"Lucian!" He heard the little excited voice of a little boy about ten years of age and turned to the direction he was running from, the little boy suddenly hugged his long legs.

"Hello, Vincent," Lucian said smirking.

"Lucian, Odin told me you just arrived,"

"Now did he?" Lucian asked playfully.

"Yes, I have missed you" Vincent said innocently "You have been gone for two days" Vincent said sad.

"Am back now, little one," Lucian Pat his head "How are you?"

"Have been good," Vincent smiled at him "Sister wouldn't even play with me when you left,She said she didn't have time for petty little kids," Vincent said with a sad smile on his pretty face, Lucian bent down to match his height.

"Well that is like Selene now, isn't it? Am here now so you shouldn't be sad and am sure she is boring, Little one," He grinned thinking of his annoying and spoilt sister. "Now you must excuse me, for I want to go meet Father," He said getting up "Go play now," Vincent nodded and ran off while Lucian stood smiling before he turned and left.

He soon arrived by a big double door where two guards stood with taunt face,they bowed on seeing him.

"Welcome back, Your highness!" They both greeted while he smiled at them.

"Nice being back home," He sighed "I would like to see the King," he said.

"Oh yes, Your highness," The first guy trailed.

"But he is busy right now, Sire... If you could come back a little later," The other guard said still bowing his head.

"That is none of my concern, if he is busy or not," Lucian said grinning at both of them "Now would you get the fuck out of my way or should I make you pay first then help myself inside,"he said in a very cool tone and watched how the guards eyes widen.

"We are sorry sir! Please..." They said as they opened the door and allowed him in.

"Good guards," He grinned as he walked in,he first stood, The chamber was really big and spacious,it had high ceilings which held a chandelier in between it, The chamber was all gold but then his ear picked on a moan of a woman, his gaze then shifted to look at the also gold master bed, on it he could clearly see his father being attended to by women, at least three, as he kissed and they were naked and one of them just ran her hands all over his body, one of them caught sight of him and gasped, the others turned and did same as Lucian just watched and grinned, he saw his Father's movement slowly stop and he turned to see his son,he was a middle-aged man with black hair with streak of white hairs, he was handsome too, he frowned.

"Lucian," Delcrov said annoyed that he interrupted him, Delcrov turned to the women "Leave us!" He commanded and they all took a piece of clothing and ran out half naked.

"Father!" Lucian bowed sarcastically and soon raised his head sensing his father's angry gaze on him "And I am truly sorry for interrupting you when you seem to be having so much fun and enjoying it too," Lucian grinned and Delcrov who knew his son only sighed.

"We need to talk," He said getting off from the bed and putting on his robe round his body, he moved to sit on his throne like seat while Lucian sat on the sofa opposite him, still smiling, he saw his father press a button and soon a maid came walking in.

"Get us tea, blood tea-"Lucian interrupted his father.

"No father," He said "Actually I am too exhausted for blood tea after that amusing journey, Maidy why don't you get me just blood," she bowed and left, all the while she had been bowing.

"So, Father?" He said impatiently like he had somewhere to be or some other things to do.

"You don't have to hurry me, Lucian. Rosaline can wait, she isn't going nowhere," Delcrov said frowning.

"You know me too well Father," He grinned thinking of the person named Rosaline.

"What I have to discuss with you is very important, Lucian, I and your mother have already discussed about it and we have decided," Delcrov finally started and saw his son grinned wickedly up at him.

"Talking behind my back," He chuckled "Fine! Decided what? And talked about what exactly?" He questioned waiting.

"Rosaline have been married to you for five years now," he paused.

Lucian smiled, Yes he is married and to Rosaline, a woman he loved and cherished, he couldn't wait to get out of here and be with her again, tho she might be spoilt and unkind at times but he still loved her for her fierceness and the fire she had in her which people feared alot, and whenever they were in bed, she showed him that fire, he could remember clearly her smooth skin, her milky breast on his chest, her silky blonde hair, her.....

