Setting Off

Molly didn't have a good sleep during the day. Around ten in the morning, she was disturbed by the sound of rustling outside the window. A group of opportunistic creatures decided that broad daylight was the perfect time to attack what they perceived as an easy target—Adele.

The creatures lurking around the "After Dusk" territory were a shrewd bunch, each possessing unique abilities and a keen eye, especially when it came to recognizing wealth. Even Molly, who was quite skilled at reading people, had to admit that Adele looked like a juicy target. Despite being draped in a black cloak, the hem of Adele's dress and the embroidery on her shoes were visible—clearly expensive and far beyond the means of an average vampire.

From Adele's height and attire, it was easy to deduce that she was a young female vampire. Although age was difficult to gauge among vampires, certain details in clothing and ornamentation often provided clues. A centuries-old vampire wouldn't be caught dead in a frilly pink dress, and the patterns and designs on Adele's clothing screamed youth.

To the creatures in this world, a young vampire was far easier to deal with than an older, more experienced one. And the fact that Adele was in the "After Dusk" territory suggested she had been cast out by the Vampire Council and had no one to protect her.

They even speculated on the reasons behind her presence—perhaps she had committed some crime of passion, maybe even killed a lover. Their crude laughter echoed, but none of the more powerful creatures dared to make the first move. After all, life was precious, and it was always better to be cautious. What if this young vampire was actually a seasoned psychopath, just pretending to be a helpless girl?

No one wanted to be the one to find out the hard way.

So, they pushed a few eager, less experienced young ones to test the waters. These youths, encouraged by promises of shared spoils, approached the window of Adele and Molly's room. They had gathered information—aside from the young vampire, there was only a human servant inside. Vampires might be powerful, but here in "After Dusk," a broken window and a shaft of sunlight would spell the end for even the strongest of them.

However, as they reached out to tamper with the window, black threads suddenly coiled around their arms. The next moment, the threads tightened, severing their limbs. More threads quickly followed, wrapping around their bodies and the severed hands, hurling them away with tremendous force.

The entire encounter lasted only a few moments, and those who had dared to approach the window were swiftly dealt with. Observing from a distance, the other creatures were stunned—they had no idea what method had been used, but they knew enough to back off.

Then, they saw a figure land softly outside the window. The figure, shrouded in black, seemed to hover before the window. The more observant creatures noticed the threads beneath her feet, glinting faintly in the sunlight. Despite her quiet demeanor, her posture exuded confidence. Judging by her silhouette, it was clear that she was a woman, and surprisingly, a human.

The onlookers were startled—they hadn't expected a human to be so formidable. Then the woman spoke, her voice calm but carrying a chilling warning. "I'll say this once—if anyone disturbs my lady's rest again..."

"I'll kill every last one of you."

With that, she turned and re-entered the room. In the brief moment when the door opened, the creatures caught a glimpse of a black curtain inside. The curtain, seemingly alive, parted as the woman entered and closed behind her. It was clear to them now—no matter how hard they tried, no sunlight would ever reach the vampire inside. The woman had made sure they saw this, to deter any further attempts.

After this incident, the creatures knew—this woman and the young vampire were not to be trifled with.

Back inside, after delivering her warning, Molly sat by the bed, watching Adele sleep. Adele trusted her completely, enough to sleep soundly in such a dangerous place. She had accepted Molly's identity as the Dawn Lady remarkably quickly, as if it didn't matter who Molly was. What mattered was that she was there, and Adele, once the protector, now felt secure under Molly's care.

Adele had transitioned seamlessly from being the strong one to allowing herself to be protected. Molly had become the strong one, and Adele was content to be the one in need of protection. It was a dynamic shift, but Adele had embraced it without hesitation.

Adele liked the gentle Molly, who needed her protection. But she also liked the strong Molly, who could protect her. 

In short, as long as it was Molly, Adele liked her.

When Adele woke up, she noticed Molly was no longer beside her. The bed still carried Molly's scent, a faint floral fragrance. Still groggy, Adele instinctively rolled over to Molly's pillow, nuzzling it.

But before she could indulge in this comforting scent, Molly's voice broke the moment. "If you're awake, Miss, it's time to get up."

Embarrassed, Adele turned to see Molly sitting at the table with a teapot and cups. Trying to mask her embarrassment, Adele brushed her hair, then got out of bed and took a seat opposite Molly. The chair wobbled slightly, forcing Adele to steady herself—it was as rickety as the rest of the furniture in this shabby inn.

Once Adele was seated, Molly poured her a cup of tea, adding two cubes of synthetic blood sugar. Adele wasn't particularly hungry—Molly's blood was remarkably satisfying. But she couldn't refuse the tea Molly had prepared, so she took a sip. The warmth spread through her, chasing away the chill that had seeped into her bones from the drafty walls.

After Adele finished her tea, Molly asked, "Shall we head straight to Spark Farm?"

Adele thought for a moment before shaking her head. "School starts again in the spring. I have to go back and give a speech as the top student. After that, maybe in a month or two, we can go to Spark Farm." Molly was surprised and looked at Adele, silently asking, "What will we do in the meantime?"

Adele's eyes sparkled with excitement as she revealed her unexpected plan. "I want to visit the human resistance base!"

Had anyone else made such a request, Molly would have turned them to dust on the spot, suspecting they were trying to betray the resistance to the Vampire Council. But Adele was different. Molly knew she was driven by genuine curiosity and a desire for peace between species.

Molly had initially considered taking Adele to the resistance base, prepared for any conflicts that might arise. But now that the moment had come, Molly hesitated. Adele would surely face hostility and distrust.

Molly set down her cup. "I should warn you—if you go there, you won't be welcomed. In fact, there's a good chance they'll hate you."

"I know that!" Adele replied, unfazed. "I'm a vampire; of course, the humans will hate me. But if I want to build a future where everyone can live in harmony, I have to start by getting to know them. Not just humans, but other species too. If I can't even take the first step, how can I hope to achieve anything?"

Even now, Molly found Adele's dream a bit far-fetched. But it was also compelling—compelling enough that Molly wanted to try, for Adele's sake. While Molly's initial motivations were more self-serving, Adele's aspirations were genuinely noble.

So, despite her doubts, Molly agreed to take Adele to the human resistance base.

The only question now was how to get there. Taking an airship was out of the question, given that Adele was still a fugitive from the Blake family. Molly could reach the base on her own in just half a night by traveling at supersonic speeds, but there was no way Adele could endure such a journey. The cold alone would freeze her solid.

Adele: I like the gentle Molly and the strong Molly just the same!