Item And Technique Grades

Item and Technique Grades in the Mortal World:

- Basic-Grade: Common items and techniques, typically used by beginner cultivators. These have limited power and growth potential.

- Profound-Grade: A step above Basic-Grade, these items and techniques are used by more advanced cultivators. They offer more power and potential but remain within the realm of the common.

- Spiritual-Grade: Items and techniques imbued with spiritual energy, significantly enhancing the user's cultivation. They are rarer and more powerful than Profound-Grade.

- Earth-Grade: Items and techniques of considerable power, capable of impacting entire regions. These items have the potential to evolve into Heavenly-Grade under the right conditions.

- Heavenly-Grade: The pinnacle of power within the mortal world. Items and techniques at this grade possess spirits and can evolve further, becoming legendary within the cultivation world.

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