Chapter 1. "Breaking point"

A journal entry: August 14th 2004.

(8 months into 15 years old, 20 years to date!) 

I can see how scattered my thought process was back then, and how it hasn't changed very much even till this day at 35 years of age! lbvs.

I was so very...quixotic. So thirsty and desperate for love. 



I was also knee-deep in a potent and sometimes debilitating mixture of hormones and emotions.

Puberty I tell ya! lol

Lort, have merbies...



Today wasn't the worst day of my life, but it could have been better. I went bowling with my stepdad. It was actually kinda fun...

I came in 2nd place and *XXXXX was irritated that she was not the best in the place. 

*My little sister.

I didn't call *XXXXX today, but it's alright. She's at her dads house and I'm pretty sure I'll live to see tomorrow. I want to go see her some time before school starts back, and hopefully we don't break up any time soon...

This Knight's armor is worn to the breaking point and can no longer take those kinda blows...

I am not the Shining Knight I used to be!

*My then crush.


I know exactly who this is about!

As I should, yeah? lol this memory hasn't faded yet unfortunately. I went through a lot of emotional turmoil as a kid/teen folks.

Love was...a commodity in my life.

Even in a home with six siblings.

Especially in a home with six siblings.

Enough of that lol. I am sure some of my journals will cover that ground.

See you soon folks.