Naruto : Fate : Chapter 6

On the Roof

"So, now that we are all here, lets talk about ourselves. We're supposed to be a team now!" Kakashi is way too chipper for just being called an asshat. "I'll even go first. My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and my dislikes don't concern you. My hobbies... I have many hobbies. My dream I won't tell you."

How informative.

"Pinky! You next!" Kakashi points at Sakura

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I like..." She glances at Sasuke and giggles, "I dislike when Naruto asks me out! My hobbies are picking flowers with Ino. My dreams..." Looks at Sasuke again and giggles loudly.

Oh Kami, I didn't think the fangirlism was that strong in this one. She always seemed more tame in the classroom than what the cannon showed.

"Broody! You're next!" Kakashi points towards Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I dislike a few things and I like even less. My hobby is training. I don't have a dream. What I do have is an ambition. I want to kill a certain man and revive my clan."

That I expected. There is no way the massacre didn't scar that kid.

"You. Name caller. Go." Kakashi points to me.

Name caller. How appropriate, I did call him an asshat 10 minutes ago.

"My name is Alvarcus Mar. I like reading and sleeping. I dislike being cold and heights. I really dislike heights. I don't know why though." That is pretty strange. I never disliked heights in my previous life. I even went skydiving once! "My hobbies include drawing, sleeping and imagining creative ways to kill my enemies. My dream is to be a S-rank shinobi."

That got a reaction from everyone. Sasuke looks intrigued, Sakura looks surprised and Kakashi simply raises his one visible eyebrow.

"S-rank? That is quite a ways off for you little gennin. You have to pass my test first." Ah, the infamous bell test. "Meet at training ground 7 tomorrow at 6 am. Oh, and don't eat breakfast. You will just puke it up." Ew, Gross.

"Hey Kakashi where is – oh. He's gone. Where did he go?" Poor Sakura looks so confused. She better get used to Kakashi disappearing on us. I have a feeling it will be a regular occurrence.

"Well, see ya both tomorrow!" I wave cheerfully and head off the roof.

Time to wake up early, wait for three hours, then get my ass kicked by an elite jonin. Can't wait!


Later that Day at Home

"Kaa-san, tou-san, I got my team assignments today." The last time I brought home news about my shinobi career both of my parents hid their true feelings from me. I wonder how they'll deal with this news.

Kaa-san gives me her undivided attention. "That's great! So who is on your team?"

"Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. They seem nice. Sasuke is really moody all the time and Sakura has the most ridiculous pink hair."

Tou-san chuckles at my descriptions. "Not everyone can have a nice hair color like me!"

Damn him and his awesome dark blue hair. How dare my genetics pass on this jet black hair.

"Did you say Sasuke Uchiha? I heard he is the last of his clan." Great, even my (secretly) shinobi hating parents have heard of the Last Uchiha.

"Yep. That's the one. I think he has problems."

Kaa-san smiles sweetly at me, "Of course dear. After what he went through anyone would have problems."

I can't believe social conditioning has advanced this far in this damn village. If he was from a clan that didn't have a bloodline no one would care.

"Well, Alvarcus, Fujita and I have some news too!"

They have news for me? Interesting, maybe the bakery is getting an upgrade? Business has been good recently, ever since I figured out how to make cinnamon rolls and doughnuts with the foods available to me here. I can't believe no one else has made them before. I'm slowly introducing foods from my first life to this world. I can't wait until I make a cheeseburger or pizza, it'll spark a revolution.

"You are going to get a sibling!" Kaa-san, with the biggest smile ever, tells me.

"Sibling? I'm getting a sibling? I'm going to be a big brother?" I look over at tou-san. He just starts laughing.

"That's right. You are going to be a big brother." Both the parents confirm it. It's official! I am going to be a big brother!

"That's great! When is the baby due? Is it a boy? A girl? Can I pick out the name? Please!"

I would like to say with my adult mind I controlled my excitement. I ended up bombarding my parents with questions for the rest of the night. A big brother! Me! That's great news, I've always wanted a sibling.


