Chapter 9. Revelation

[28th December 2024.]

This was the big day. Today's the day my soulmate and I become officially a couple. I couldn't be more happier. I went to the wardrobe and brought out the Italian suit which I had bought just for this day.

"Max, dress up, everyone's ready except you." My Mom shouted from the balcony.

"I'll be through soon Mom." I shoved my excitement aside and wore the suit, combed my hair, and rushed off to the balcony.

"Are the cars ready?" I asked Mom.

"Keep smiling like that and our soon to be inlaws will think you have a facial disease." my Mother berated me with a smile plastered on her face.

"My boy is finally becoming a man." she squealed as she cupped my face. Mom was dressed in a silk-satin sky blue evening gown, with a V neckline. This dress code was brought by a very good friend of mine, Queen Esther.

"You look gorgeous Mom." I said, while she blushed.

"Stop making this old lady feel young." she said while smiling.

"Hurry up y'all, we're gonna be late." Erik my son shouted from outside.

I rushed down the stairs, and met Starlet by the car.

"Bro, you look good." He said, and I smiled.

"Of course Bro, it's my day, I've got to look my best." I said as I opened the back door and slid into the car.

"After today, you'll officially become a family man." Starlet said as he slid to the driver's seat.

"You better get yourself a lady my friend, I won't want to miss your day." I joked.

"Let's get you shipped off to the family lane, shall we?" he said as the car drove forward.


I stood at the altar while waiting for my bride to come. I've been waiting for this day for a long time, I just can't believe it's finally happening. I was just thinking of my time in Rome when the doors opened and that's when she entered. Dressed in a silk-satin evening dress with a V neckline which left her arms and shoulders exposed, plus it emphasized her bosom. She wore a golden circlet that appeared to be made out of small camellias woven together. She walked over with the air of a Queen, and I couldn't help but think of myself a really lucky man.

"You look gorgeous." I told her as soon she got to the altar. She simply blushed while the priest cleared his throat and looked at me with the eyes that said "Wait till we're through". I had to use my willpower to stop myself from bursting to laughter, I never knew priests were also dirty minded.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to join these two souls in holy matrimony." the priest said, then turned to me.

"Maximus Perch, do you take Simran Dotch, to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do." I said with smiles on my face.

"Simran Dotch, do you take Maximus Perch, to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and health, till death do you part?"


"I DON'T" Two voices cut her off.

I turned around looking perplexed and saw two men standing at the last row. I don't think I've ever seen them before.

"Who are you? And why did you interrupt this wedding?" I questioned in anger. I failed to see that my mate's face had already gone pale.

"My name is Ronald, but you can call me Oscar, and he's my friend Emeka." his reply was accompanied with a snort from his friend.

"We interrupted this wedding because we couldn't take the fact that the whore you're getting married to dumped us just a week ago after milking us dry."


I felt like I've been struck by Zeus's thunderbolt and Thor's lightening rolled in one.

"You're lying, I don't know you, get out." my mate shouted, but when I turned around and saw her face, I only saw fear and paleness of a criminal caught in an act, and not the confusion or anger of a wrongfully accused person. That made me realize the men were right.

"Starlet, throw them out." she shouted.

"NO ONE MOVES!" I roared with rage. I faced the two men.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"For two years now. And we're not the only ones." Ronald dropped another bombshell.

I clutched my chest as I felt a searing pain near my heart. I knew then it was the truth. The pain indicated that the soulmate bond had just snapped, the soulmate bond was a connection that tied me to the one I cherish most, and just now it snapped.

"M..Max, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." she tearfully pleaded. I stared at her with eyes full of hate. She's been playing me for a fool. This wrench has been toying with me. I can't believe while I was on the frontline everyday fighting her battles and making this world a better place forher, she was fucking around with several men. I've even died for her cause and I was willing to give up my life a second time just for her... Why? Why did she have to betray me like this? And this world? While I was trying to save the world, but the world was fucking up my life.

"I am only going to ask once, so don't you dare lie to me. How many are they? And their names." I asked her. Everyone else was silent as they were all waiting to hear her answer.

She burst into tears and cried, but I was beyond merciful, I patiently waited for her answer.

"They are nine in number: Emeka, Ronald, Lawrence, Kelvin Nguyen, Emmanuel my lecturer, Stan my examiner, Diamond Precious ex, Uche Okara my ex and a customer who once came to the hotel I was working, he offered me some money and it was only twice. I am so sorry." she bust into tears again.

I was beyond hurt. I could feel rage and hate taking over, but I didn't care anymore. Nine men? What number did I get then? The tenth? I couldn't even breathe properly, my heart felt like breaking and repairing over and over.

"Simran Dotch, don't you dare come close to me again, if I ever see you again, I'll rip your head off your shoulders." I said with a deep voice as rage raked my body over. I left the altar and strolled towards the door. I stopped by the row the two men were standing which was actually the last row.

"Ronald Oscar, is it? I will kill you last. That's my promise to you and a thank you for letting me know of what's going on behind my back." I opened the door and went outside. Starlet followed behind me.