
Dead is Dead

It is already midnight. Next day started. It is already too late.

"I think we should go home, Tora," I say to her.

"Yeah. Thanks for the dinner, Father and Sister Lisa!"

"It's all our pleasure!" Sister Lisa said.

Sister Lisa is quite a big beauty. I think she is in her 30s. She has the biggest heart I have ever seen. Compared to senpai, senpai's are trash. Close to 100 in bust for sure. She got purple hair and purple eyes. She is wearing an outfit that a nun should wear.

"Thanks for coming here, Seig and Tora" she smiles brightly like an angel.

"It's all our pleasure." Tora proudly said that she is a legendary hero from the ancient era who came to save the universe.

"Well, you also helped me in finding church direction. I am very thankful to the gods for sending me his children to help me out" Father just smile at us. He is Creepy.

"Well, in a few days, Rei will be going to have her 18th birthday on 31st October!"

We know when senpai's birthday is going to be on.

"It would be the most special birthday for her' Father can only smile. He is all about smiling and his presence makes me feel really uneasy.

"We should go now!" I stand up from my seat.

Father did the same and Tora too.

"Where are you going?" Sister ask in curiosity.

"So, just lead our guest to exist. I want to say bye to them nothing more than that"

We are outside now.

Tora and I started to walk to our house but something stop me.

"Tora, can I borrow Seig for a short time?"

Tora first wanted to protest but somehow she wasn't against him. It is not her nature without going down without a fight.

"Sure. You can borrow this idiot for a short time" she left the place and headed towards home without any objection.

I look towards him and he looks towards me.

"Let's have some walking, Seig"

We are currently just doing night walks around the church. The Church is quite big if I have to say it. You can fit at least 400 people easily here which is greater than the average church in terms of capacity. The church is literally a high tower mansion but just broken and without good condition. This church looks like a castle.

"Umm, Seig, can I ask you some questions?"


I didn't want to answer his questions but respect.

"Is Fujimaru your girlfriend?"

I want to laugh at this question.

"No. She is my childhood friend, nothing more than that. She is a punk girl!"

"What if she holds feelings over you? One side love?"

"Nah, it is impossible because one time I had asked her about this and she said that her only love is archery and she want to become great archer"

"Where are your parents?" Father asked me something that is not a very touchy subject at all because I never see them.

"They are dead"


"They died in a car crash"

"Sorry" he started to mutter a prayer for their peace.

Then he look towards me in a very different sense, "If I told you there is a chance to meet them but for this you have to follow certain rituals. Will you be able to do it?" His smile didn't leave his face but I feel like he was staring into my soul"

Meeting my parents….

"I don't give a shit about this. Past is past. Crying over that is like saying, sleeping with dead. If somebody missing dead people too much then put yourself in the coffin with them"

"Interesting," he said, "I think I should go now. Maybe Lisa needs my help in something. You can live in peace for now on, Seig"

He left me all alone outside. This guy is creepy. His mere presence makes me want to vomit. He is a priest of god but he doesn't have those traits that a certain priest has.

I finally came home. Surprisingly enough Tora was sleeping in her room. Something was going on in this place. A transferred student and now a priest from a foreign country.

I prepare my bed and fall asleep as I lay in it.

Man knew his woman and she conceived and bore a child, and she said, "I have got me a man with the Lord." And she bore as well his brother, and brother became a herder of sheep while Child was a tiller of the soil. And it happened in the course of time that the child brought from the fruit of the soil an offering to the Lord. And the brother too had brought from the choice firstlings of his flock, and the Lord regarded the brother and his offering but did not regard the child and his offering. And the child was very enraged, and his face fell. And the Lord said to Child,

"Why are you so angry,

and why has your face fallen?

For whether you offer well,

or whether you do not,

at the tent flap sin crouches

and for you is its longing,

but you will rule over it."

Jealous of his own blood brother. He committed the sin against his Brother. The child mercilessly murdered his Brother and sacrificed to the Lord. After the Lord seeing this act of sin, cursed him with immortality and walked on the path of loneliness and slaughter.