You Have No Shame

Adele's words were clear—Molly shouldn't allow herself to be implicated.

Molly quickly realized that Adele might have already guessed that she was the one who killed the doctor. To Adele, it wouldn't be surprising that Molly, a supposedly weak maid, could kill the doctor. After all, the doctor was already at death's door by the time three maids were left standing. As long as they worked together, it wasn't difficult to finish him off.

But Adele overlooked one thing. As a strong person, it was natural for her to think: "Take down the enemy while they're weak." However, for the maid and little freckled Anna, it wasn't so simple. They were facing the doctor, someone who had treated them as livestock for so long, abusing them physically and mentally. The mere sight of him standing again would have frozen the maid in fear, unable to act.

Even if she had gathered the courage to strike, the doctor could have easily used his mental magic to control her in her heightened emotional state, turning her into his prey instead.

Mental magic was a strange thing. If used against someone with strong willpower and a calm mind, it wasn't as effective. The more resolute a person's will, the less likely they were to be hypnotized. On the other hand, those with weaker willpower would succumb much more easily. That's why the doctor had such success with these young maids who had just turned eighteen.

Adele naturally assumed that the three maids could easily deal with the doctor, but without Molly, they would have been at risk of being overpowered. Molly could see the thoughts in Adele's expression. She pressed her lips together, choosing to stay silent, but Adele didn't. Unlike before, when she asked questions cautiously, now her words spilled out in a rush.

"Molly, don't be afraid. I will protect you. I won't let you get hurt. As far as the doctor's death is concerned, you were never there. I'll take responsibility for everything."

Adele was indeed a reliable master, and her words were reassuring. But the reality was that Molly had been the one protecting her, feeding her blood, and carrying her out of the ruins. Adele rambled on for a while before her face suddenly turned red, and she hesitated.

Molly was puzzled and couldn't help but ask, "Miss, what's wrong? Are you still feeling weak?"

"No!" Adele immediately denied it, lowering her head. She clutched her nightgown with both hands, nervously twisting the fabric. After a moment, she whispered, "Molly, was it you who fed me blood, brought me back, and then bathed and dressed me?"

There was no reason to deny it now. Molly had already admitted to far more incriminating things, so she nodded without hesitation.

To her surprise, Adele suddenly looked up, her cheeks burning as red as the setting sun. Her eyes were also a deeper shade of crimson than usual. She pointed a trembling finger at Molly, struggling to find her words before finally blurting out, "You have no shame!" With that, she fled to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.


Molly stood outside, bewildered, knocking on the door. Adele's voice came through, "Molly! You should go back now! I need to rest!"

Molly waited for a moment, but when it became clear that Adele had no intention of coming out, she turned and left to attend to her other tasks.

Inside her room, Adele hid under her blanket, burying her face in her pillow, unsure of what to say. As soon as Molly confirmed that she had indeed fed her blood, bathed her, and brought her back, her mind was flooded with all sorts of images: Molly lowering her head to her neck to feed her blood; Molly half-dragging, half-carrying her from the doctor's office back to her room; Molly, face flushed with embarrassment, undressing her to bathe her…

It was mortifying! How could Molly do such things!

As Adele struggled with her embarrassment, she couldn't help but feel a pang of heartache. Molly was just a weak and helpless little human maid. Adele was a full-grown woman, and the distance from the doctor's office to the dormitory was not short. Carrying her all that way must have been terrifying for Molly, and she must have been exhausted.

How had Molly managed to carry her back? She might not have been able to lift her, so she probably had to drag her, panting heavily, sweat soaking her hair. Even so, she must have gritted her teeth and brought Adele back to her room.

The more Adele thought about it, the softer her heart became. Her pulse quickened as her imagination ran wild. Molly must really like her to have borne her weight with such frail shoulders and brought her all the way back.

Adele's thoughts spiraled, even imagining Molly anxiously and shyly bathing her.

Then, the realization she had been avoiding finally hit her: She drank Molly's blood! The thought made her clutch her pillow tightly and bury her blushing face in it.

