Avon looked around the spacecraft trying to know more about it and understand more about it. Most of the things were written in an unknown language. The spacecraft had a huge room in the center where there was a control panel. The huge room was surrounded by smaller rooms which were the toilets, bedroom, kitchen, storage etc. On the control panel Avon saw a tab like device. He held it in his hand and the screen lit up. Then multiple languages appeared on the screen. There was english among them and it read "Please choose the language you are familiar with"
He looked at the various languages which most likely said the same thing and chose english. "Hello dear guest! Welcome aboard the Stellar-795! Dear guest, you have been assigned the status of a guest because the owner of this craft, Reveria Eclipse has assigned you the status of a guest. By what name may I address you?"
Avon heard a woman's voice all over the spacecraft. He was initially surprised but understood that it was probably just an interface to help him. "Avon" he immediately answered the system's question.
"Welcome aboard Mr.Avon. I am SteNav-985, I will assist you throughout your journey. Just by calling my name, SteNav, on any location of the craft, I will be ready to answer you. Hope you enjoy your stay."
'Enjoy huh? That's one thing I cannot do right now.'
"Okay then SteNav!"
"How may I assist you Mr.Avon?"
"What is our current destination? Give me some details"
"The craft is currently headed towards planet Steela. Moving at about 3 lightyears per second we shall reach the destination in 75 hours of time."
'Hmm? 3 LIGHTYEARS PER SECOND! How is possible to go at 3 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT!! This is awesome!'
"What is fastest this craft can go?"
"10 LYPS"
"Nice, thank you"
"My pleasure dear guest"
'So in a little more than 3 days we will reach. That's good. I will get some sleep first'
Thinking so Avon decided to go to the bedroom and sleep. He was mentally exhausted after all that had happened today. Now that he had such a huge burden on his shoulders and his master and friends and his family were in danger, his entire planet was in danger, he couldn't actually sleep. Still, because he was exhausted completely, he managed fall asleep.
Avon fell into a deep slumber, dreaming various kinds of dreams and after what seemed like eternity, he slowly opened his eyes. 'What was I dreaming about? Whatever it was, it sure was weird, leaving me all confused like this.' Then he entered the bathroom and took a bath. After coming near the control panel he spoke "SteNav! When will we reach the destination? How long was I asleep?"
"Mr.Avon, we shall reach the planet Steela in the next 64 hours. You were asleep for 10 hours 36 minutes."
"Okay. Tell me what I need to know about the system there."
"The civilization on the planet is a highly advanced one. They rely heavily on technology. They focus on cultivating their mind using the mana and are known to be an Intellectual civilization. The planet has various kinds of species living on it. The planet is also a prominent member of Heavenly World Group, MindTech Organization, World Trade Organization and many more organizations. Hence the planet has many visitors visiting it and it a very tourist and alien friendly planet. Hence Mr. Avon will not have to worry about standing out in public. Usually they ask the reason of arrival before assigning the landing space but since this is Reveria Eclipse's craft, VIP access is given. Upon entering the main city, Kroma, you will find many digital guides available for free and may read them. There are many changes happening in the rules of the planet due to its fast paced developments. So, to be updated with the lates information, rules and guidelines it is recommended to read the guide thoroughly. I hope this information has helped you."
"Yes it did a lot. Thanks SteNav!"
"My pleasure"
Avon then went to the kitchen to eat something as he was hungry and saw there were various varieties of food available.
"SteNav! Are these food items safe to eat? They aren't expired right?"
" These food items will never expire Mr.Avon so please eat without any worries"
"My pleasure"
'Wow! never expiring food huh....Thrice the speed of light, no actually 10 times, never expiring food and who knows what else. Earth seems like a backward place now and the funny thing I still haven't been to another planet yet!'
Then Avon ate a random blue colored stick, it was delicious and to his surprise, eating just one stick erased his hunger entirely. Then Avon went on to continue cultivating and noticed that the mana density was much more here and it was becoming thicker. Considering the speed at which he is moving he realized that mana was spread out everywhere in space and Steela will have a lot more mana than Earth does now.
"Hey SteNav! What is the tier of Steela?"
