Chapter 6. The trap is set

Lucifer's disappearance left the Creator and the Archangels with a sense of foreboding. They knew that Lucifer's determination to pursue his own path would lead to devastating consequences.

"We must act quickly," Michael said, his voice firm with urgency. "Lucifer will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."

"I fear we are already too late," Gabriel replied, his eyes filled with concern. "Lucifer's influence spreads like a cancer, corrupting all in its path."


Meanwhile, on Earth, Michaelis, had just slaughtered the occult group who were performing their rituals, now, the Angel of Death, stood tall, his eyes fixed on his latest target - Vepar, a powerful demon who had been terrorizing a small town in the mortal realm.

"You're a hard demon to find, Vepar," Michaelis said, his voice dripping with malice. "But now that I've found you, you'll pay for your sins."

Vepar sneered, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent. "You're no match for me, Angel of Death. I have the power of Lucifer behind me."

Michaelis smiled, his sword flashing in the dim light. "We'll see about that."

The battle raged on, with Michaelis and Vepar exchanging blows in a flurry of steel and claw. But as the fight intensified, Michaelis began to feel a strange, creeping sensation - as if he was being watched, manipulated.

Suddenly, Vepar spoke up, his voice dripping with mockery. "You're so predictable, Angel of Death. You think you're fighting me, but really, you're fighting Lucifer's plan."

Michaelis' eyes narrowed, his grip on his sword tightening. "What are you talking about?"

Vepar laughed, the sound sending shivers down Michaelis' spine. "Lucifer has set a trap for you, Angel of Death. And you're walking right into it."

Michaelis' heart skipped a beat as he realized the truth. He knew he had to be cautious, but he also couldn't resist the opportunity to eliminate Vepar and bring one step closer to defeating Lucifer.

With renewed determination, Michaelis launched himself at Vepar, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks. But as the fight reached its climax, Michaelis felt the trap spring shut around him.

A dark, swirling portal opened up behind Vepar, revealing a horde of demons waiting in the wings. Michaelis knew he was outnumbered, outmatched.

And then, a voice spoke up, echoing in Michaelis' mind. "Welcome, Angel of Death. I've been waiting for you."

Michaelis turned to face the speaker, his heart sinking as he saw Lucifer standing before him, a triumphant smile spreading across his face.

"You should have stayed out of this, Angel of Death," Lucifer said, his voice dripping with malice. "Now, you'll never leave this place alive."

Lucifer's smile grew wider as he gestured to the six high-ranking demons standing behind him. "My friends, please, take care of the Angel of Death. I have a special fate in store for him."

The demons, each with their own unique twisted features, stepped forward, their eyes burning with malevolent intent. Michaelis recognized them as the infamous "Six Scourges of Hell": Baal, Agares, Valefor, Vassago, Bune, and Berith.

"You're not taking me alive," Michaelis snarled, his sword flashing in the dim light.

Baal, the leader of the Six Scourges, sneered. "We'll see about that."

The battle raged on, with Michaelis facing off against the six demons. The air was filled with the clash of steel, the stench of brimstone, and the sound of screams.

Michaelis dodged Valefor's whip-like tail, striking back with a powerful blow that sent Vassago flying across the room. But Berith was quick to counter, summoning a wave of dark energy that sent Michaelis stumbling back.

As the fight intensified, Michaelis found himself surrounded, the Six Scourges closing in for the kill. But he refused to yield, his sword slicing through the demons with deadly precision.

One by one, the demons fell, until only Baal remained. The leader of the Six Scourges let out a deafening roar as Michaelis struck the final blow, sending Baal crashing to the ground.

Victorious but battered, Michaelis stood tall, his chest heaving with exhaustion. But his triumph was short-lived.

Lucifer appeared beside him, his eyes blazing with fury. "Foolish angel," he spat. "You may have defeated my minions, but you'll never defeat me."

With a swift motion, Lucifer plunged a dagger into Imam's heart, killing him instantly. Michaelis' eyes widened in horror as Lucifer turned to Ali, the young Muslim boy who had been helping him.

"Come, child," Lucifer said, his voice dripping with malice. "Your fate awaits."

And with that, Lucifer vanished, taking Ali with him. Michaelis was left standing alone, his heart heavy with grief and his spirit burning with determination.

"I'll find you, Lucifer," Michaelis vowed. "And I'll make you pay for what you've done."


Michaelis gently carried Imam's lifeless body to a nearby mosque, his heart heavy with grief. He laid the body down, and with trembling hands, began to prepare it for burial.

As he worked, Michaelis whispered a sorrowful prayer:

"Oh, Creator, we come to you in our darkest hour. Our brother, Imam, has fallen. We ask that you guide him to the light, that his soul may find peace. Forgive him his transgressions, and grant him a place among the righteous. We will miss him dearly, but we know that he is now in a better place."

With tears streaming down his face, Michaelis buried Imam in a simple grave, marking it with a small stone.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Michaelis stood up, his eyes fixed on the sky. He raised his arms, and with a loud, anguished voice, prayed to the Creator:

"Oh, Creator! Hear my plea! Grant me the strength to continue this fight. Give me the will to persevere, to bring justice to those who have been wronged. I am but a humble servant, but I will not falter. I will not fail. For Imam, for Ali, for all those who suffer, I will press on!"

The sky seemed to darken, as if the very heavens were listening to Michaelis' prayer. A faint whisper seemed to echo through the air, a promise of hope and guidance.

Michaelis stood tall, his heart still heavy with grief, but his spirit renewed. He knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, but he was ready. For he knew that he was not alone. The Creator was with him, guiding him, strengthening him.


Lucifer's throne room was shrouded in an eerie, pulsating gloom, as if the very darkness itself was alive. His closest allies, the high-ranking demons, gathered around the black, obsidian table, their faces illuminated only by flickering candles.

"My friends," Lucifer began, his voice dripping with malevolence, "our plan is unfolding perfectly. The Angel of Death is distracted, grieving for his fallen comrade. But we must not underestimate him. He is still a formidable foe."

Asmodeos, Lucifer's most trusted advisor, spoke up, his voice like a rusty gate. "I propose we bring back the soul of Maximus Perch, the terror of the ancient world. His soul is being tormented in Hell's deepest pit. With the right persuasion, he will do our bidding."

Lucifer's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Yes, yes, yes! Maximus Perch, the legendary warrior-king. His return will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."

Beelzebub, the demon of manipulation, grinned. "And I can ensure his loyalty. A few whispers in his ear, and he will be ours to command."

Asmodeos added, "I also suggest sending out my daughter, Fate, to alter the destiny of Michaelis. A subtle nudge, and his path will be forever changed."

Lucifer's smile grew wider. "Excellent! With Maximus Perch and Fate on our side, nothing can stop us. We will crush the Angel of Death, and reign supreme over the mortal realm."

The demons erupted into a chorus of approval, their voices echoing through the throne room like a dark, twisted hymn.

In the depths of Hell, a figure stirred, sensing the disturbance. Maximus Perch, the legendary warrior-king, opened his eyes, and a malevolent grin spread across his face.

"I am coming," he whispered, his voice like thunder. "I will bring death to the Angel of Death."

And in a distant corner of the universe, Fate, the mysterious daughter of Asmodeos, smiled to herself. She knew that soon, she would be weaving a new tapestry, one that would ensnare the Angel of Death forever.