Unlucky One

The newcomers in the human resistance were shocked. How much time had passed since Lady Dawn left? No more than an hour, yet in that short time, she had destroyed the Eternal Night Orb?!

The veterans, however, were all thrilled. Lady Dawn's continued strength meant that all their problems would soon be resolved, and it represented the hope that one day they could overthrow the rule of the vampires. Under the commander's orders, everyone began their assault on the City That Never Sleeps.

Molly moved swiftly. Upon arriving at the city, she immediately entered through the tunnels left by the Hunters' Association. The Hunters' Association truly lived up to their reputation as "sewer rats" in the eyes of the vampires; their tunnels were everywhere. As Molly infiltrated the city, she was unfortunately spotted by a vampire. With no other choice, this unlucky vampire had to die first.

But perhaps calling him unlucky wasn't entirely accurate. After all, most of those who would die later might be burned to death by the sun, a fate hundreds of times more painful than being personally dealt with by Molly. So, in a way, he might have been quite lucky.

Molly, moving like a black shadow, reached the location of the Eternal Night Orb. She had planned to destroy it immediately, but was surprised to find a male vampire indulging himself with a low-rank vampire here. Molly was already irritated—the stench of the city was far worse than anything at Ocán's estate.

To avoid drawing attention from the city's vampires, Molly had to rely on her sense of smell to avoid them, unable to block out the odors. The overwhelming stench of blood was unbearable, and she finally understood why Adèle had been so irritable and aggressive that day. The smell of blood was enough to make anyone dizzy and aggressive.

Molly wanted to leave the city quickly, but she hadn't expected such an important place to be guarded by just a single vampire, who was shamelessly indulging in pleasure. The male vampire was momentarily stunned when he saw Molly, then pointed at her and shouted, "Are you the Lady Dawn of the human resistance?!"

Molly was surprised to be recognized among the vampires. She had indeed seen her name and a brief description of her appearance in the correspondence between the Black family heads, who knew it was she whom Adèle had encountered on the airship. Extracting memories from certain vampires would easily provide her image.

However, her identity was likely still a secret to most vampires, as the Council of Elders' policy was one of stability—they didn't want the vampires to know that humans had such a powerful warrior far beyond their understanding.

This also indicated that the male vampire in front of her likely held a high position.

Whether he did or not, Molly didn't care; she just felt she was about to get an eye infection. And with him shouting so loudly, nearby vampires would surely have heard. After all, vampires have excellent hearing, and not all in the castle were indulging in pleasure—many guards and maids were on alert, and they would soon come running.

With this in mind, Molly became even more irritable. She casually picked her ear and said, "You're too noisy," before sending the pair to meet the King of Hell. However, the male vampire was quite resilient; even after Molly's silk-threaded longsword pierced his chest, he managed to struggle. As she moved toward the Eternal Night Orb, he burned the threads with fire magic and crawled away.

He was clever enough, at least, to discover that the silk-threaded sword was vulnerable to fire.

Molly took the Eternal Night Orb but didn't spare the man. The threads extended from her robe, wrapping around the vampire's ankle in an attempt to drag him back. However, Molly's irritation led to a lack of control, and she ended up severing his foot instead.

The male vampire screamed in agony as the closest vampires burst through the door, witnessing his screams and the sight of a human holding the Eternal Night Orb, her cold eyes staring at them.

Some vampires took defensive stances and demanded, "Who are you?!"

Others, seeing the orb in Molly's hands, felt their hearts skip a beat and sternly shouted, "Put the Eternal Night Orb down immediately!"

Still, others were concerned for the fallen male vampire, exclaiming, "Ah! Second Young Master!"

Molly, in her irritation, decided to deal with them all, including the Eternal Night Orb in her hands. Within ten seconds, everything, including the orb, had turned to ashes. The annoying sounds were gone, and the black curtain outside gradually disappeared. Warm sunlight bathed the land, and Molly stepped onto the balcony, instinctively reaching out as if to embrace the sun.

She turned off her sense of smell, no longer assaulted by the stench, and slowly began to calm down.

