To purge

They sat there for a bit feeling the heat gradually rise all around them. Thankfully it wasn't in too much of a hurry.

Soon enough though, the desert would turn to a boiling torturous scape. But they still had some time before that.

Liam sat with his eyes closed taking in deep breaths in between his words. He had urged Cass to do the same after claiming that the boy was in a state of constant collision with himself.

Of course, Cass had no idea what any of that had to do with him building a core, or if Liam's words even held any truth.

He listened regardless… Liam had a way of convincing people, and right now Caspian didn't mind taking a little break.

The past few days had been awful. Their bodies and minds were in terrible states. Small cuts and bruises lined most of Caspian's arms from grabbing Trevor's rope for too long.