Chapter 5: Nice To Meet You

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"Finally done are you?" A young woman's voice asked.

I turned my head and saw the same Hall Monitor that I had passed during first class and she wore a similar outfit to Betty, only without the vest or the lacy stockings. "Hi, there! I have a hall pass."

She smiled crookedly at me. "That only works once and..."

I took it out of my pocket and handed it to her. "Permanent pass. Special case." I said and turned my head to point at my bald patch. "I'm having memory problems. Getting to class, let alone remembering where they are, is a real pain in the ass."

"Oh." She said and read it before handing it back. "Why aren't you in class right now?"

"The teacher kicked me out for not remembering anything and I can't finish a project due at the end of the month." I said with a shrug.

The young woman's face hardened. "She didn't even give you a chance to make it up?"

"I managed to get her to write out a list of books for me to read before she told me I had to do the project or I was out." I said and showed it to her. "I was going to the library after I checked my locker for any missing course books, only to realize the old me was a pig and it was a goddamn mess."

She laughed softly and looked down at the floor and the garbage I had put there. "I hope you're not leaving that there."

"No, I just need to find a garbage can to put it in." I said and crouched down to sweep it all into my hand, then used a couple of fingertips to grab the little bits and things to add to my hand.

"How did you do that?" She asked, clearly surprised.

"Sticky fingers." I said and closed my hand over the garbage. "Would you care to escort me to my destination?"

She looked at her watch and nodded. "We can stop at a bathroom on the way and you can drop that off and wash your hands."

"Great!" I said and started to walk, then stopped and went back to her. "Which way do we go? My map is in my backpack and I haven't looked up the library yet."

She gave me an odd look. "You really can't remember?"

I smiled a huge smile. "I'm hearing that a lot today for some reason. I wonder why?"

She smiled back. "It's this way." She waved in the other direction and we walked together. "What's your name?"

"I don't know." I said with a straight face and she looked surprised. "I had no clue who I was when I woke up. It took hours waiting at the hospital to get checked out and diagnosed with a concussion before the woman that said she was my aunt told me who I was or realized I didn't know."

"Okay, wow." She said and her hand reached over and took mine.

"I used to be Peter Parker." I said and she nodded. "When I found out, I decided that I liked his middle name Benjamin better, so now I'm Ben. Ben Parker."

"And you're trying to fit into his old life."

"Like a left foot into a right shoe and my toes are cramping up." I said and she chuckled. "What's your name?"

"Isabelle Ionello." She said. "You're in my brother's homeroom."

"Please tell me he isn't the brown-skinned moron. I don't want to feel bad when I beat up the little bastard later."

Isabelle laughed. "No, his name's Jason and he has dark hair and is about your height."

I looked at her blonde hair and then at her darker blonde eyebrows.

"I am not going to ask what you're thinking." She said with a smirk. "I already know."

I chuckled at her catching the implication. "I should tell you that I'm already flirting with a girl in my class and Miss Strickland in the office."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you are."

"To be fair, it's only been barely half a day." I joked and she laughed again.

"Just getting started, are you?" Isabelle asked and her hand gave mine a little squeeze.

"Kind of." I said with a shrug. "It's more like I'm testing the waters and seeing if any sharks appear to take a bite out of me."

"Sharks, huh?" Isabelle asked and came to a stop. "Boy's bathroom is right there and the garbage can should be near the door."

"Thanks." I said and walked towards it without letting her hand go.

"Hey, what..."

"You have to wash your hands, too." I said and used my back to open the 'push not pull' door and dragged her inside.

Isabelle didn't resist much, which meant she was curious about what I was going to do. I let her hand go and brushed the garbage into the can behind the door, then went to the sink. She stood there and watched me and I saw a slight nod as I washed my hands properly.

"Your turn." I said as I hit the blower button with my elbow and rubbed my hands under it.

Isabelle went to the sink and washed her hands as she kept an eye on me. I hit the button on the blower again and she walked over to dry her hands.

