"Get some men down there and make sure they maintain a safe distance." 

Sebastian ordered as he pointed at the men the abominations left behind. 

"The rest of you. I need scouts. We need to get everyone out of here now!"

He continued this time addressing the small crowd.

The men around him turned to look at one another. They were all a bit taken aback. 

In their defence, he was just a young man barely fifteen. The only reason why they had listened to him was his competence on the field and the fact that even Sir Julian who appears to be much older had no issues with taking orders from him. 

But do they really have to now?

The abominations were walking away the fight was over, right?

"Excuse me Sir but we have injured. The kids are really shaken too. We can't just up and leave."

A man with a short moustache said his hands fiddling with a piece of blood-soaked cloth as he spoke. When the men around him nodded in agreement his chest suddenly rose a little higher. 

Sir Bellahm, Sebas recognized him from the government archives. He was tasked with ensuring that the next batch of children that were chosen to attend the GDA were worthy of knighthood. 

Unfortunately, those over twenty children were now missing. 

"Well Sir–"

"Who even put you in charge!"

One man said from the side, cutting Sebas off completely. When the Lieutenant tried to speak again he only got cut off by even more men. 

It quickly became irritating. Sebastian's face turned sour as he glared at the men. Soon he was stepping up, his lungs swelling with air as he readied himself to yell at them in frustration.

Before he could though, Julian stepped between him and the crowd.

"Listen, I get that all this is a lot, but we can't have infighting. Sebastian here is a Lieutenant one of the youngest and that's mostly because of his strategic prowess. He might not look it but his words a trustworthy."

"Thank yo– wait what?"

Sebas stuttered, a bit paused. Before he could even question the gallant knight about what he meant by "might not look it" a voice suddenly rose from the crowd. 

"Even if we are running, where the hell are we going?!"


Some men echoed. 

Sebastian looked at the still retreating abominations and then at the courtyard that led to the east.

"East. There's a garrison that was probably left untouched. It leads deep into the tunnels below and I'm sure we can fortify the place if we get there quickly."

"How quick?"

Julian asked.

Sebas gave him a sideway glance as he replied;

"Before sunrise."

"Crisis! With children?!"

One lady asked from behind. 

"Would you all quit your whining? It's obvious if we stay here we'll all die. Even if the damned things are walking away. Have you thought of what would happen if they came back?"

Miss Betty said pulling the sides of her jacket together. The winds were picking up.

After her short contribution, she glanced at Sebastian and he returned a curt nod. 

He was thankful to her. The assistant dean's voice seemed to have snapped them out of it. 

He could blame them. Fear was a normal thing, but he couldn't let that hinder them. Staying here and trying to defend the already collapsing manor was just stupid. 

"Okay let's get these children out. I need men scouting before instructors, then the children then the injured."

As he spoke the men immediately snapped into action. They were loading the dead in the lower rooms– out of respect. While the children began to form a line. There were men keeping an eye on the six puppet men who were left behind. While Julian and Sebas ran to the part of the roof that still remained. 

Sebastian had a prisoner there to handle.

"Sorry for all that. They just don't feel like all this is necessary."

Julian stated with his usual smile. That was honestly starting to irk Sebastian.

"In my unit the first thing you do once your position has been compromised is move."

Sebastian replied as he released the sealing spell he had placed on the nurse. 

The wood that covered her entire body was now receding to only her hands and legs. Soon she was in some wooden chain that would let her walk fairly comfortably.

"Use your Will and a tree will grow inside you."

Sebas said to the blonde beauty, his eyes cold and spiteful. 

Then he grabbed a black bag and placed it over her head. The whole time the nurse had been chuckling with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"And you're sure those can hold her?"

Julian asked, and Sebas replied;

"Nope. But the tree will."

"Still won't her presence make the rest of our party feel a little bit uneasy?"

Julian asked seeming uncomfortable in her presence.

"She's coming with us as government property. She's my prisoner and therefore I will be responsible for her."

Sebas replied with a stern voice so Julian would know that leaving her wasn't an option. The nurse was too vital to be left here. At least after an interrogation, they could get clues as to who and why all this had occurred.

The two stared at each other for a bit before a yell came flying at them from below. 

"They are waking up!"

When Sebas looked down he could see that the six remaining men that were once puppets were now coming to their senses. 

While the others celebrated Sebas and Julian exchanged worried looks. 

Immediately they jumped down with their prisoner and immediately began to hurry the party's departure. 

Julian went to the six men, while Sebas tried to help the injured. 


Julian called to Sebastian as he pointed to the ruffling trees. 

The abominations were making a U-turn right for them. Sebas stared at the approaching horde with dark severe eyes. 

"What do we do now?"