The room was brightly lit with metal panels flooring almost every surface. Bordering it were glass display windows that only let you see through one side. 

They had observed him through those windows, scrutinizing and brutalizing him with their orders. 

Then there was a depression in the room that led to the center.

There laid a strange but familiar contraption, intended to appear like a massive lantern. It was made of thick stained glass and black glass-like bars. 

It hung in the air, and opened like a fly trap with its petal-like glass compartment spread out. 

A golden array was written messily on a stone platform below the contraption.

Caspian's plan was simple. He just had to get the beast into the circle and close the contraption. 

How he was going to do that? He had no idea.

'But where there is a will, there is a way.'

Caspian muttered to himself as he focused solely on the prowling beast.

Looking at the creature Caspian couldn't help but gulp down heavily, it had massive fangs, a single eye, and inhumanly steel claws. It was everything Caspian hated. A true monster.

It moved first though, cutting the distance between them almost instantly. 

Caspian immediately rolled to the side, using the metal panels that circled the contraption as cover. 


One of the panels combusted as the beast ripped it apart with its claws. 

Like he was chased by death through a collapsing cave, Caspian crawled underneath the panels as the beast followed destroying them as Caspian moved. 

Before the panels were completely torn to bits Caspian rolled out. At this angle he had a perfect shot underneath the beast's arms so he took it. 

With a bold swing, Caspian's blade went right for the creature's arm, only to go through it. 

Red mist spilt from the ends of the blade as it swept through the pale flesh of the beast like it was cutting air, suggesting the ethereal nature of the beast. 

"What the hell?!"

Caspian cursed a bit being taken aback. In fact, he was so stunned he had temporarily forgotten about the lethal presence of the abomination. 

When he had gotten to his senses the beast was already upon him. Its massive figure completely concealing Caspian as it stood above him. 

It snarled and growled causing Caspian servals strokes and miniature cardiac arrest.

Every time the creature feigned a bite, Caspian would flinch with his eyes wide open in fear. 

After a while, he noticed that the beast did not really intend to harm him. With that Caspian slowly rose to his feet. 

As he did the beast walked off of him to huddle up in a corner. The creature had its back facing the cool metal wall as it watched the contraption with its one eye. 

Caspian gazed at it and then at the contraption as well. He had never been in it before but strangely it felt like a part of him did. 

"Bind, control. Tame?"

Monster had told him to tame the beast but then offered him a sword So Caspian had assumed he wished for a direct confrontation. 

'You don't win trust that way.'

Caspian sat at the opposite end of the room and considered his situation. 

As he did a couple of things came to mind. It was already very obvious to him that the creature had to be his Calamitous Will personified. 

It wasn't out of the ordinary, Will was often free, and with the Chaos associated with Calamity, it was only natural that something as Chaotic as a living being would be spawned. 

Maybe this was what the government had been trying to accomplish with him. 

Certainly, he couldn't know of the details. What good would that even do? What he was certain of was that they tried to separate him from his Will. 

It didn't seem possible because logic tells us that you are your Will and vice versa.

'But don't we all have tendencies to cause harm enabled by our free will?'

If that was the case then actively restricting yourself from acting purely because you can, could be seen as a way to separate Will from intention. 

'Being righteous has never been easy.'

So the government locked Caspian up and for better or worse failed to successfully separate the two of them, at least until the massive obsidian ore was found in the mountain.

As Caspian thought of the obsidian ore, his eyes immediately wandered to the contraption and the multiple black glass-like rods that connected the contraption to the massive vault door that stood to his right.

Staring at that door alone gave Caspian chills, even the abomination far off to the side seemed to stir uncomfortably. 

What calmed Caspian were the words spoken to him whenever he was brought down here. 

When the heat became so unbearable, he had to fight to stay conscious, when the tears in his eyes would evaporate as he cried; 'Why?'

"But how else would gold be made." 

As he spoke those words, somehow they calmed him, giving his torturous circumstances up until then, a sort of necessity. 

With his resolve steeled Caspian opened the door, and immediately his band-aids came off. He could feel his mind fracturing as it turned over the soil Caspian had buried over it. 

The years he spent cooked up in there, clutching his knees as the tight metal walls prevented him from stretching or laying. Came back to haunt him.

He wasn't human then, the situation had turned him into something more. 

"And that fire is unforgiving, washing away impurities, till only gold remained."

He said as he turned to the abomination in the corner, then back a the white stuffed lamb that sat alone in the cold metal vault.

Of course, the government had failed, that much Calamitous Will had opened an Event and abominations crawled out of it destroying the base. 

Their plans of shifting the gold from its impurities were destroyed. Or was it?

The abomination was not acting out some canal and chaotic impulse that compelled it to kill.

From the moment Caspian had connected himself back to the Will, he immediately felt rage. Rage that wasn't directed to him but more to what it had endured and what caused its suffering. 

Which could only mean that there were two of him, and he was the impurity that was shifted out. 

Of course, what remained was the abomination. Raw power in a bottle, fueled with rage, the only thing that makes it insane enough to be Calamitous. 

"The combination of Celestial Will and self."

So the abomination wasn't actually an abomination but a soul core.