"Did you know using paper towels is more sanitary than an air blower?" I asked her and she stopped rubbing her hands. "It's too expensive to provide them for hundreds of students, though. There's no need to refill a dryer several times a day."

Isabelle gave me an odd look. "I thought you said you couldn't remember anything?"

"I've been studying all week while I was off." I said and went into a stall and grabbed several wads of toilet paper.

"What are you doing?" Isabelle asked and watched me as I lathered my hands up and then rubbed them over part of the counter.

I then used the wads of toilet paper to dry it off and tossed them into the trash before I washed my hands and dried them again. "Prep work."

"Prep? For what?" Isabelle asked me.

I took her hand and walked over to the counter that I had just improvised cleaning, then I turned her around and kissed her passionately. She let out a pleased sound as I used my tongue liberally and hugged her close. We stayed like that for several minutes, then I picked her up by the hips and sat her on the counter.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Isabelle asked.

"Seeing if it's true." I said and flipped her skirt up and pushed her legs apart.

"HEY!" Isabelle shouted and put her hands between her legs.

I gave her a huge smile. "I want to know if you'll enjoy my tongue down here, too."

Isabelle blushed and turned her head to the side. "You... that's not something guys... why would you..."

I gently moved her hands out of the way and she didn't stop me. "Because you're hot." I said and she blushed harder. "I hope you don't think that's too shallow of me."

"N-no, I..." Isabelle paused and didn't say anything else.

"I'm sorry that my story made you feel bad." I said and caressed her thighs. "You took my hand to reassure me, even knowing I just picked up garbage from the floor."

"I... well..."

"You listened and you showed me that you cared. That deserves a reward, don't you think?"

Isabelle's blush didn't fade as she turned her head slightly to look at me. "Ben, I... I'm..."

"I won't compromise that." I promised and slid my hands up her thighs.

Isabelle leaned back against the mirror and lifted her hips slightly.

I smiled warmly at her and eased her panties off. "Well, hello there little bald sharky."

Isabelle let out a giggle at my joke about testing the waters.

"So much for the theory of the carpet matching the drapes." I said and moved in close.

"D-don't stare." Isabelle whispered.

"I don't intend to." I said and gave her a tentative lick.

"OH!" Isabelle gasped and some clear fluid came out of her.

I tasted her and I was right about my taste buds enhancing things. I could almost pick out the different chemical compounds in it. "More testing is needed."

"Wh-what?" Isabelle asked and then she moaned loudly as I spread her open with my fingers and proceeded to lick and taste everything I could see. "Ohhh... oh, god! Ben... your tongue... is magic!"

I carefully played with her and probed her intact hymen. It was quite sensitive and I teased it a lot before I moved up to my true target and I ruthlessly attacked her clitoris.

"GAHHH!" Isabelle yelled and came very hard.

White fluid flowed out of her and I sucked up the offering, as was appropriate. I had made her orgasm, so I was keeping the results. I regretted not having a test tube to save some of it, just in case I had a chance for a later comparison after she lost her virginity. Assuming she would let me if she found someone to have sex with.

I pushed the thought out of my mind, since it wasn't relevant, and stood up. "Thank you for letting me do that, Isabelle."

Isabelle had a bit of a frantic look in her eyes as she panted. "You're... thanking... me?"

"You are quite delicious." I said and looked down at the mess. "Do you need a hand cleaning up?"

"W-w-wait." Isabelle said and tried to get her breathing under control. It took her a minute to do so and she sat up to glare at me. "That's it? That's all you're going to do?"

I raised my eyebrows. "I thought you were done."

Isabelle squinted her eyes at me. "Get your tongue back down there right now or I'm going to scream."

I raised my hands up in surrender and she leaned back against the mirror. I knelt again and moved forward, only to feel her hands caress my head.

I felt a tingle at the back of my skull and then her fingers gripped my hair and pulled me in as she wrapped her legs around my neck. I could have slipped away easily, especially with the early warning, then decided to just go with it. I did start things off with a bang, after all.

I never did get to the library before the lunch bell rang.


