universe, the origin of the world - is the ultimate answer that countless scientists have pursued throughout their lives: what is the truth of the world, and one day he may not be a scientist, but he will definitely be one who pursues the answer.

"Ha ha! So you don't care about giving me all your money and technical information."

System: "Test questions You will remember that our tests for selecting executors are not just about intelligence and ability, otherwise we would simply select the smartest scientists to work with." It is your attitude towards power, fame, interests, and your world view values that define you."

Fan Xing was once again surprised by the system, it actually knew what they were thinking, can only sigh in the heart: even this step has been calculated.

System: "So we believe that you will, and just as you ultimately chose to inject the drug, you will ultimately choose to perform the mission."

Fan Xing's thoughts pull back to the earlier time, why would he choose to inject drugs, is afraid of such things in the hands of others? The Art of War said: soldiers, the great event of the country, must not miss, today's advanced technology is the great event of the country.

Whether it is the system or the content of the host is absolutely important, such things regardless of whether they are useful must be in their own hands, so they choose to inject drugs, then the task? If you stand in their point of view to think about the problem, their own demise, then how can the other side be sure to carry out the task?

Suddenly Fan Xing seemed to think of something and only felt frightened.

Fan Xing has another question in mind: The system has given him the same feeling of friends from beginning to end, but can there really be friendship between different races? But he can't ask the system this question because the answer is already given in his mind:

Moral sentiment is the most useless thing any race has when it comes to survival. In their plans can never be less than the plan to occupy the earth, life and death in front of the choice of everything is ash, human history in order to survive without its extreme deeds countless, light murder arson, heavy blood rivers.

How about different races facing death threats? People who are not my kind will have different hearts, just as we lift our feet to kill ants, without any guilt.

The thought of these Fan Xing is terrifying. No, whether it is or not, I must accept the plan. And do everything you can to make it happen. Regardless of whether we can achieve what they call the second-order civilization, it is right to at least use their technology to improve the level of human science and technology. If our level of science and technology is equal to theirs, or even let us be ahead of them, even if there will be a conflict in the future, then we can protect ourselves at the very least.

So, I have no other choice but to accept this plan and implement it as soon as possible.

Thinking about these Fan Xing cast all doubts out of his mind: "You're right, I will accept this plan... But there are two more requirements."

"You say"

"If you want to get a place on Earth for a second level civilization technology, I can't promise you that," Fan Xing also thought: If he answered yes or agreed to such a request, then there must be something wrong with the whole plan, they did all this in order to seek survival, and my request directly broke their life, the normal answer should be dissatisfaction and questions, if he shows a perfunctory or agree, it must be superficial, they are tolerating, Superficial perfunctory and forbearance must be in order to hide the greater conspiracy behind, we must always guard against it.

"... Why?"

The system answered with a question, and Fan Xing was relieved to hear the answer: "We have 8 billion people in the world, I live in a socialist country, land belongs to the state, not a piece of land belongs to me personally, so I can't promise, but if it comes to that day, you can openly and fairly collect land from the world, you can lease or buy it, I can't represent the world, I can't decide for other countries."


Fan Xing: "In addition to the above ways, I actually have two ways to solve the problem of your survival in the solar system."

"What way? If it works, that would be great."

Fan Xing: "The Moon and Mars, I think if we reach that level of technology, it should be very easy to build a large moon base, or a Mars base, even transforming Mars is not a problem"

"It's really a viable option."

Fan Xing: "Well, the second requirement, there is a small question before saying the second requirement, you are really a system?"


Fan Xing: "That is, you must follow my instructions unconditionally"

"Well, my existence has only two tasks, the first task is to serve the executor, and the second task is to decrypt the scientific and technical data in the host."

Fan Xing: "Do you have any plan for the execution of the mission?"

"No, if it works, you're the plan for the whole mission."

Fan Xing: "OK"... I don't really have a plan.

Fan Xing: "By the way, I can't keep calling you a system or something, it is a little embarrassing outside, so, according to our name you are there whale, and the voice system of this mobile phone is also called little fish students, then you will be called little fish, or little fish students in the future."

"Yes, Master."


During the holiday, Fan Xing was thinking about how to execute the plan, but he really could not think of a good way. Although he had seen the technical data stored in the host, he was an ordinary person, so that he suddenly became a master of all kinds of technology, and then created a variety of companies.

