Chapter 13. Secret Prayer

"You should leave before someone comes in" I said to the frightened girl. I sighed and then chose to leave the office. She grabbed my arm as I began walking past her. I turned around and stared at her with stern eyes.

"Please take me with you. I want to be just like you" she said with sparkly eyes. Okay, that wasn't exactly what I was expecting to hear from her when she grabbed my arm. "You are a murderer, you will pay for your crime." Yeah sure. "Wait till the police arrive, you can't just leave." Yeah sure. But the phrase "Please take me with you" and "I want to be just like you" never crossed my mind. My heart softened a bit as I could vaguely guess what she's been through at the hands of school lecturers to harden her heart this way. Sadly I don't think my path is the one she should follow. What she needs is genuine love and care, not blood and knives.

"Sorry to bust your bubbles, but I can't" I replied and tried to shake off her hand from my arm, surprisingly it didn't budge.

"Please. I have no one else. I am an orphan and I work hard to take care of myself and also attend school, but the lecturers always takes advantage of me. Please you have to take me with you. I will do anything and everything you want." she pleaded as tears rolled down her fair coarse cheek. The coarse skin was proof of how harsh life had been to her. She reminded me of Habiba of Rome. Her helplessness against the wolves who sought to devour her.

-Sigh- I placed a hand on her shoulder and stared right into her eyes.

"Everyone have their own demons. What makes you strong isnt how you fight these demons. No, what makes you strong is how exactly you use these demons to fight against your enemies. The path I have chosen is not the one of flowers and smiles. If you are to follow me, you must be prepared to spill the blood of thousands." I said while watching for her reaction, yet there was no flutter or fear in those eyes. She was definitely resolved to fight.

"I am willing." She firmly replied. I smiled, she's definitely like Habiba of Rome. And it made me more determined to train her into a cold blooded killing machine.

"Come with me, we have to leave now." I said and left the office. She walked right behind me. We went straight to where I parked my looked to the left and saw the black Avalon, parked a few klicks from me. I smiled and waved at it. My intention was to let it's occupants know I've already spotted them. I opened the door and got into my car.

"What's your name?" I asked the girl as I drove out from the college.

"My name is Elizabeth." she replied, albeit timidly.

"Your old life is over, and now that name doesn't matter anymore. From now on, you are Elixir. Sweet and alluring, that's how you will lure your preys and rob them of everything they have, including their lives." I said with smiles while she simply nodded. I could already imagine the future. She will be a wonderful asset to the Killer-Wolves organization.

* * * *

The organization meeting room was silent except for the newscaster on TV.

-"Another lecturer was found dead. This time the police have gotten a clue as to who the killer is. Maximus Perch is actually Maximus Aurelius the Black Heart. Few weeks ago, Maximus' fiancee confessed to sleeping with nine men. The two deceased lecturers were amongst those mentioned. The Commissioner of police has vowed to capture Maximus before his next strike..."- I turned off the TV.

"Who's the next target?" I asked Starlet. He took a file from the masked face Hollow Reaper who was sitting near him. Hollow Reaper has always weared a mask during gatherings. No one knows what he actually looks like. Well, no one except Starlet and I.

"Lawrence. A government official. This file contains all the information you need on him." Starlet said. I took the file from him and skimmed through it, then placed it on the table.

"Starlet, I want you to train Elixir. I want her with me when I go for Lawrence." I said while looking at his rough but handsome face.

"Yes Boss." his face remained expressionless as always during meetings.

"Hollow Reaper, Risky and Focus. I want you three with me on the rescue of my family from the police station."

"Yes Boss." they said in unison.

"Lord Keal, Kim and Vector. I want you three to assist me from your various offices. Inform me at once if any of your base attempts to play hero." I said before turning my attention to the new member. The only girl in our group.

"You have one week to transcend from the basics to advanced training. It will be harsh, but always remember that there's no victory without sacrifice." I tried to encourage her.

"I understand Boss." she replied without a tinge of fear or regret. In fact I could see excitement dancing in her eyes. I looked around the room, gazed at the faces of the Killer-Wolves elites. These men have been through hell with me. As I observed their faces, I also glimpsed at their stats.


Name> unknown

Age> unknown

Race> Demi-Human

Strength> 100

Speed> 100

Control> 100

Skills> (master level swordsman, master level gunslinger, master level martial artiste, grandmaster level invincibility, super-genius compute wiz).


Name> Ajuruchi Samuel

Age> 27

Race> Human

Strength> 89

Speed> 70

Control> 95

Skills> (master level swordsman, master level gunslinger, master level invincibility).


Name> Golden White

Age> 23

Race> Human

Strength> 69

Speed> 65

Control> 87

Skills> (master level gunslinger, basic invincibility).


Name> Somadina Focus

Age> 25

Race> Human

Strength> 78

Speed> 69

Control> 80

Skills> (Basic level swordsman, master level gunslinger, basic invincibility).


Name> Kelly Victor

Age> 27

Race> Human

Strength> 80

Speed> 75

Control> 95

Skills> (master level gunslinger, master level martial artiste, master level invincibility).


Name> Kim Chiboy

Age> 25

Race> Human

Strength> 78

Speed> 75

Control> 90

Skills> (master level gunslinger, master level invincibility).


Name> Ikechukwu Victory

Age> 25

Race> Human

Strength> 79

Speed> 75

Control> 93

Skills> (master level swordsman, master level gunslinger, master level invincibility).

I felt proud of myself. I had trained all these men to their current stats. Even the Demi-Human Hollow Reaper was trained my me. I smiled and stood up.

"Hollow Reaper, Risky and Focus. We leave tonight, I suggest you prepare." I said before leaving the meeting room. Starlet stood as well and went along with me to the storage room.

"When are you going to tell everyone that Hollow Reaper is actually your son." Starlet asked as he picked up two wooden swords which we normally use for training and sparring sections.

"They don't need to know, so I won't tell them. And neither will you." I replied while observing the desert eagle pistol in my hand.

"They deserve to know. And you have to trust them with the truth of what you truly are." He stared right at me but I wasn't moved.

"Humans are always unreliable, unpredictable and unfaithful. I don't intend to make the same mistake I made with Simran. The Killer-Wolves elites don't deserve to know anything. We're born from blood and war, not love and serenity." my face was as emotionless and as expressionless as a calm sea, but yet I could feel my heart and soul raging with so much darkness that the Boogeyman would be spooked.

"One more thing Starlet. No one should ever mention the name Simran again. The tenth rose flower is for her." I said as I walked out with my backpack.

"My only prayer is that one day your Black Heart and Dark soul will once again regain warmth and peace."

I heard Starlet's silent prayer. I stopped walking. For a second I was moved...but then the darkness blotted out that little ray of light. I grimaced and walked away.