"Jesus, man! What happened to you?" One of the guys from homeroom asked me when I entered the cafeteria.

"I was mauled by a wild animal." I responded quite truthfully and he laughed. My clothes were a bit messy, my hair was all over the place, and I was pretty sure my lips and my neck were bruised. Isabelle hadn't taken it easy on me at all.

"You really look like that." Betty said as I sat down beside her.

"Hey, beautiful. I mean Betty." I said with a smirk.

Betty blushed and shook her head while the two girls across the table laughed softly.

"Oh! I missed two more pretty ladies! Where did you come from?" I asked.

"You really don't remember us?" The tall dark-skinned girl asked.

"Not even a little bit." I said and took a packed lunch out of my backpack. "Amnesia is anathema to letting me remember such striking beauties, I'm sorry to say."

"I'm Liz and she's Cindy." The dark-skinned girl said and pointed to the Asian girl.

"Ben Parker." I said and opened the bag my lunch was in to take out the contents.

"Your name's Peter." Cindy said.

"It was." I said and opened the container with a large square of lasagna in it. "Benjamin is a middle name. I go by that now."

The three girls took in deep sniffs.

"What is that?" Betty asked and leaned in close to me.

"The best budget homemade lasagna in the world." I said and took a spoon from the bag.

"It smells better than what's served here." Betty said and she and Cindy exchanged looks. "SCOOP!"

I glanced at them and looked at Liz. "That wasn't an order, right?"

Liz chuckled. "No, they work in the journalism program and host a school news show twice a week."

"Tuesdays and Thursdays, broadcast right here in the cafeteria." Betty said proudly and pointed to the televisions mounted in the corners of the room near the ceiling. "Seymour and Charles do Mondays and Wednesdays."

"Does that mean there's an orgy of hosts on Fridays?" I asked and scooped up some lasagna to eat.

The three girls stared at me with blushes on their faces.

"What?" I asked after swallowing.

"An orgy? Really?" Liz asked.

"That's not the slang word for group?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what it really meant.

"I think that confirms that you don't remember anything." Betty said. "I'll add it to the copy for tomorrow."

"Don't forget the wild animal on the loose." I said and ate more lasagna. "I almost didn't get away. If the lunch bell hadn't scared it off, who knows what could have happened if it completely lost control."

"Wait, there really is a wild animal?" Cindy asked, surprised.

I nodded and kept eating.

"Well?" Cindy prompted.

"I'm eating." I said with a smile.

"We all should." Liz said and we all did. We even ate the piece of cobbler I had, that the girls needed to try, just because it looked so good.

"Okay, now spill it!" Cindy almost shouted, which made Liz and myself laugh.

"It stalks the halls looking for wayward students. If you're not careful, it pounces on you and you're caught in its clutches. I was at my locker when it found me, barely managed to make it to the bathroom to hide out, and that's where it tackled me." I said and rubbed my neck with a hand, then I couldn't stop myself and laughed.

"Oh, you!" Cindy huffed and crossed her arms. "It's not funny to tease reporters."

"Sorry, sorry." I said and looked at Betty. "How about an exclusive interview with the amnesiac?"

Betty looked at her watch and shook her head. "It would have to wait until after school."

"We can't because I take a bus." I said. "Would a quick overview be enough for now?"

"Maybe." Cindy said. "We could use it as a teaser to get people to watch Thursday's show."

"That's a great idea, Cindy." Betty said and took out a notepad. "Okay, Peter... I mean Ben. Give me the rundown."

I gave her the highlights as I packed the remains of my lunch away, including my flight down the stairs, my concussion, and memory loss. Both Betty and Cindy nodded when I was done and the bell rang.

"We can work with this." Cindy said and we all stood.

"Have fun with it." I said and said goodbye to them as I left at a fast walk. I needed to get to Mr. Harrison's classroom to give him a heads-up about me dropping both his class and the academic decathlon team. It was not going to be a good afternoon to be me, because I had geography after that.

All in all, the only good part about the day was getting to eat out Isabelle, and even that hurt afterwards. She sure had nice thighs, though.


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