Of course, these days of thinking is not without a clue, that is, for the development of a civilization, he himself has also expressed similar problems in the test question, development must conform to rational scientific laws.

No one is hungry to think about building a moon base or terraforming Mars. The accurate expression should be that the economic base determines the superstructure, and today's economic development in the world is very uneven, many countries have begun to engage in space exploration, but there are still many places where people can not even eat, and even some places are living the life of primitive tribes, it is ridiculous that people are also beautified to protect the primitive tribal culture, which is what culture. It's no different than watching a monkey in a zoo.

In the first stage, we must rely on the power of science and technology to solve the basic demands of human life -- clothing, food, housing and transportation.

In the second stage, we should consider the global industrialization process. There have been three obvious industrial revolutions in human history, and the fourth industrial Revolution has been quietly set off. Each change means to redistribute the cake of the world, but such a change is bound to set off a bloody storm. So this kind of thing can not be avoided, it is useless to think too much, the car will come to the mountain.

The third stage is to sprint science and technology, as for whether it can reach the second-order civilization of the system, Fan Xing does not care at all, and even hopes that the best can not reach this stage.

Of course, there is another stage, that is, the development of force technology. Although the view expressed in the test question is that advanced civilization is a rational group, the 5,000 years of history Fan Xing has learned from Hua xia tells him how important force is. Although the country also pursues a policy of no hegemony, no expansion and no aggression, the heart of preventing people is indispensable.

Although thinking about a lot of problems and programs, in fact, Fan Xing is still very idle during the few days of the holiday, although he is not willing to work for a lifetime, but there is no big ideal, and now the realization of wealth freedom has everything but feel empty in the heart, during which I also want to go out to play. But driving in the crowded coastal avenue for a long time, then lost interest, so as soon as the holiday ended, I came to the company early to work.

In order to facilitate communication with the small fish system in daily work and life, and not attract attention, Fan Xing also specially customized a set of Bluetooth headphones, because it does not need to listen to songs, so it does not need a good sound quality environment, and to maintain sound recognition of the external environment, so it can only wear headphones in one ear often, so order a set of headphones in which two are right ear headphones. This can achieve a long time of standby, but also let Xiaoyu modify the standby mode of the headset program, since a long time no matter what Fan Xing always do the image of one ear with headphones.

Fan Xing works in an innovative industrial park. In recent years, the government has encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship, and many cities have such entrepreneurial parks. The government invests in or invites investment to build parks, and then attracts companies to settle in.

In recent years, in response to the call of Guangyang City, there are more than ten new entrepreneurial parks, which are relatively remote in the urban area and equivalent to traditional office buildings, so only some innovation, technology, network, trade and other companies attract investment.

While many of the suburban areas of the city are production-oriented enterprises, the innovation park cannot provide production sites, and some companies in the downtown office buildings are not willing to come here at all. Coupled with some investment restrictions, the actual occupancy rate here is not high.

Fan Xing was also considering the rent is relatively low to come here, in fact, not remote Fan Xing does not care, anyway, he does not catch 9 to 5, wake up to work, want to go anytime.

Originally Fan Xing rented only a two-room office, one as a temporary warehouse to receive goods, the other inside is his own office, a tea table, a computer desk, and then want to recruit people when they rented a four-room office.

Park operators are happy to see this kind of thing, many office decoration is empty is also empty, rent out can have money, so in Fan Xing want to change the office when the park staff are to help move, originally also toward trouble, half a day to do it, for fear of regret like.

Things are handed over to others to do, a few days down to work Fan Xing sat in the office bored

Little fish

"Yes, Master."

"Can you tell me something about your history?"

"Yes, the historical records in host's stored information span 8.3 billion years, from the Age of paleontology, the Age of Middle Life, the Age of modern life, the Age of ancient humans, the Age of Issa Ancient civilization..."

Little fish is still introduced, Fan Xing thought in his heart: biological origin, ancient society does not mean anything, should be similar to the earth, ancient social civilization is nothing more than the country king city mutual invasion also does not mean anything, then interrupted the dialogue of small fish: "Biological origin, ancient civilization also does not mean anything, and I should be much the same, Um... Why don't you tell me about the helium flash?"

System: "OK. All Issa history in the host history archive has been recompiled, the history after ancient civilizations for the convenience of the executor to understand that we are compiled according to Earth civilization, in fact in a similar way to the Earth story."

"OK, a story? Anyway, it's good to be idle and listen."