Gradually, it flooded

Molly and Adele's plan had one goal: to destroy the trust in the vampire banking system. Eventually, the amount of money in circulation would far exceed the Elder Council's original plan, causing the currency to devalue and the market to collapse.

The fact that the Thirteen Clan Lords hesitated to report the influx of money to the Elder Council was a victory for Molly and Adele. After all, the clan lords wanted money too. No one lives without some degree of self-interest. Even though the Thirteen Clan Lords were loyal, they ultimately sought to secure more power by ascending to the Elder Council. But this didn't mean they would pass up the chance to keep such a windfall for themselves.

As Adele mentioned during the engagement party, it was becoming increasingly difficult to make money these days. This sentiment wasn't unique to Adele; the Thirteen Clans felt it too. They were also subject to much higher tribute demands from the Elder Council than other nobles.

In these circumstances, of course, they wanted more money. So they accepted the gift that Molly had left for them—money.

While Molly was gathering information in the Black family lord's study, Adele was dining with her parents and sister. In front of Adele was her usual synthetic blood, but as she contributed more money to the family each year, no one paid attention to what she drank anymore.

The Black family lord, as was his habit, discussed recent events with Adele.

"Adele, did you read this month's newspaper?"

In recent years, the Elder Council's research institute had started producing a monthly newspaper, priced at ten gold coins per issue, with mandatory subscriptions. For families like Adele's or the Black family, this was nothing, but for lesser nobles, ten coins a month, or 120 coins a year, was a significant expense.

That money could hire another human servant, but instead, they had to save it to buy this compulsory newspaper.

Though, to be fair, the newspaper was useful. It reported changes in commodity prices, major events, and directives from the Elder Council. For the Thirteen Clans and other great nobles, it was crucial for adjusting their plans and strategies.

"Of course I read it."

Adele took a light sip of her tea while her younger sister struggled with her steak. The Black family lord nodded in approval. "What are your thoughts?"

Adele set down her cup and answered, "Everything should follow the will of the Elders first and foremost." It was a standard response, and the Black family lord's reaction didn't reveal whether he was satisfied or not. He simply said, "Come to my study later."

"Alright, Father."

Adele knew what her father wanted to discuss. Most likely, it was about the recent drop in blood prices. However, it wasn't so much that the price of blood had decreased, but rather that the research institute had suggested to the Elder Council to make the quality distinctions of blood more precise, preventing lower-quality blood from being passed off as high-quality.

This was a good idea from the Elder Council's perspective, so they quickly implemented the policy. But for most vampires, it was less than ideal. They now had to perform several additional steps to separate the different grades of blood, and what was once considered high-quality blood had been downgraded, leading to a decrease in price.

Adele and Molly had a hand in this. The blood produced on Adele's farms was of such high quality that, even though she didn't sell human blood, the blood from her livestock was superior to most. These animals grew faster than humans, had no complex emotions, and were content as long as they had food, water, and sunlight. Humans, on the other hand, had their own thoughts and desires. Being imprisoned and bled regularly was unbearable, and naturally, their blood quality suffered.

But the vampires couldn't afford to treat humans as well as Adele treated her livestock. If humans were as well-fed, carefree, and happy as the animals on Adele's farm, who would do the work? Surely not the lesser vampires or the vampires themselves.

Given this situation, human blood couldn't compare to livestock blood in quality. Yet human blood was irreplaceable. Even though its quality was often inferior, it was still highly sought after because it provided the most power. And, of course, the best human blood was secretly hoarded by the nobles. For example, Adele knew that no blood in the world could taste better than Molly's.

But vampires were prideful creatures. They would rather drink mediocre human blood than high-quality animal blood. This led to a situation where prices were falling, but they couldn't afford to buy what they needed, creating a tricky dilemma. In the long run, this policy was beneficial to vampires, but it couldn't have come at a worse time.

Especially when those who could never afford the best blood suddenly found themselves with a windfall. Naturally, they'd want to purchase the premium blood they'd never been able to afford before. Within days, the banks would be flooded with vampires eager to buy the finest blood.

This suggestion had come from Barbara. Working with Molly and Adele, she had helped push the plan further.

But for now, the Black family lord wasn't aware of the full consequences of these changes. He was merely frustrated that the price of blood had dropped. After dinner, Adele waited a while before going to her father's study.

He motioned for her to sit, so she took a seat on the guest sofa. The Black family lord sat across from her, making small talk before bringing up the newspaper and the recent price changes. In the room, it was just the two of them—one current head of the family and one future head. The Black family lord trusted Adele, so he showed a side of himself that was more frustrated.

As a proud noble, he tugged at his collar as if the high-necked shirt were suffocating him. Finally, he sighed, "The tributes we need to pay are increasing, but the bank's purchase prices are falling. Adele, can you still manage on your end?"

It seemed like he was playing the part of the caring father, but Adele knew he was fishing for more money from her. She smiled. "It's manageable, Father. Has the family income been poor this year?"

Even as he asked his daughter this question, the Black family lord found it difficult to admit, but Adele's territory had indeed become increasingly lucrative. If she were to declare independence from the family, she could very well establish herself as the head of a new, powerful clan, potentially even a Fourteenth Clan.

The thought frustrated him. Without this banking system created by the Elder Council, how could his daughter have gotten this far? In the old days, strength and lineage were what mattered, not money.

But times had changed. Wealth had become a status symbol among the nobles. Everything was a competition: clothing, jewelry, and now even the cosmetics used by noblewomen. Some men who had married into other families were even competing over their cosmetics.

It was a trend the Black family lord couldn't understand.

Yet, despite his confusion, he had to face the rising tributes and falling income. The Black family lord was an old man, nearly a thousand years old, and out of touch with what younger vampires desired. Vampires were already confused by these trends, so it was easy to be led by the nose.

But his daughter, on the other hand, had found success in this new environment.

The Black family lord sighed in defeat. "Yes, the income hasn't been ideal this year." Seeing Adele's feigned surprise, he offered an excuse. "It's because of the Elder Council. They adjusted the prices, otherwise…"

He realized he had said too much and stopped. But the resentment that had taken root even in someone as powerful as the Black family lord pleased Adele. So she said, "Don't worry, Father. We are family, in this together. No matter what's lacking, I'll make up for it."

The Black family lord was genuinely touched by her words. "Adele, my dear daughter, I knew you had a gift. You'll achieve great things."

Adele accepted her father's praise with a smile. When she returned to her room, Molly was there, waiting for her. After exchanging information, Adele couldn't help but laugh.

"I never thought Father would end up thanking me."

Adele and Molly were the masterminds behind the scheme, and yet the Black family lord was grateful to Adele. The irony wasn't lost on her. Molly chuckled. "Adele, do you think the family lord will hand over that money to the Elder Council?"

Adele shook her head. "No, Father won't do that."

With the resentment he held against the Elder Council and the family's current financial troubles, the Black family lord was unlikely to hand over such a windfall without a second thought. He would almost certainly keep it for himself.

This was probably true of the other Clan Lords as well. They wouldn't report the money to the Elder Council. Vampires were selfish by nature, and even the Clan Lords were no exception.

Perhaps once they joined the Elder Council, their perspectives would change, and they'd believe that all money should be handed over to them. But for now, they weren't Council members yet. And ultimately, everyone acted in their own self-interest.

After the Blessing Festival, Adele and Molly returned to their territory. They didn't relax even for a moment, continuing to increase the output of counterfeit currency while keeping a close eye on the banking situation. As expected, when the first snow of the northern winter fell, Adele's purchased newspaper from the White family featured a sensational headline.