
My assistant Potter's pen along side the dripping tap made my nerves itch.

The Damn tap kept dripping as i  tried to concentrate twirling my pen in my hands amd occasionally biting the tip.

I sighed as I tapped my pen anxiously on the table. The little sounds kept getting to me whilst i was trying to block the sound out. Just like it couldn't get worst, the clock chimed loudly.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled as I slammed my journal shut. I stood up and walked to where the clock was took it, and angrily ripped off the batteries.

"Chill doc" a familiar voice said behind me making me roll my eyes which was a bad idea since my eyes were sore from pulling all nighters for two days straight.

"I'm being as chill as possible Potter" I said walking back to my seat with a scowl.

"Yeah sure" he chuckled walking over to my table. He leaned over my shoulder and stared down at my calculations scribbled roughly in my journal.

" You know you haven't tried the test for today right?" He said which made me roll my eyes again.

"Yes Potter I know and that's what I'm trying to do"

"By scribbling numbers?"

"How on earth are you a scientist again?" I asked  which made him chuckle a sound i'm starting to detest.

"Well Goodluck Doc " he said walking out of the roon.

I let out a loud sigh as i got up and walked towards the pretty glass door. I stared at the room the beeping lights made my eyes hurt even more.

I walked to my table and got out my new test which i spent a week trying to perfect.

"Please work" I closed my eyes hugging the bottle tightly.I took out the syringe and walked towards the glass door.

I punched in the combination of the door and it buzzed opened making that sound i could never get used to.

I walked towards the test subject and made sure it was well strapped in. I took the syringe filling it with the content from the bottle with one last look and sigh, i injected it into the test subject watching the content empty from the syringe with hope. 

"Oh please work" I said again slightly stepping back. Five minuites. I waited as I watched closely my eyes never getting off the subject.

4 minuites and 30 seconds. I heard a grunt which made me step back in surprise.

3 minuites and 30 seconds. 2 minutes and 30 seconds. 1 minutes and 30 seconds.

The subject began to jerk.

I ran out of the room literally sprinted as i pushed the door. I watched behind the glass as the subject shook and grunted loudly.

The relief I felt was surreal. I wanted to scream in happiness as I watched the subject's eyes begin to open .slowly.

"Yes! Yes!" I screamed in delight. But it didn't last as everything stopped abdruptly. I sighed in pure frustration cursing beneath my breath. I turned in defeat and walked away back to my lab.

Taking my jacket, I walked out of the lab.

"Pottter.. I'll be heading home" he lifted his head and pushed his glasses back with that annoying smile plastered on his face.

"Another failed project huh?" I rolled my eyes again!! If i don't leave i'll actually get a headache.

"See you tomorrow Pottter" I said as I walked out of the lab. Walking down to my car, I could only see one thing. His face.

I slammed my hands on my side drawer as I sat up grudgly. Who the hell calls someone at... I looked at the clock on my side drawer. It's 2am. Oh my God. What the hell just when i decided to get some rest.

"Hello" my cracked voice filled with annoyance said.

"Doc.. The project....the...the...." a loud crash interrupted him.. what the hell was happening

"Potter!" I tried to get out bed but carter wasn't responding. What the hell!!. I jumped out of bed grabbed my coat and keys rushing out of my house.

The lab was suspiciously quiet when I arrived. I treaded with caution looking around the area. There were cars by the parking lot but no one was there. I quietly walked towards the building opening the doors quietly and making my way upstairs towards my lap.

I opened the door and let out a gasp from  the sight before me.

Everything was broken, trashed and disorganized but that was not all.

My whole body froze as I took in the vicinity the floor, the walls were all stained with blood.

I was so confused and my whole body was shaking but i just couldn't stand there.

Walking into the inner rooms, I let out a gasp as I saw Otis my colleague covered in blood. Half of his face was chewed out and he insides where everywhere all splattered against the walls and floors.

I swallowed the vomit that rose in my throat as my eyes watered. What the hell was happening. I needed answers and i couldn't come up with any.

My whole body began to shake as I took more steps forward towards my lap and it looked worst?

"Anyone....." I heard a low voice call. I quickly ran towards the voice and Carter was laying there half dead with his arm bleeding. He looked reall bad. His arm was chewed from the top down and his cheek was missing. My legs worked on its own as my brain froze. It can't be what i'm thinking.

Potter's voice then got lower as i approached him. I didn't know what to do but cry. Hot tears streamed down face as i forced myself to talk.


"The monster you created" he barely whispered as he lifted his eyes locking it with mine  "we warned you ..." He said

"Potter I..No I didn't...." Who am i kidding i already knew i made a mistake a mistake i'll have to atone for.

I looked down at Potter but this time i'm sure he was dead. His head hung but his eyes still burned into mine. I watched him not knowing exactly how i felt . i couldn't feel nothing.... I killed everyone i'm the monster.

I was sent flying to a wall as my head swooshed in the air colliding hard with the wall making me scream loudly.

Lifting my head was a wrong move as i met with the face of my one true love. The life i vowed to bring back.

As i looked at his eyes i knew he was gone he wasn't the man standing before me. He was ... A monster

I c.

"John?" I knew i was mad for calling him by his name what was i expecting that he will call me back? ..

He stared ate with red eyes as he let out a loud growl. The bodies around me began to shift and grunt.

"No way...." I whispered they were coming back to life i looked to my left and carter as up grunting as he walking like a dead man a ... zombie.

I hit my head hard that my vision was cloudy. I looked towards my drawer but i couldn't move my body felt still. If only...if only i could reach it.. I can fix this.

My thoughts were cut short as every single dead person was walking towards me. I didn't fight it i deserve it.

Saying one last sorry to them all , i closed my eyes as i awaited my fate.