Departure Home

Molly dropped the pretense and got straight to the point. "Miss Adele, you're different in the eyes of everyone in the manor. Only under your care can they live as they do now. But once you graduate, a new owner will come to the Starfire Farm, and everything could be ruined. Can you… buy the Starfire Farm?"

For the first time since arriving in this world, Molly was genuinely pleading with someone. She knew that without Adele's help, she had no way of keeping the farm safe. The only other option would be to relocate everyone to the human resistance's base, but that would mean the end of the Starfire Farm.

But Molly was just a servant, with no right to make such decisions. She didn't notice that Adele's mind had drifted. The only thing Adele truly heard was, "You're different." The words "in the eyes of everyone in the manor" were conveniently ignored.

In Adele's mind, this confirmed what she had always suspected—Molly liked her. After all, only someone who had feelings for another would think they were unique and special, as if they shone in the darkness. It was the kind of affection that made you want to watch over them, protect them.

And of course, Adele thought, Molly must see her that way too.

As Molly continued to speak, Adele was too lost in her thoughts to fully grasp the rest of the request. By the time she tuned back in, she caught the last part—Molly asking her to buy the Starfire Farm.

Of course, Adele thought to herself, the farm was already hers in her mind, even if it wasn't official yet. It wasn't just the "Starfire Farm" to her; it was "Molly's Farm No. 1." There was no way she would let anyone else take control of it.

Without hesitation, Adele nodded. "No problem. Leave it to me!"

Her response was so immediate that Molly was caught off guard. She had even prepared to offer Adele a bit of her blood if necessary. Now, it seemed she wouldn't have to.

"Miss Adele, you truly are amazing!" Molly said, giving Adele the praise she knew she wanted.

Adele was elated by the compliment. After a few moments of basking in the praise, she realized she could ask for something in return. And what better reward than a taste of Molly's blood?

Adele was practically salivating at the thought. She swallowed nervously and tried to muster up the courage. "Molly, since I've agreed to your request… could you let me drink your blood… just a little?"

She asked this with a slight blush, her eyes filled with hope. In her mind, Molly's smile earlier had been a sign that her request wouldn't be denied.

But Molly, still smiling, firmly replied, "No."

"Eh? Why not?!" Adele's face fell in disbelief.

Molly, unbothered, simply said, "Miss Adele, I need to get back to work now. Call for me if you need anything." With that, she entered Adele's room, where the sounds of her washing clothes soon followed.

Adele collapsed onto the sofa, the scent of Molly still lingering in the air. She felt utterly defeated, wondering if she'd ever get to taste Molly's blood…

As time passed, the weather grew colder, and the school sent out letters announcing the start of winter break. The students were given a break until spring when they would return to the academy for a short period before resuming their farm work.

Before leaving, Adele gathered the head maid, the steward, and the farm's overseers to give them instructions on how to manage the farm through the winter. Once everyone understood, she instructed Molly to pack for their return to the Black family estate.

The snow piled high as they prepared to depart. Adele, bundled in layers of clothing, with a fur-lined cloak and gloves, carried her suitcase outside.

Just as they were about to leave, the little girl from the manor ran up to Adele, trying to hug her. But Adele, who had a strong aversion to physical contact, especially with anyone other than Molly, quickly stepped back and hid behind her maid.

"What's wrong?" Adele asked, her patience already wearing thin.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she asked, "Miss Black, are you leaving?"

Molly, who wasn't fond of children to begin with, could barely contain her annoyance. The girl, unaware of Adele's growing irritation, continued to cry, hoping it would change the vampire's mind.

"Yes, I'm going home," Adele replied curtly.

The girl broke down completely, sobbing uncontrollably. But instead of evoking sympathy, it only made Adele more frustrated. Adele was reminded of how her younger sister had been taught not to cry like this, to always maintain her composure.

The girl, however, believed that tears were her best weapon. She had learned that in the manor, crying often got her what she wanted.

But Adele's patience had run out. "Stop that," she said, her voice cold.

The girl was taken aback, her tears slowing as she noticed Adele's stern expression. "I'm just going home for a while. I'll be back in the spring."

Misunderstanding Adele's words, the girl thought her tears were working. "Then… Miss Black, could you take me with you? I'll be good, I promise. I don't eat much, and I can do a lot of chores. Please take me with you… as your blood servant."

Adele's frown deepened. "I said no." The girl, disheartened by the rejection, tried to cry again, but this time, Adele's tone was sharp. "I told you to stop!"

The girl was startled into silence, unable to understand why her usual tactics were failing. Adele's red eyes glowed faintly in the dim light, making her seem even more intimidating.

"Listen carefully. I only need one maid, and that's Molly. I've never needed anyone else, and I never will. I don't need a blood servant, either." She then turned to Bella. "By the time I return, make sure she's been placed with a caring woman in the village."

Adele's decision was final. Whether this was the best outcome for the girl, Molly couldn't say, but it was the best that Adele could offer. Had the girl behaved differently, she might have been able to stay on the farm without issue.

Molly glanced at the girl, realizing that this might be the last time they saw each other. Her conscience pricked at her, and she decided to leave something behind for the child. She retrieved a small pouch from her luggage and handed it to Bella. "This is from me," she said.

Bella accepted the money, understanding it was meant for the girl. She nodded in acknowledgment.

Adele, impatient and still in a bad mood, called out, "Molly!"

Molly knew she couldn't delay any longer. She turned and boarded the carriage, leaving the manor and the tearful girl behind.

The coachman cracked the whip, and the horses set off, pulling the carriage away from the snowy estate. The liaison officer had already departed for the port, so it was just Molly and Adele in the carriage.

Molly watched the snow-covered trees as they left the farm behind. Only when the manor was out of sight did she turn back to find Adele sitting across from her, arms crossed, looking very much like she was sulking.

Molly tilted her head in confusion. Why was Adele angry?

Not sure what to make of it, Molly offered, "Miss Adele, please don't be upset."