Familiar with the Road

In that brief moment when the head maid locked eyes with Molly, she was terrified. She had to admit that Molly's gaze had seized her heart. But the master's orders were absolute, and since the Black family head had given the command, she had to carry it out.

So, the head maid also extended her sharp nails, launching herself at Molly.

At the same time, the other low-ranking vampire maids followed her lead, pouncing on Molly. They were prepared to tear the human apart, making her scream in agony.

They all knew that the young lady had a special fondness for this human maid, even taking her away from Black Castle and keeping her by her side for so many years. But no matter how much the young lady cherished her, she couldn't blame them—after all, they were only following the orders of the Black family head, her father.

Faced with the onslaught of these low-ranking vampires, Molly stood her ground, not moving an inch.

The head maid saw that Molly remained motionless, seemingly unresponsive. In that moment, she thought: I must have overthought it. There's no way she's not human—it's just that her eyes are unusually cold, which made me recall what the previous head maid had said.

No matter how she looked at it, the Molly before her was just an ordinary human. In fact, she was a weak, defenseless human.

The head maid relaxed. But in the next instant, Molly disappeared from her sight. She blinked in confusion, and then felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck. Darkness overtook her as she lost consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, Molly had taken down all the low-ranking vampire maids. She dusted off her hands, as if brushing away nonexistent dirt. Molly had indeed grown kinder, embracing Adele's vision of a world where humans could live peacefully alongside weaker vampires and other races. Otherwise, these vampires and other races who dared to attack her would have met their end instead of merely being put to sleep on the floor.

With a light step, Molly ignored the fallen vampire maids and headed toward the study. She caught the scent of blood, coming from the Black family head's study. Concerned, she quickened her pace.

However, when she opened the door, she found Adele and the Black family head in a standoff. Adele looked a bit disheveled but was otherwise unharmed, while the Black family head bore a few wounds.

Molly paused. As she entered, both vampires turned to look at her. Realizing that Adele was in control, Molly decided she didn't need to intervene. She watched Adele for a moment. Before Adele could say anything, the Black family head shouted, "What are you doing here?! Guards!"

To prevent anyone from hearing his call for help, Molly quickly closed the door behind her.

With a flick of her fingers, she sent threads of silk flying out, binding the Black family head and even gagging him. He was wrapped up like a black mummy and fell straight to the floor. Adele looked at her father, now in such a sorry state, and for a moment, she was at a loss for words.

"What happened?" Molly asked, looking at Adele.

Adele straightened her slightly ruffled clothes, ensuring she still looked like the elegant lady she was. Then she sat on the sofa and signaled Molly to make tea. Molly used the items in the Black family head's study to brew tea, then took out artificial blood sugar from her pocket and added it to the tea. After stirring it with a spoon, she placed the cup in front of Adele.

Adele had been running her fingers through her hair, but when the tea was placed before her, she paused and took a sip. Once she felt calm, Adele sighed. "It seems the Elder Council discovered my meddling. There must be a traitor."

This answer aligned with Molly's suspicions. She nodded and began discussing who the traitor might be with Adele, completely ignoring the fact that the Black family head was still in the room.

This gave the Black family head a fleeting hope that he might escape. He kept a close eye on the two but secretly prepared a spell. In the blink of an eye, the Black family head transformed into dozens of bats, attempting to flee.

But it was no use—not against Molly, the strongest being on the planet. Her silk threads were not only incredibly tough but also extremely flexible. As soon as the Black family head tried to escape, the threads exploded into countless finer threads, binding the bats tightly and pinning them to the floor.

Molly stood up and approached the Black family head, her cold, indifferent eyes reflecting the dozens of bats.

She extended a finger and couldn't resist poking one of them. The bat was soft and fluffy, making Molly think that in a few hundred years, perhaps Adele could learn this trick and transform into a big, plump bat for her to cuddle.

The bat she poked, however, was furious, squirming violently in its restraints. But no matter how much it struggled, the threads held firm. After a moment, the bat gave up and lay still.

Honestly, Molly had expected vampires to have the ability to transform into bats. In the shows, movies, and anime she'd seen before, this was a hallmark vampire ability. Besides bats, they could also turn into rats, spiders, and the like. Molly had been prepared for this.

However, despite her long time in this world, this was the first time she'd seen a vampire actually transform into a bat. Molly guessed this wasn't a common skill—likely only the most powerful vampires could master it. Even the other vampires Molly had dealt with, including the White family's young master, hadn't possessed this ability.

The Black family head was, after all, the head of one of the Thirteen Clans, among the elite of vampire society. It wasn't surprising he could do this, and he might have other strange tricks up his sleeve.

After a moment, Molly loosened the restraints slightly, allowing the Black family head's bats to merge back into his original form. He reappeared, breathing heavily, clearly exhausted from using this ability.

Molly returned to her seat, noticing the expression on Adele's face—one that clearly said, Why didn't my father teach me this trick?

Once Molly sat back down, Adele cleared her throat and returned to a more serious tone. "Father was planning to tie me up and take me to the Elder Council for punishment. I didn't agree, and when we argued, I caught him off guard and wounded him."

It sounded unbelievable—a vampire not even a hundred years old injuring an ancient elder like the Black family head. Normally, one would assume it was Adele who got hurt. The scent of blood in the Black Castle was unmistakable to all vampires, who would naturally think the blood came from Adele, not the head.

Everyone in the castle probably knew Adele was supposed to be confined during this visit. Her younger sister's hesitant demeanor earlier now made sense.

Adele was indeed powerful—a testament to the way she was raised.

"So, who's the traitor?" Molly asked.

Adele shook her head. "That, I don't know."

Molly stood up again and approached the Black family head. He had rarely been so humiliated, and he had no idea how Molly had become so strong. He glared at her with a mix of hatred and fear.

Molly guessed that the Black family head probably thought she was some kind of monster disguised as a human, perhaps believing that the real Molly had long been replaced by something else. After all, the human girl named Molly had been taken from an orphanage under the watchful eyes of the Black couple—a pure human, through and through.

Not like this being who could manipulate strange threads…

Seeing the Black family head's expression, Molly knew he wouldn't reveal the traitor's identity. But that didn't matter—she could find out herself. Molly rummaged through the study, and all the little traps the Black family head had set up were no challenge for her.

With ease, she found the letters from the Elder Council that the Black family head had hidden and brought them to Adele.

The Black family head watched the whole process. At first, he was dismissive, confident that Molly wouldn't find the letters. Then he grew anxious as she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Finally, his eyes were filled with disbelief as Molly effortlessly located the hidden correspondence.

He recalled the countless nights he had spent anxiously setting up these traps, determined to keep anyone from seeing his letters. Even his closest subordinates thought he was paranoid. Who could possibly break through the defenses of Black Castle and sneak into his study to read his letters?

But now, seeing this woman casually retrieve the hidden letters, the Black family head realized his fears had not been unfounded.

Molly felt the Black family head's bewildered gaze on her. She turned to look at him and, seeing the terror in his eyes, smiled—a smile that said she had won.

Come on, she thought. I've been matching wits with this study for years. I know exactly where you'd hide your letters and what traps you'd use.

Molly turned to Adele and asked, "So, who's the traitor?"

Adele's expression didn't change much as she revealed a name that was both surprising and unsurprising.

"It's the one from the airship company."

Molly suddenly understood. Oh, it's that vampire traitor.