Caspian was stuck in place staring right at the mangled corpse that was once a boy. He had long since passed, either due to blood loss or shock. The brain wasn't very fond of extreme pain after all. 

It took some time before Cass was able to gather himself and hide himself completely behind the tree. 

There he was met with an appalling site. 

He had noticed it before but was overcome with too much fear to give it any serious thought. And that was the strange boy that hid beside Trevor and the majestic wings that sprouted from his back. 

The wings were made from flawless white feathers that glistened under the sun. Strangely it didn't occupy as much space as he would've thought. Maybe just a bit wider than the boy's entire wing span.

One glance and Caspian could tell he was an illborn, just like he was. He wasn't very familiar with him though– the orphanage had made sure of that.