The Next Morning


Crap I think I just broke my alarm clock. Who cares! I'm going to be a big brother! With a pep in my step I spring out of bed and get ready for my day at the ungodly hour of 5 am. I have to be at training ground 7 at 6am after all. I wouldn't want to be late on my first day!

Running out the door I call over my shoulder, "Bye kaa-san, bye tou-san! I'll be back later!"

Ah, what a wonderful morning! Approaching training ground 7, I see I am the first one here. That's great, I am 10 minutes early after all! Eventually Sakura shows up.

"Ah! Sasuke-kun! You're here!"

Really? Did he sneak past me? I didn't even notice him.

"Oh. You're not Sasuke."

Sakura thought I was Sasuke? "Sorry to disappoint, but he is not here yet."

"You two look freakishly similar from a distance. You almost have the same hair color! But his is way cooler! It is shinier! And his has style! Yours is dull and lays flat. Not that that is bad or anything!"

Thanks Sakura. You really know how to make someone feel better about themselves.

"You know, if you didn't have yellow eyes you two could be brothers!"

Oh hell no! I am not an Uchiha! Am I? I do have almost the right hair. The typical Uchiha hair is a slightly lighter black than mine, and it is glossier. Having a parent with solid black eyes could mean he is part Uchiha. Is it possible? Something to look into later. I could be the first Uchiha with yellow eyes!

"Thanks Sakura. That's nice." I won't let this ruin my day! Besides, I have more important things to think about! Like being a big brother!

After a minute or two Sasuke graces us with his presence. Ah, what a fine morning! The whole team is here, and soon Kakashi will be here. Wait a moment. That doesn't sound right.

"Hey Alvarcus?" Sakura startles me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Sakura?"

"You seem really happy today."

How observant! I have been smiling like a maniac ever since last night!

"My parents told me that they are going to have another child. I'm going to be a big brother!"

"Oh that's wonderful! When is the baby due? Boy? Girl? What gender do you want?" Sakura and I talked about the baby for quite a while. She reacted exactly how I thought she would.

Sasuke didn't.

Figures he has brother issues. His did kill the rest of his family. At first he was shocked, it isn't every day you hear this kind of news. Then he was angry. Angry doesn't do it justice, he was livid. I've never seen more emotion on his face before. Once he realized I was watching him, he collected his emotions an put on a mask of indifference.

"Isn't that wonderful Sasuke? Alvarcus is going to be a big brother!" Oh Sakura, you poor thing, why did you have to word it like that. Sasuke has the biggest big brother issues ever.

"Hn." Is all Sasuke replies with. Not entirely unexpected.

"I think that is great news!" Kakashi happily chimes in from behind me.

"AH! When did you get here! You're LATE!" Sakura has some serious lungs. That was loud. I'm glad it was. It covered up my squawk of surprise.

"There was a black cat in my path so I had to take the long way around the village." Kakashi merrily tells us.

"Really?" I can't believe he actually uses those lame excuses.

"Really. He was ferocious." Kakashi assures us.

"Good. Black cats mean bad luck after all." All three of my team members looked at me. Two in surprise, one in joy.

"I'm glad you understand Alvarcus! Now on to the test. Your goal is to take these bells from me before noon. That gives you 3 hours to complete this task. Then we can have lunch."

"But Kakashi, there are only two bells."

"Very observant Sakura! Only two of you can pass. The one who does not get the bell will not get lunch, and they will be sent back to the Academy." There is the twist! That is okay, I have a plan.

"So only two of us can pass. Hey Sasuke, Sakura, why don't we work together to get the bells, then have a free for all between us to see who gets to keep them? I don't know about you but I can't take on a jonin alone." Take the offer, take the offer! All we need to do is show teamwork and we will pass.

"I don't need your help. I'll get a bell by myself." Dammit Sasuke you are not that good!

"When I say start. Make sure you come at me with the intent to kill. Otherwise you wont stand a chance. Ready?"

Hell no I am not ready. I won't be ready to go toe to toe with Kakashi for years!



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