
Molly might seem very confident on the surface, but in reality, she was a theoretical giant and a practical dwarf. She had no idea what to actually do. But with these kinds of things, practice makes perfect, and eventually, practice reveals the truth.

As a novice, Molly's knowledge was gathered from various novels, and there was one thing she knew she needed to do—prepare lubrication. She had learned from some educational material that whenever engaging in such activities, lubrication was essential. Whether in heterosexual or homosexual relationships, it's needed.

Especially in the first few times, external help was crucial; relying on brute force was not advisable.

There was no shame in this as long as it improved their relationship and allowed for harmonious development. The problem was how to prepare in this underdeveloped area... As someone who often took the easy way out, Molly's knowledge in this area was indeed limited.

After consulting many people, she ended up making something similar to hand cream herself. It was smooth and hydrating, very useful. With camellias in full bloom, Molly ignored Adele's protests and picked a lot of camellias, turned them into pollen, and mixed them into the liquid she had prepared.

Adele, who loved and cherished flowers, naturally didn't want to see the camellias picked. But after Molly whispered in her ear, she reluctantly agreed.

By the time the final product was ready, it was already late spring, and Spark Farm was thriving.

Even the human rebel vanguard, who initially resented Adele, gradually accepted her management. They found that under Adele's leadership, humans indeed lived well. They sent a message back to their base for the commander to see. After reading it, the commander sighed heavily.

She knew that this alone was not enough. The vampires were still enslaving humans, just using a different method. This was a poison wrapped in honey; if swallowed, humanity's ultimate fate would still be extinction. They had to find a way to seize control of their own destiny.

Even if harmonious coexistence were possible, it must be a situation where humans and other races ruled together. The vampires could not be allowed to be the sole rulers.

Of course, for Adele and Molly at this moment, the most important thing wasn't these troubling matters but their upcoming first time together. Adele, someone who valued ceremony, began preparing immediately after they agreed on the time.

The most crucial point was that the bedding and pillows all had to be new, and she wanted to prepare a large number of rose petals to spread across the bed. Even though Adele loved flowers so much, when the time came for them to be sacrificed, she didn't hesitate.

However, the estate only had camellias, which weren't quite right. She even sent the steward to nearby villages, and luckily, the steward found dried roses. The dried flowers were still well-preserved; although the petals were a bit dry, their shape was intact, so Adele spread the petals on the bed.

The combination of black sheets, quilt, and pillowcases with red petals instantly created an atmosphere of intimacy. She personally cleaned the entire room, making sure every corner was spotless. When the day arrived, she picked flowers from the garden, placed them in vases, bathed, and perfumed herself, then waited for Molly to arrive.

That's right; she even kicked Molly out of the room to prepare properly.

After bathing, Adele carefully dried her hair. Even though she wasn't very skilled, today she couldn't let Molly help. After drying her hair, she changed into new pajamas. Her pajamas were always trimmed with white lace, and this one was no exception, except it was more revealing, an off-the-shoulder style.

As time ticked by, Adele, sitting on the bed, grew nervous. When the appointed time arrived, she heard the door open, and Molly walked in from outside. The room was dark, but with their excellent night vision, they could see each other clearly.

Adele pointed at Molly, who was still wearing a maid outfit, and accused, "Why are you still dressed like that? I've already changed!"

"…" Molly was silent for a moment before replying, "Miss, you were the one who kicked me out. I couldn't exactly ask the other maids to borrow their bathroom."

Adele suddenly remembered that was indeed the case. But as she complained and Molly responded, the little bit of intimacy between them quickly evaporated. After Molly came in and grabbed her clothes, she had to take a shower and change before coming out.

Otherwise, the meticulous and demanding Miss Adele would definitely not be pleased. She needed that sense of ceremony.

When Molly came out after her shower, she was wearing fresh clothes. Adele had bought her the same white silk pajamas, though without the lace trim. Molly didn't like lace trim, though now it seemed she had become the lace trim herself.

Seeing Molly emerge, Adele felt unprecedented nervousness because she knew she was about to do "that" with Molly. She couldn't help but swallow, her hands clenched together in front of her. Molly came over and sat beside her on the bed.

Adele felt the mattress shift toward Molly, pulling her body closer to her. She could even smell the moisture from Molly's body, along with a faint floral scent.

After Molly sat down, they naturally began kissing. They had done this many times recently, so Adele was quite familiar with it. Molly's hand came up to cup Adele's face, and Adele naturally closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of kissing Molly.

After a while, Molly pushed Adele onto the bed. Her silver hair spread out like blooming flowers. Then Molly leaned in again and continued kissing Adele. At some point, Adele's hands found their way to Molly's neck, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.

While kissing, Adele felt Molly's hand moving along her waist, brushing against her through her nightgown, making her feel itchy and restless. After a while, their lips parted, leaving Adele dazed. She saw Molly take out a small bottle from who knows where.

She didn't know what it was and asked Molly, "Molly, what's that?"

"Something that will make us both feel very good." Molly leaned down and kissed Adele again. For Adele, nothing was as effective as Molly's kisses. As long as Molly kissed her, Adele would become dazed and forget everything else.

By the time she came to her senses, they had used up all the liquid in the little bottle.

It must be said that vampires really do have great stamina. Even after Molly had her way with Adele all night long, when daylight came, she was still full of energy. If Molly hadn't insisted she go to sleep, Adele might have wanted to go again.

Though a tsundere, Adele was very honest about her enjoyment.

In moments of passion, she would silently plead with tear-filled eyes for Molly to give her more pleasure. Sometimes, in her eagerness, she would even wrap her legs around Molly's head, urging her to hurry up.

Overall, even though it was their first time, the night was incredibly wonderful. Thanks to Molly's careful preparation and patience, there was no bloodshed. Molly was relieved that she had special abilities; otherwise, by the end of the night, her fingers might have been worn out.

Or perhaps they would have… shriveled up from soaking.

Adele found the experience addictive, but she didn't indulge in it all the time since she had so much to do and so little time. After patiently waiting, the vampires she had requested were finally delivered by the slave master.

The slave master said to Adele, "It wasn't hard to find the slaves you asked for. They're all from nearby villages, but most vampires—even the lower-class ones—are living decently, so there aren't many willing to work here."

—He was lying, and both Molly and Adele knew it. Were the lives of lower-class vampires really that good? Of course not. If things were so great, why would so many lower-class vampires willingly work as maids and servants, doing the same jobs as the humans they despised?

And that was only if they were decent-looking. The lower-class vampires who were lucky or favored by the nobles could manage farms or banks, but other than that, they had to stay in villages, mingling with humans, doing odd jobs to make a living.

There were actually plenty of lower-class vampires who wanted to work at Adele's farm, but the slave master couldn't say that. Otherwise, how could he sell his batch of lower-class vampires?

The lower-class vampires he brought weren't exactly unattractive; they were average, neither good-looking nor particularly ugly. But for vampires, these lower-class individuals were of no use. When they heard Adele was hiring lower-class vampires, they didn't even ask what for—they just came.

After all, it was better than doing odd jobs.

Unlike humans or other races, they didn't worry about hidden dangers in the farm, wondering if they were being brought in to be fattened up for sale or subjected to some horrible treatment. To them, vampires would never drink the blood of lower-class vampires. Even if they were labeled "lower-class," they were still of the same kind.

Cannibalism is rare in any world.

Moreover, for these lower-class vampires, the feeling of hunger was unbearable. The cost of living was high in this world, and resources outside the noble class were scarce. Most lower-class vampires died of starvation. Otherwise, why would noble vampires live so long while lower-class vampires had such short lives?