Can’t Blame Her for Being Chūnibyō

Some people outwardly serve as maids to noble vampires, but secretly work for the liberation of humanity.

Jasmine had been pondering since she was ten years old whether she should do something meaningful with her life. After all, if she mysteriously transmigrated to this world and gained such a powerful cheat, wouldn't it be sad to live to a hundred without doing anything remarkable? So, Jasmine decided she wanted to do something that would leave her mark on history.

At first, she became a hunter. She would diligently serve the young vampire lady at night, and when everyone rested during the day, she would sneak out and eliminate non-humans who bullied the weak and oppressed humans. She dealt with so many of these creatures that she figured out their weaknesses and discovered that even ordinary people could resist non-humans if they knew the right methods.

So, she began gathering the people she saved, teaching them how to fight back against non-humans. She could have chosen to leave the castle and live among the humans, but the problem was... the humans lacked money and food, and the castle had abundant resources, including plenty of meat, eggs, and milk. She just couldn't give up the life of luxury and go back to roughing it in the wild—she was far better suited to enjoying the gourmet meals prepared by the castle's chefs.

Moreover, living in the castle allowed her to occasionally sneak into the lord's study to gather information about the various non-human factions, helping her human allies avoid numerous ambushes.

Unbeknownst to her, Jasmine had made significant contributions to the cause of human liberation.

She even gained some renown among the humans, who affectionately called her "Lady Dawn."

The nickname was nice enough, but once was enough—no more, please.

Jasmine had originally thought that with Adèle away at school, no longer clinging to her every day, she would have more time to dedicate to the cause of human liberation. However, she hadn't expected Adèle to be so clever as to bring her along.

Jasmine knew this vampire was still eager to taste her delicious blood and couldn't bear to let her go.

Sitting in the bumpy old car, with Adèle drowsily resting her head on her shoulder and the driver glancing curiously at her through the rearview mirror, Jasmine remained expressionless, though she secretly wanted to curl up in embarrassment. The technology in this world was odd—probably due to the prevalence of supernatural powers, the technological advancements were strange. For instance, the cars were old-fashioned models, yet there were high-tech devices like airships, which sounded incredibly advanced.

After transferring from the old car to an airship and arriving at the school, Jasmine fell into an even deeper silence. She had no idea why Adèle had brought her along to school. Perhaps it was to watch her be tormented by the low-level vampire maids.

Adèle naturally stayed in a luxurious suite, but Jasmine had to settle for the servants' quarters. Yet even the servants' quarters were quite decent, providing her with a private room instead of sharing with others like in the castle. She no longer had to do laundry for the entire castle—just for Adèle.

The problem was that other nobles had brought low-level vampire maids or attendants, and only a few had human servants. This led to the low-level vampires looking down on Jasmine. On her first night at the school, Jasmine found herself cornered.

The leader of the group seemed to be the maid of one of Adèle's classmates. She sneered at Jasmine with a bloodthirsty look in her eyes. Jasmine understood immediately—she wanted to drink her blood.

But this low-level maid didn't seem like a good person, and she wasn't her employer. If even Adèle hadn't been able to drink her blood, why would Jasmine let this maid succeed?

So when the maid taunted, "Human, if you're smart, you'll bare your neck and let me feast on your blood. Oh, and don't tell your little master, or you'll suffer even more," Jasmine sighed.

As the maid, confident in her victory, approached Jasmine, she swiftly grabbed the maid's arm and pinned her to the ground. Jasmine moved so quickly that no one realized what had happened until the maid was already subdued.

Jasmine's knee pressed into the maid's back, her hand twisting the maid's arm behind her. The maid froze in shock before screaming, "Human! What are you doing?"

"I'm just protecting myself. After all, with so many of you here, even if you took turns feeding on me, I'd still be drained dry. By the way, it's not surprising that I managed to subdue you. Although I'm human, you're just a low-level vampire who's barely an adult and knows nothing. For someone like me who trains regularly, it's easy to take you down."

"This is a self-defense technique. It's very useful; you should learn it. If other vampires try to bully you in the future, you can use it to defend yourself."