Before this, Adele had often wanted to drink Molly's blood, but she had always refused. It left Adele feeling conflicted. She couldn't understand why Molly wouldn't let her drink her blood and had even asked her sister's maid about it. The maid hesitantly explained, "Being fed on isn't exactly a pleasant experience. It makes you dizzy, weak, and everything starts spinning." Adele couldn't imagine what that felt like, but it didn't sound enjoyable.

Molly probably knew that, which was why she refused. Sometimes, Adele wondered if Molly didn't like her as much as she claimed. If she couldn't even bear the discomfort of being fed on, could she really say she cared? After brooding over it, Adele would convince herself that it must be very uncomfortable, which was why Molly didn't want to do it.

With this minor frustration and the irresistible allure of Molly's sweet scent, Adele kept trying to drink her blood. Finally, she had succeeded.

The only problem was—Adele had been unconscious when she drank Molly's blood, so she didn't even know what it tasted like!

"Ahhh!" Adele couldn't help but punch her pillow, now deeply regretting that she hadn't been able to savor the taste of Molly's blood. She suddenly sat up, her silver hair cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Adele was on the verge of tears: What if she asked to drink Molly's blood again? Would she be refused?

"She likes me so much, she probably won't refuse!"

"Achoo…" Molly sneezed, raising a hand to wipe her nose. The vampire sitting across from her and the one standing behind her both wrinkled their noses in distaste. The teacher from the administration even waved a hand dismissively, "See, humans are so frail…"

They were all crammed into Molly's tiny room, making the space feel even more cramped.

It had all happened so suddenly. As Molly was about to return to her room, the vampires from the administration had tracked her down and forced her back to her room for questioning. The teachers weren't fools. They quickly pieced together the events leading up to the incident and realized it all stemmed from Molly. They had also learned from other low-level vampire maids that Molly was supposed to visit the doctor for treatment yesterday.

For some reason, Molly hadn't gone, and instead, second-year student Anna had gone to the doctor's office and then disappeared afterward.

Vampire senses were no joke. Although they couldn't detect Molly's presence at the scene due to her careful masking of her scent, they had quickly picked up on Anna's. They had likely already searched Anna's room, discovered her disappearance, and then followed the trail to Molly to get to the bottom of things.

As they interrogated her, Molly sneezed. She thought someone must be talking about her behind her back. With her constitution, there was no way she could catch a cold, right?

The teacher began his questioning straightforwardly, and when he had worked Molly's emotions up, making her appear flustered and confused, he seized the opportunity to use his mental magic on her. Predictably, the frail human before him was successfully hypnotized, and now, facing the noble vampire, she could only tell the truth.

"Yesterday, you were supposed to go see the doctor for treatment, correct?"


"And did you go?"


"Why didn't you go?"

"I realized that Miss Adele had some clothes that still needed cleaning, so I decided to wash them first. But as you can see, my health hasn't been great, I've been feeling a bit under the weather these past couple of days. After washing the clothes, I was so tired that I took a nap in my room."

"Did you see Anna yesterday?"

"I saw her earlier in the evening."

"What did she say to you?"

"Not much. She just mentioned that the food in the cafeteria had become a bit monotonous, and after that, I didn't see her again."

"Do you know what happened yesterday?"

"I don't know. All I noticed was that something significant must have occurred because the vampire maids were quite agitated today."

The teacher exchanged glances with the staff behind Molly, confirming that this matter indeed had nothing to do with the little maid in front of them. She had just been inadvertently caught up in the situation. Moreover, she belonged to the Black family, and Miss Adele was even willing to confront other vampires to protect her. Naturally, they wouldn't be as foolish as the doctor to cause trouble for a human.

The teacher nodded, his crimson eyes fixing on Molly again. "Very well. You will forget that we came to question you today. You were merely taking a nap because of your cold."


The teacher left with full confidence. Highborn vampires were far too self-assured in their mental magic, convinced that a weak human couldn't possibly resist. But in reality, if the target of the hypnosis had a strong will, it wasn't so easy to control them.