"Lucian?" His father called "Are you listening?" Delcrov sighed and continued "You have been married to her for five years now and she hasn't been able to produce an heir, this can't continue like this as you know, so your mother and I have decided to get you married again and we have already put our plans to act," He finally ended while staring at Lucian who had just stopped smiling and was wearing a death stare.

"Which one of you decided on this?" Lucian asked coldly.

"Both your mother and I," Delcrov said frowning.

"My mother?" Lucian questioned with a mischievous smile "My mother is long dead,"He said calmly as Delcrov slammed his fist on the arm of the throne and glared at Lucian.

"You know what I mean, son. Lucia is now your mother and we aren't going through this argument again!" He snapped at him.

"Oh yes," Lucian grinned "I almost forgot,I have a step mother now-"

"Your mother, Lucian!" Delcrov glared.

"Sorry," Lucian smirked wickedly "But you both should have known better when you started discussing it that I am never going to get married again, No matter what the situation is. Rosaline is all I want and have and will always have alone.... No other woman,".

"Well I have decided and you will be getting married," Delcrov snapped at him "Listen son, I never said you can't choose any woman you want, infact there would be lots of women on that very day, you just need one to bare a child for you, don't be a fool in love to not know the important things!".

"So you have decided on it the Father?" Lucian grinned from ear to ear.

"I have Lucian, And I never said you couldn't be with Rosaline, just that you will need to have another bride, Son. She would bare you a child," Delcrov sighed "All your mother and I wanted for you is the best,".

"Fine!" Lucian got up smiling "Is that all then, Father?"

"There is going to be a ball," His father started again "In the next seven days, all eligible maiden is to attend, you would pick a bride, be it human, werewolf, vampire or pure blooded vampire, whichever it is you want,".

"Okay then," He turned and left his Father's chamber smirking.

Sabrina got back from the library by noon, she freshened up and picked up a book she bought from the library to start reading, she noticed her mother was not in the house, she must have gone to a friend's house, Sabrina thought going back to her reading, minutes later the door bursts open and Sarphina walked in, excited.

"Mother?" Sabrina said as she stared at her grinning mother.

"Mother is something the matter?"

"My dear, What could be the matter?" Sarphina asked back grinning "Who would have known and you didn't even bother telling me, tho you knew, what a daughter I have! God!" Sarphina glared at her daughter.

"I don't understand, Mother," Sabrina replied confused.

"Hannah told me about the ball," she said simply and Sabrina sighed, oh no she thought, Now that her Mother knew,she knew she would never let her hear the last of it.

"Gosh, Sabrina why did you not tell me earlier,it is such a big thing, how could it skip your mind!" Her mother kept ranting.

"Am sorry Mother... I guess I didn't find it important or necessary to tell it," Sabrina said hoping her Mother would let go of it but watch her mother's eye widen in shock.

"How could you say that!" Sarphina snapped "Of course it's important and it's very as a matter of fact. You would be attending as the other maiden, with the best of clothing-"

"No, Mother," Sabrina interrupted her mother "I won't,".

Sarphina's excitement died down and she frowned,"What do you mean?" She asked coldly.

"Mother, please, I do not wish to attend the ball, I do not wish to get married to the prince, I don't-"

"Hold it!" Sarphina snapped glaring at her daughter "You ungrateful little brat!" Sabrina shook with the sudden outrage of her mother, she so knew things were gonna turn out like this and she so knew how it's gonna end, Sabrina thought worriedly.

"Do you want to forever live in poverty, in this shack of a house, huh?!" Sarphina yelled, glaring "Getting the attention of the prince would enable you riches, and not only you, I too. We wouldn't have to live in the poor village anymore, don't you think, Sabrina?".

"But how sure are you mother that he would choose me, they are going to be lots of maidens over there that day, he could choose anyone,".

"Which is why you have to stand out more and go, you never can tell what would happen," Sarphina sighed "Young lady you would be going and that is my final decision, do you understand me?" No problem, if she wants her to go then she would, all she had to do was stay out of the prince's sight, If he doesn't see her , all would be well and it's not that there won't be other pretty ladies there too and she was glad her mother won't be there too, so all is well, she sighed.