"What's wrong with you?!"

Ignoring the maid's pleas, Jasmine released her. The other low-level vampires looked at her like she was a monster, but still, they left with the attitude of, "You'll pay for this!" as they quickly fled the scene.

Weak and arrogant low-level vampires were truly irritating. Jasmine shook her hand, feeling a bit exasperated. She took her luggage to her room and organized it. There was a small box given to her by the school upon arrival, which contained the school uniform she had to wear, even as a maid.

Jasmine opened the box and found that the school's uniform was not much different from the castle's maid outfit. Both were maid uniforms, with only some variations in details and craftsmanship. After changing into the uniform, Jasmine began exploring the school. The school administration was thorough, providing everyone with a map that detailed where servants were allowed to go and areas that were off-limits, such as the classrooms and student lounges.

The servants' dining hall was also separate from the students', but the food was quite decent, as Jasmine discovered when she went there during meal time.

The servants' meal times were scheduled after their masters went to class. When Jasmine arrived at the dining hall, she realized she wasn't the only human maid. Upon seeing her, the other human maids looked surprised and a bit pleased, but they quickly lowered their heads, their cautious demeanor indicating they had been bullied many times.

On her first day at school, Jasmine didn't know whether these human maids had been brainwashed like the castle's head maid, so she kept her distance and quietly took her lunch from the window. The kitchen staff included both low-level vampires and humans, though the humans were few and all looked very timid.

In a place filled with vampires, Jasmine had noticed that humans generally fell into two categories: those too timid to stand out and those who acted as if they were noble vampires themselves, lording over others. In reality, if they faced off against low-level vampires, humans would have a fighting chance.

Jasmine selected a few dishes that suited her taste and found an empty table where she could eat quietly.

Her hearing was exceptional, even better than a werewolf's, and she could filter out unwanted noise while picking up useful information. Jasmine quickly noticed that a group of four low-level vampire maids sitting at a nearby table were discussing something.

They spoke in hushed tones, disdain evident in their voices as they talked about humans.

"Ugh, another human. I really hate them—they always have such a foul odor."

Nonsense. If a human so much as bleeds a little, you'd be drooling all over them.

Jasmine spooned a piece of potato into her mouth, expressionless as she mentally mocked the braggart maid.

Another vampire joined in, "Yeah, but have you heard? There's a group of humans in some remote area calling themselves a resistance army. They've even killed a few vampires."

"What?!" The maid who had just expressed her hatred for humans was shocked. "How could mere humans possibly kill noble vampires?"

"Well, they're not entirely helpless, right? Didn't that human just now pin down a low-level vampire..."

"I think she's the maid of the Black family's young lady? Unbelievable. How could the Black family's young lady bring a human maid? Has the Black family fallen so low?"

As Jasmine ate, she felt quite pleased, knowing that this so-called human resistance army was her creation. Though Jasmine was a transmigrator with no real sense of belonging to this world, seeing other humans suffering so much made her unhappy.

Besides, helping the weak overthrow their oppressors, igniting the flames of rebellion in their hearts, and then becoming a historical legend herself—wasn't that the coolest thing ever?

Yes, Jasmine had a bit of a chūnibyō streak. You couldn't really blame her, though. Before transmigrating, she had been an ordinary girl with a touch of fantasy in her heart. Now, she had been thrown into a world where such fantasies were real, where she had a cheat power, and where everything was harsh and fantastical. If she didn't indulge in some chūnibyō moments, she'd be letting herself down.

Although her starting point was simply "because it's cool," Jasmine had indeed helped many people and done many good deeds.

She couldn't contain her pride as she picked up her tray to leave, but before she could reach the dining hall's exit, she heard the familiar call of "Jasmine! Jasmine!"

Oh—damn it.

The overly dramatic tone in her mind made Jasmine wince. She knew it was her young lady, Adèle, looking for her again. Jasmine was at a loss when it came to Adèle. She could also sense the strange looks the other low-level vampires gave Adèle... In some ways, the young lady didn't quite fit the vampire mold.

At least, not as a noble.