At this moment, Molly thought calmly: It seemed like a vampire maid had called the naked male vampire something... Second Young Master? Since they were in the White family's stronghold, the so-called Second Young Master should be the White family's Second Young Master, right?

Molly's thoughts wandered as she stood atop the tower, basking in the sun before stepping forward, performing a free-fall from the top of the tower, landing lightly on the ground like a feather. Around her, vampires were desperately trying to hide inside buildings, but even indoors, it was difficult to find a place safe from the sunlight.

In the City That Never Sleeps, most buildings were lavishly constructed with large glass windows. The curtains were not the heavy, light-blocking kind but just thin veils meant to prevent peeping rather than block out light. They relished the feeling of moonlight on their bodies, so why would they bother drawing curtains to keep it out?

This meant that the sunlight also "greeted" them with warmth.

However, hiding inside did help somewhat; at least they weren't immediately reduced to ashes. The less fortunate ones, who couldn't make it indoors in time, were scorched by the warm sunlight, letting out agonized cries as they turned to ash.

Molly strolled leisurely down the streets, her sense of smell still shut off, so she wasn't overwhelmed by the city's stench, only seeing vampires turning to ash before her eyes. The sight pleased her so much that she began to hum softly.

Molly even walked more slowly to enjoy the scene.

Of course, vampires weren't the only ones in the city—there were also other races. Some were allied with the vampires, others were thrill-seekers, and some hid in the sewers with plans against the vampires. In this chaos, the other races were also in disarray. Many took the opportunity to rob the vampires, hoping to escape and live well afterward.

In such a situation, some even dared to attack humans. Molly, seeing these opportunistic, reckless fools, naturally didn't stand by. What's the difference between attacking humans in front of her and seeking death? Molly generously sent them to hell to join the White family's Second Young Master.

She had the people she saved follow her as she slowly walked to the city gate. When she opened it, she saw the human resistance army charging in. The commander, seeing Molly, hurried over and called out, "Lady Dawn." Behind him was the logistics unit, and Molly, with her sharp eyes, spotted little freckled Anna among them.

She looked very different from before, much dirtier, but her gaze was more determined. Perhaps meeting the Lady Dawn who had guided her into the human resistance filled Anna with joy. She followed behind the commander, wanting to speak to Molly, but first chose to help the other logistics personnel take care of the people Molly had saved.

The commander thanked Molly, who nodded and informed him that the Eternal Night Orb in the city had been destroyed. She then took out a fragment of the orb and handed it to the commander, saying, "Take this back to the base and have it studied. See if there's anything worth learning from it. Also, there are quite a few magic stones in the castle tower. Remember to collect them."

Seeing the commander solemnly agree, Molly was satisfied and then went to see Anna, who was skillfully treating the wounded. Molly couldn't help but marvel at how much Anna had grown.

After treating one person, Anna noticed Lady Dawn standing behind her. She was overjoyed and first thanked her for rescuing her from the school before carefully asking, "Lady Dawn, is Molly... the person who told you about us, is she doing well?"

She's doing well, right in front of you, and just destroyed a vampire stronghold.

Molly couldn't tell the truth, so she just nodded.

Seeing Molly's response, Anna visibly relaxed, a look of emotion Molly didn't understand on her face. "Is that so... That's really good."

To prevent any unforeseen incidents, Molly stayed in the city for two more days, and after the human resistance had completely withdrawn, leaving behind a ruined city, she bid farewell to the commander and sped back to Black Castle.

When she returned, it was still within her sick leave period. After taking a bath, Molly wanted to rest but sensed Adèle's presence. Her heart skipped a beat: Adèle is here? Why would Adèle come? What for? And... had Adèle been here before?

The most crucial question was the last one. She was worried that if Adèle had come in the past two days, her secret escapade would be exposed. If it was, Molly might not be able to stay in this castle any longer.

The thought made Molly feel a pang of sadness. She was sad about losing the delicious meals, the decent salary, and... about leaving Adèle.

Molly suppressed the last thought that suddenly arose, rubbing her still-damp hair with a sigh. She walked to the door, and as she was lost in thought, Adèle arrived outside her room. Now, with only a door between them, Molly waited for Adèle to knock.