Chapter 181: That thing

Through these signs, Kain quickly realized that the thing had awakened. 

However, he did not care, he killed monsters when he met them. 

By constantly moving his aspect, Kain dodged the monster's sieges with incredible ease. 

Although he was in a hurry, he did not lose his inherent coolness. 

He also wouldn't be so foolish as to rush to his death, because Mera still needed him to come back. 

For ordinary people, it is only necessary to distinguish four directions: east, west, south, north. 

For people who travel a lot, the four basic directions are not enough, so they use a system with eight directions, in addition to the four basic directions, they also use four more combined directions. 

But Kain was even more different. 

The navigation system he uses is determined by the complexity of the surrounding terrain.