What Kind of Embroidery is This?

The male vampire, hearing the response he expected, nodded in satisfaction. Although he found the phrase "most respected" a bit excessive, he didn't suspect anything was amiss. He assumed he had successfully hypnotized Molly, so he sat down in the chair she had been using earlier, noticing the handkerchief she had been working on.

He casually picked it up and glanced at it, only to see a poorly stitched green object...

"What kind of embroidery is this? It's hideous."

—I'm going to make sure you regret that.

Molly kept her face blank and emotionless, but inside she was seething with anger, wishing she could tear the vampire apart for daring to insult her work.

The vampire only gave the handkerchief a cursory glance before returning to his questioning. "What has your mistress been up to lately?"

Molly answered truthfully, "Making money."

Indeed, the Human Resistance's expenses were so high that even Adele was struggling to keep up, constantly coming up with new ways to generate income—many of which were Molly's ideas. So yes, Adele's main task in recent years had been making money.

The vampire nodded again and continued, "And why is she making all this money?"

Molly knew exactly why—to fund the Human Resistance and eventually overthrow the Vampire Council's rule. But there was no way she was going to reveal that. Molly wasn't foolish; she knew that if her answer differed from Adele's, it could cause serious trouble for her mistress.

So, the best answer was simply, "I don't know."

It was a perfect answer for a maid—how could a lowly servant know the true intentions behind her mistress's actions? Surely, a mistress wouldn't confide in her maid about such things.

Molly was committed to her role and wouldn't break character.

The vampire wasn't surprised by her answer, as he didn't expect to learn Adele's true intentions from a mere maid. But knowing that Adele was indeed focused on making money confirmed his sister's prediction that Adele was just another greedy vampire, no different from the rest.

Having finished his questioning, the vampire surprisingly didn't leave. Instead, he casually asked, "I heard that Adele Black doesn't drink real blood and only drinks artificial blood. Is that true?"

"It's true."

Unlike you, Adele is a pure and noble soul. Molly kept these thoughts to herself as the vampire asked an awkward question: "Hmm, really? So, since she's so fond of you and keeps you by her side, has she ever drunk your blood?"

Molly hesitated for a moment before deciding to tell the truth. "Yes, she has." Though she feared that admitting this might bring trouble, lying about it could cause even bigger problems if the vampire found out later.

Upon hearing this, the vampire's interest in Molly grew. His eyes gleamed with curiosity as he thought, "Interesting. A vampire who supposedly never drinks blood actually drank yours. Your blood must be something special."

As he stood up and moved closer to Molly, she debated whether to hold back or fight back if he attempted to drink her blood. Ultimately, she decided that she wasn't going to let him have his way. If he crossed the line, she would make sure he regretted it.

But the vampire only leaned in to examine Molly more closely, making a disapproving sound. "The Black family really has a consistent taste. When my sister's son brought his wife to meet her, I thought the family's taste had changed, but it seems Adele Black still prefers this type."

Molly silently questioned his remark, glancing at the vampire before realizing that they did share some physical similarities—both had dark hair, pale eyes, and delicate features.

From his tone, it seemed like the "sister" he referred to was Adele's grandmother, meaning this wasn't his biological sister but a figurative one.

Molly inwardly defended herself: Adele likes me not because of my looks but because of my brilliant soul!

In the end, the vampire didn't try to drink Molly's blood. Instead, he decided to lift the hypnosis. "I'll spare you because you're my sister's granddaughter's maid. It would cause too much trouble if I drank your blood. Besides, I've tasted every kind of blood there is. I'm not interested in some lowly maid's blood…" He muttered the last part to himself as if justifying his decision.

Molly's anger flared again. Her blood was one of a kind, far superior to anything he'd ever tasted. But he'd never get a chance to find out. If he had tried, he would have paid with his life.

After the vampire left, Molly flipped him off and muttered, "Lucky for you, you managed to keep your life." She had been prepared to kill him if necessary, but it seemed he wasn't destined to die today.

Certain that the vampire wouldn't return—given his time constraints—Molly quickly made her way to Adele's quarters. Moving much faster than the vampire, she passed him easily, mentally criticizing his slow pace as she took a different route to avoid detection.

When Molly arrived at Adele's room, the curtains were still open. Frowning, she quickly shut the window and drew the curtains to ensure no sunlight could enter. Only then did she move from the living room to the bedroom, where Adele was sitting on the bed, hugging her knees. Her white feet peeked out from beneath her nightgown, and her face lit up with a smile when she saw Molly enter, her toes curling in delight.

Adele was so easy to read—her entire being radiated affection for Molly. Molly approached her, bringing with her a slight chill from the night air.

"Why didn't you close the window? What if the sunlight got in?"

"I was in the bedroom; I wouldn't get burned by the sun. Besides, if I closed it, how would you get in?"

Molly knew there were many other ways she could have entered… Instead of arguing, she changed the subject. "Have you taken a bath?"

"Not yet. You weren't here to help dry my hair," Adele replied, reaching out to wrap her arms around Molly's neck. She leaned in, pressing her lips against Molly's. Molly's lips were cool from the night air, just like Adele's.

But as they kissed, Molly's lips began to warm, igniting a fire in Adele's heart. Their kiss deepened, and Adele's fangs gently grazed Molly's tongue, hinting at a desire for a blood-tinged kiss.

But Adele merely teased, never breaking the skin. They were, after all, in a place teeming with vampires, and the scent of fresh blood would be impossible to hide. It would cause too much trouble.

When the kiss ended, Adele whispered, "When we get back, I want more kisses." The way she lingered over the word "kisses" made it clear she was talking about drinking Molly's blood. Molly kissed the corner of Adele's eye, causing her to squint with pleasure, as Molly murmured, "Greedy cat."

But who could blame her? Molly's blood was irresistible to any vampire.

Molly scooped Adele up and carried her to the bathroom, setting her down to shower while Molly ran a bath. By the time Adele finished, the bathwater was at the perfect temperature. Wrapped in a towel, Adele stepped into the tub, dropping the towel in front of Molly before submerging herself in the warm water.

Over time, Adele had grown accustomed to Molly's touch and gaze. She no longer felt shy about changing clothes, bathing, or being overheard by Molly.

In fact, Adele's current comfort around Molly made Molly a bit nostalgic for the days when Adele would blush at the slightest hint of intimacy.

Once Adele was settled in the bath, her silver hair fanned out in the water. She extended her arm, allowing Molly to gently wipe it down with a towel. Molly didn't refuse, playing the role of the dutiful maid, carefully tending to Adele.

To any outsider, they would look like a typical mistress and servant. But in truth, if this were a traditional master-servant relationship, Adele would have been too embarrassed to have Molly see her like this. It was only because they were lovers, with countless nights spent together, that Adele could be so at ease.

Molly playfully pressed her thumb into Adele's foot, causing her to squirm and playfully scold, "Molly…"

But Molly didn't tease her further. She carefully wiped Adele down, then wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bedroom. Adele clung to Molly, soaking her maid's uniform with her damp hair, but she only giggled in delight.

Molly knew this was Adele's way of getting back at her for the earlier teasing.

Adele wasn't just a greedy little cat—she was also a mischievous one.