Ch 2: A Flicker of Hope


System Notification:-

Activating Seclusion System!


These words shined before Feng Chen like the sweetest dream he had ever dared to imagine. After everything he'd been through... the rejection, the humiliation... it seemed like fate, or perhaps some merciful deity, had decided to give him another chance. All he had wanted was a shot at proving himself, and now, against all odds, it seemed that shot had arrived.

As the Seclusion System initialized, a series of translucent screens popped up in front of him, each filled with information that practically screamed, "Read me!" Feng Chen's eyes darted across the floating windows, trying to take it all in.

The first screen greeted him with an almost cheerful tone.


Welcome, Host!

You have successfully activated the Seclusion System. This system is designed to assist you in your cultivation journey by providing guidance, resources, and unique abilities. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the system's features.

Core Features:-

1. Status Window: View your current cultivation level, physical and mental stats, and any special conditions.

2. Cultivation Techniques: Unlock, learn, and master various cultivation techniques suited to your level.

3. Inventory: Store and manage items obtained during your journey.

4. Quests and Challenges: Complete tasks to gain rewards and accelerate your cultivation.

5. Shop: Purchase items, techniques, and resources using points earned through quests.

6. Daily Sign-In Bonus: Receive rewards just for checking in each day. Don't miss out!

Note: The Seclusion System is designed to function in isolated or secluded environments, optimizing your cultivation potential away from distractions. Host is advised to utilize this system in areas conducive to focused training.


Feng Chen blinked at the screen, his mind racing to process the information.

"Okay, so… I have a system. A real, honest-to-goodness cultivation system, just like in those stories," he muttered to himself.

"Is this actually happening?"

He stared at the screen, a mix of disbelief and excitement coursing through him. The system was like something out of his wildest fantasies, a tool that could potentially change everything for him. His eyes widened as he continued reading the details, each new feature sounding more unbelievable than the last.

"Status window, techniques, inventory, quests…" Feng Chen murmured, his heart pounding.

"This is like something out of a game, but in real life!"

As he marveled at the system, another screen popped up, prompting him to check his status.


System Notification:-

Would you like to view your status?


"Uh, sure, why not?" Feng Chen muttered, still a bit dazed. He hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "S-status."

The screen shimmered before him, and a detailed status window materialized in front of his eyes.


Status Window:

Name: Feng Chen

Age: 15

Cultivation Level: None

Condition: Nine Yin Blockage

Physical Strength: Below Average

Qi Capacity: Locked

Special Condition Detected:

- Nine Yin Blockage: A rare and severe condition that blocks all meridians, preventing the flow of qi. This blockage makes cultivation impossible, leading to a life of suffering and weakness. Cure is extremely rare, and most who possess this condition never become cultivators.


Feng Chen's excitement deflated like a punctured balloon as he read the status. "Nine Yin Blockage?" he repeated, his voice tinged with dread. He'd heard of it before, back in his previous life, in the cultivation mangas he used to read.

It was one of the worst possible afflictions for anyone hoping to cultivate. Most people with this condition were doomed to remain ordinary, unable to harness even a single wisp of qi.

His heart sank. "You've got to be kidding me… I finally get a system, and it tells me I've got the ultimate dead-end condition?" Feng Chen groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Seriously, what did I do in my past lives to deserve this?"

Desperate to understand just how bad his situation was, Feng Chen asked the system,

"Can you explain what this Nine Yin Blockage thing really means? Like, give it to me straight... how screwed am I?"

The system responded with another screen, providing a detailed explanation.


Nine Yin Blockage:-

A rare congenital condition in which all the body's meridians are blocked, preventing the flow of qi. This blockage is known to be one of the most severe impediments to cultivation, as it makes the gathering and circulation of qi nearly impossible. Symptoms include chronic weakness, low physical stamina, and an inability to progress in cultivation. Most individuals with this condition cannot surpass the mortal realm. Cures are extremely rare, and the process to remove the blockage, if available, is often dangerous and life-threatening.


Feng Chen's shoulders slumped as he read the explanation. "Yup, I'm doomed," he muttered, staring bleakly at the screen.

"So much for that glimmer of hope. I guess I'm stuck being a loser in this life too."

Just as he was about to give up and accept his fate, another notification appeared, catching him off guard.


System Notification:-

Congratulations! You've received a Sign-In Bonus!

Please select one of the following rewards:

1. Cultivation Technique

2. Weapon

3. Mystery Box


Feng Chen blinked at the new options. "A sign-in bonus? What is this, a mobile game? Do I get free coins if I log in every day too?" he grumbled.

He considered the choices, though his heart wasn't really in it. Logically, he knew he should carefully weigh each option, but at this point, he was so mentally and emotionally drained that he just didn't care.

"Why even bother?" Feng Chen sighed.

"I've already lost all hope. Might as well just roll the dice and see what happens."

With a resigned shrug, he closed his eyes and tapped the screen at random. "Whatever happens, happens," he muttered.

The system acknowledged his selection with a soft chime, and the Mystery Box began to open. Feng Chen watched with a mix of indifference and curiosity as the box slowly revealed its contents. Inside was a small vial filled with a shimmering liquid that seemed to pulse with a faint, golden light.


