Her First Visit (3)

"But if you work just lightly from your house, then, how do you fill your time? Like what other things do you do?"

"Because I heard you maintain a garden at home as a hobby, but is that really all?"

Seeing how Eva gave him a brief glance upon hearing his sister's question before returning her attention back, Christian wondered if he wasn't supposed to have shared that detail with his sister.

"Well, strolling in my well-maintained garden is really my only hobby," Eva said with a small smile. "But if you're asking how I fill my time, well, there is one other thing."


"I like to collect old items, look through their history, and the like."

'That's also new,' Christian thought, finding it odd. A garden and old items didn't seem to have any connection. He felt the garden suited her, but this hobby? He wasn't so sure, especially since history was one of his most hated subjects in school.