Beauty Leads Astray

To be honest, Molly hadn't expected Adele to be waiting for her. She returned at dusk, just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, casting its final, chilly rays across the landscape. Adele stood in the shadow of the building, her delicate figure shrouded in the fading light. Even though the sunlight didn't directly hit her, she still seemed uncomfortable. Vampires were like that—uneasy even with the mere presence of light, let alone direct exposure.

The building's shadow stretched out across the ground, its pointy end reaching Molly's feet. She stood on the cusp of light and dark, the last remnants of daylight casting a glow behind her while darkness loomed ahead.

Adele's crimson eyes glowed faintly in the shadow. She was dressed in a thin silk nightgown, a shawl draped over her shoulders, her arms crossed as she held the shawl tightly around herself. Her complexion didn't look good, likely due to the lingering sunlight.

The east was already cloaked in darkness, and Adele only needed to wait a little longer for nightfall. Molly couldn't understand why Adele had awakened so early and was waiting for her here. Just as Molly was about to speak, Adele suddenly ran toward her.

Without hesitation, Molly stepped into the shadow, moving toward Adele. She reached out and caught Adele as she flung herself into her arms. Adele's silver-white hair fluttered in the air before settling down. Her shawl slipped off in her haste, revealing her pale shoulders.

Molly hesitated for a moment before pulling Adele inside, picking up the fallen shawl and draping it over Adele's head. She was still worried—what if some light managed to reach Adele?

The daytime maids hadn't all gone off duty yet, and they noticed Adele and Molly. They couldn't help but greet them.

"Molly, you're back?"

"Miss, Molly's back."

Normally, Molly would at least nod in acknowledgment, but this time she kept her expression cold, holding Adele's hand as they headed straight to their room. Once inside, with the curtains drawn tight, Adele finally breathed a sigh of relief. Without any cover outside, Adele had felt vulnerable.

Molly, however, couldn't help but scold her. "Adele, if you're so scared, why did you come outside?"

Adele knew she was in the wrong, and her voice had a guilty tone. "I woke up early today for some reason. I asked Bella about the farm's activities and realized you were back. But since it wasn't completely dark yet, I couldn't leave, so I had to wait at the door."

Adele's tone was pitiful, but Molly wasn't swayed. "It's a good thing you didn't go outside. Otherwise, I'd be coming back to a pile of ashes."

Molly's words stung Adele's pride, and she immediately flipped them over, pinning Molly beneath her on the couch. Adele's silver hair cascaded over Molly, her red eyes locked on Molly's. "You're the one at fault! You left me alone for so long, and now you're blaming me!"

Adele's words silenced Molly. She knew Adele was right; she had left Adele first. And despite her earlier scolding, Molly was secretly pleased. Adele's actions showed just how much she cared for Molly; otherwise, she wouldn't have risked waiting for her outside.

Molly's heart softened. And besides, their current position was perfect for a kiss. After being together for so long, Adele could read Molly's expression instantly, knowing that she was no longer upset and, in fact, wanted to kiss her.

Adele's face flushed, but she didn't hesitate. She leaned down, pressing herself against Molly, her eyelashes fluttering as she closed her eyes, and their lips met. Though it had only been a few days, to Adele, it felt like an eternity.

Once again wrapped in Molly's warmth, Adele felt the emptiness of the past few days dissolve. Their kiss was long and tender, full of longing.

When they finally parted, Adele, ever the tsundere, admitted, "Molly, I missed you so much."

What could

be more heartwarming than those words? Probably nothing. Molly reached out, pulling Adele into a tight embrace, whispering, "I missed you too, so much."

After exchanging such heartfelt words, it was only natural for the couple to indulge in their affection for each other. Adele had already let work slide for several days, unable to concentrate because her thoughts kept drifting to Molly. She couldn't help but think that after tonight, she would definitely focus on her tasks.

But as she clung to Molly, urging her for more, Adele thought, Just one more day. Tomorrow, I'll definitely get back to work.

The night passed in a haze of tender moments and closeness. When the next day finally arrived and Adele faced the pile of unfinished work in her study, she couldn't help but mutter to herself, "Beauty truly is a distraction."

Meanwhile, as Molly made her way to check on how the research team had settled in, she couldn't help but sneeze. The commander, noticing, expressed concern, "Lady Dawn, perhaps you should rest. You only just returned last night and could use some sleep."

Molly had reverted to her maid's attire, as the commander already knew her true identity. Despite her fame as Lady Dawn, the commander had figured out her dual identity long ago. Compared to the embarrassment of having her name associated with "Daili Farm," the exposure of her alter ego felt trivial.

The commander had done an excellent job of organizing the researchers, and Molly was satisfied with the arrangements. With her worries eased, she prepared to leave.

Adele, meanwhile, had begun allocating funds to establish a new research facility. The construction would need to be done discreetly, avoiding the prying eyes of any spies. These spies, unfortunately, weren't just limited to low-level vampires. Even among the humans, there were those who worked as informants for the vampires, though they were more easily discovered and often swayed.

The lower vampires and other species, however, were not so easily turned. So, both the resistance's efforts and Adele's research project had to be kept under wraps, hidden from all who might interfere.

When Molly returned to Adele's study, she found her still poring over budget calculations for the research facility. Molly was surprised because, given Adele's usual pace, she should have already moved on to the allocation phase.

Curious, Molly casually glanced at some of the documents on Adele's desk, noticing Adele's unease. Her curiosity piqued, Molly continued to investigate until she found a new purchase order for clothing—specifically, for undergarments.

Considering how much Adele earned, it wasn't a big deal for her to buy clothes. No one would dare question her spending, not even Molly. However, as Adele's maid, Molly couldn't help but point out that Adele's wardrobe was already well-stocked, especially after a recent shopping spree in the spring.

So, why the sudden need to buy more?

Molly raised an eyebrow and asked, "Adele, why are you buying another set of…"

Before she could finish, she noticed Adele's face turning bright red.

Something was definitely off.

Molly stayed silent, waiting for Adele to explain. But Adele, feeling cornered, lashed out in embarrassment, "I just wanted to buy them! It's not like they cost that much!"

"Adele, don't try to change the subject. Normally, you wouldn't buy these."

Who knows Adele better than Molly?