Congratulations! You've received the Elixir of Meridian Purification!

Description: This rare and potent elixir can cleanse and unblock meridians, restoring the natural flow of qi. When consumed, it has the potential to cure even the most severe blockages, including the Nine Yin Blockage. Warning: The process of purification is extremely painful and may be life-threatening.


For a moment, Feng Chen simply stared at the vial, his mind struggling to catch up with what he was seeing. The elixir's description was like a beacon of hope, shining in the darkness of his despair.

"This… this could actually cure me!" he gasped, his eyes widening in shock.

"I could finally become a cultivator!"

For a brief, glorious moment, the weight of all his failures lifted. After everything he had been through... the ridicule, the rejection, the hopelessness, this small vial was offering him a way out. But then his eyes fell on the warning at the end of the description... "Life-threatening."

Feng Chen hesitated, doubt creeping in. "Life-threatening, huh? So I might die if I take this," he muttered, his excitement waning slightly. He looked down at the vial, his fingers trembling as he weighed the risks.

"But then again… if I don't do something, I'm going to die anyway. Might as well go out trying, right?"

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Feng Chen uncorked the vial and raised it to his lips.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered, and with a single swift motion, he swallowed the elixir.

For a moment, nothing happened. The liquid was surprisingly sweet, like honey mixed with some kind of herbal tea. Feng Chen started to wonder if the whole thing had been a cruel trick.

Then the pain hit.

It began as a dull ache in his chest, but within seconds, it exploded into a searing, all-consuming agony that tore through his entire body. Feng Chen's eyes widened in horror as his limbs went rigid, his muscles spasming uncontrollably. It felt like his veins were being filled with molten lava, scorching everything in their path.

"Oh gods… what… what did I just do to myself?" he gasped, his voice barely more than a strangled cry as he collapsed onto the cold stone floor. His body convulsed violently, his vision blurring from the intensity of the pain. He could feel the elixir working, purging the blockage from his meridians, but the process was as agonizing as the system had warned.

His meridians, long blocked and dormant, were being forcefully unblocked. The pain was unlike anything he had ever experienced... it was as if his body was being torn apart from the inside out, only to be stitched back together in a crude, painful manner. Every nerve screamed in protest, and for a moment, Feng Chen wondered if this was what dying felt like.

"I'm… I'm not gonna make it…" Feng Chen gasped, his voice a barely audible whisper as his body convulsed in agony. The pain was overwhelming, a white-hot fire searing through every fiber of his being. He felt as though his very soul was being torn apart, and for a moment, he truly believed this was the end.

But just as the pain reached its unbearable peak, something began to change. The burning sensation in his veins started to cool, the intense pressure in his chest began to ease, and the crippling pain gradually subsided. It was as if a storm had passed, leaving behind a strange sense of calm.

Slowly, cautiously, Feng Chen opened his eyes. The world around him was still the same... the dimly lit cave, the soft glow of dawn filtering through the entrance, but something within him had changed. He could feel it, a new energy coursing through his body, filling him with a sense of strength and vitality he had never known before.

A system notification appeared before him, confirming what he had just endured.


System Notification:-

Congratulations! The Nine Yin Blockage has been cured!

Cultivation Level: Body Refining Realm - Stage 1

Qi Capacity: Unlocked


Feng Chen stared at the screen, his breath catching in his throat. "I… I did it," he whispered, almost in disbelief.

"I'm really… I'm really a cultivator now."

He let out a shaky laugh, a sound somewhere between relief and incredulity. After all the years of hopelessness, after the endless taunts and the crushing weight of failure, he had finally done it. He had broken through the Nine Yin Blockage and entered the path of cultivation.

But as the adrenaline began to wear off, Feng Chen became acutely aware of another, far less pleasant development. His entire body was covered in a thick layer of black, foul-smelling grime. The substance clung to his skin, sticky and revolting, and the stench was nothing short of horrific.

"Ugh… what the hell is this?" Feng Chen groaned, his nose wrinkling in disgust. He wiped a hand across his face, only to smear the gunk further.

"Seriously? I just went through the most painful experience of my life, and now I smell like a week-old corpse? Thanks, system. Really appreciate it."

Another screen popped up, as if the system had heard his sarcastic comment.


System Notification:-

The impurities within your body have been expelled during the purification process. These impurities are a natural byproduct of the cleansing of your meridians. Host is advised to cleanse himself promptly to avoid discomfort and possible health risks.


"Well, no kidding," Feng Chen muttered, glancing down at himself.

"This stuff is disgusting. How am I supposed to cleanse myself in the middle of a forest?"

He dragged himself out of the cave, his muscles still sore and stiff from the ordeal. The morning sun was now fully risen, casting a warm, golden light over the landscape. For a moment, Feng Chen simply stood there, taking in the sight of the sun-dappled trees and the fresh, clean air. It was a stark contrast to the dark, musty cave he had just emerged from.

Despite his physical discomfort, Feng Chen couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. The system had given him a second chance... no, a first chance at a life he had never truly known. He was no longer the weak, powerless boy who had been cast out of his clan. He was a cultivator now, and the road ahead, though uncertain, was filled with possibilities.