"It is High tier planet Mr.Avon"
"I see"
'Seems like SteNav says "my pleasure" only as a reply to "thank you"'
Then Avon continued trying to understand everything about mana. After a while he was able to absorb mana. The rate was very slow but it was just as Reveria had explained.
Time passed like this and they finally arrived at Steela.
The craft didn't have any windows so Avon couldn't see what the planet looked like from space. The craft landed with no hiccups whatsoever just like SteNav said. Then Avon got off and looked around. Everything seemed high tech, the buildings were very modern. The air was also very fresh.
Soon two men came over wearing certain red colored uniforms. They looked at Avon showed him a tab with names of various languages written on it. Avon understood what they meant and chose english on the board. Then they spoke :"Please fill this form." Then the tab which was pretty thin printed a physical form from one of its edges and then it was given to Avon.
Avon read it and seemed like they wanted his personal information such as name, if this was his first time to this planet. What his purpose was and etc. Avon filled the form and wrote "An audience with the knight" as his purpose. The two men then nodded and signaled for him to follow them.
Avon thought they were taking to meet the knight or something. Considering how Reveria said it would take a month, it seemed that meeting the knight was not a difficult thing and it would take month mainly due to the travel time. Soon they brought him into an office and said "We will give a identity card. Please show it to any authorities if they ask for your identity. Also it is recommended you read about all the functions of the identity card." Soon they gave him a card which was actually a kind of a card sized mini phone. The display had his photo and some personal information on it and on swiping it provided the manual for utilizing all the functions. "Thank you" Avon thanked them and left the office. He noticed a few monitors hanging on the wall displaying the way towards the pods for reaching the city. He followed the directions and reached before a pod. The service was free. So he got and checked the map provided in the identity card and realized that the knight's hall was in the Secenta region of Kroma city and realized it would take about 10 minutes for the pod to reach there.
After 10 minutes he got off and it searched for those public tab-like manuals that SteNav had mentioned. He found one and it started off saying "In the 17th Reform of the Planet's System....."
Avon heard to entire think carefully and understood all the rules. They pretty simple and easy to follow. He then checked in the map for Knight's hall's location and started walking towards it. While walking around he saw that many of the people around him were just like him in physical form. Though he noticed some people had a few animal like features and saw some people with gradieng hair. Some of them were almost 9 feet tall and some just 4 feet. Some people had a completely pale skin. He realized how many various kinds of races were here.
He then reached his destination and upon entering he saw some people standing inside and a reception desk at an end. He directly went towards the reception desk and asked the woman sitting " Excuse me, I want ask how to apply for an audience with the knight" The woman looked at him and then said, "Sir, maybe you have not been updated to the new system. The knight does not grant audience on request anymore."
Avon was shocked "But the Guide in the city didn't say anything about this?" Avon told the woman
"Sir, the TerraGuide only gives you the updates about our rules. The knight's decision of granting audience does not fall in that category hence it does not store any information about such changes."
"Then what can I do to meet the Knight?"
"The only way to meet the Knight is to become an Honorary Cadet at the Nebula academy."
'Now what is this Nebula academy' Avon thought to himself frustrated.
"Could you tell me about this in more detail please?"
"Sure, it has been announced recently that only after one gains the position of honorary cadet or higher at the nebula academy can they avail a audience with the knight. "
"thank you"
'She didn't elaborate at all! I'll have to ask someone else.'
Then Avon realized something, his identity card! It was like a phone, he could just search about Nebula academy on it. He then first read through the used manual of the card and realized it could also be used like a credit card, not like he had and account or any money currently. Then he used the Clous feature to open a search engine and looked up Nebula Academy. He found their official site and it seemed that in the academy they trained the students to be like soldiers while making them adept at science and technology. It seemed everyone on this planet went to this academy to complete their education. Then looked found a section mentioning Honorary cadet and read in detail.
"The cadets who show exceptional physical and mental capabilities, have proven themselves on real time missions and have an exceptional record are awarded this degree....." Much more was written but this was enough to shock Avon.
He had to enroll at the academy and experience actual battles to just meet the knight? He was dumbfounded. and instinctively opened his mouth in shock as he realized what he had to do now.