"Sabrina?" Her mother called jolting her to reality.

"Yes Mama," Sabrina finally replied with her head bowed.

In a very spacious and attractive bedroom, painted ash and black, where the master size bed was all black, in the bed layed Lucian and on his bare chest rested the blonde haired, Rosaline, who was exoctically beautiful with light glowing skin, round face, plump red lips and deep red eyes, she was a pure blooded vampire too, she was naked as Lucian slowly ran his hand on her full pale breast and she moaned and lifted to kiss his chin.

"I have so missed you, Rose," Lucian whispered in her ear and she smiled sweetly.

"I missed you too, Lucian," She said in a soft and sweet voice, then there was silence between them.

"What is it?" Lucian asked noticing her reluctance to speak.

"Hmm, is it true, Lucian?" She questioned and got up , resting her elbow on the surface of the bed and staring into his eyes.

"Are you going to get married again, to some other woman?" Rosaline hated the thought of sharing Lucian with any bitch!.

"It is, Rose," He replied calmly as he turned to look at her "Father is going to force me into it, dear, but you should know that you would always be the only one in my heart,".

"Yes but I don't wish to share you with any bitch, Lucian," She said frowning "How could father do that? Just because I haven't been able to bare you a son?" She said sadly.

"You don't need to worry, Rose. I am all yours and only yours and who knows before the day arrives we might be able to get you pregnant," He said grinning and she did too.

"So instead of wasting time by talking," he paused as he pulled her closer to himself, letting her soft breast touch his bare chest, as he stared into her eyes and continued, "We should be trying to make a baby or two, don't you think, my love?" He smirked as he bent to capture her lips in his.

Sabrina sat in Mrs Hawkins house with her mother beside her, she didn't dare sit unladylike, also beside her Elena sat too, as they sipped from their tea cups.

"My dear, Elena have been excited since she heard of it," Hannah smiled turning to look at her daughter, then at Sarphina .

"I bet she is but the same can't be said for my ungrateful daughter," Sarphina glared at her.

"Mother....," Sabrina said feeling embarrassed as Hannah turned to look at her.

"That can't be true, is it Sabrina?" Hannah asked her, shocked.

"It is, mother," Elena added "Sabrina isn't thrilled with the idea of going to the celebration,".

"But you should be!" Hannah exclaimed "I mean every maiden can't wait for that day, why don't you want to? I mean you are very beautiful, you could be chosen," Hannah said.

"Am sure there would be other pretty ladies too, I shouldn't get my hopes too high-"

"Nonsense!" Hannah exclaimed "He could pick you or Elena, anything could happen, you would live a life full of luxury,"


"Keep quiet, Sabrina!" Her mother warned glaring at her "You would be attending and that is final, I don't want to hear another word on it, understand?" She spoke coldly.

"Crystal clear," Sabrina replied sadly, Elena noticing the tense atmosphere spoke,

"Why don't we go out, Sabrina?" She winked at her.

"Sure. Can we, mother?" Sabrina asked her mother who nodded.

"Stay away from trouble," She said as they watch them leave.

"Sabrina is an angel," Hannah said smiling as Elena and Sabrina walked out of the living room and Sarphina grinned.

"Am blessed to have her," She smiled.

"You are, she is very pretty, a rare one, she takes after you, I can see that clearly-"

"And her father," Sarphina added deep in thought.

"He must have been a hunk, Sarphina?" Hannah questioned smiling.

"He was," Sarphina replied, not liking the fact that they were speaking about her dead husband, she frowned.

"I thought the prince was married a long time ago, Hannah, why another wedding?" Sarphina asked frowning.

"Don't tell anyone about what I am about to reveal to you, alright?"Hannah said in a hush tone as Sarphina stared at her in wonderment.

"I won't," She said.

"My husband who works as the King's Coachman said he over heard maids speaking of the fact that there is going to be another wedding because, the prince wife couldn't conceive," Hannah said whispering into Sarphina's ear, whose eyes widen.

"What!" She said supprised "She can't give birth!!".