Chapter 183: Deception

This was proven through the power he displayed, if the entire area was filled immediately then Kain would have no way to escape, but if he gathered troops then it would be difficult to lock down Kain's position. 

It's like using a sheet of paper to cover a pipe. If you simply wrap the paper around it, you can cover the entire pipe. But the thin paper won't be able to stop whatever is coming out of the pipe. Then, if you fold the paper over to increase its thickness until it can block whatever is coming out of the pipe, then the flat area of the paper will no longer be able to cover the entire pipe. And of course, it won't be able to stop whatever is inside from coming out. 

This is something that even huge resources can hardly change. 

But is this all? 

Or is it just what "that thing" wants Kain to know? 

That's right. 

Kain knows what "that thing" knows, and "that thing" knows that Kain knows what "that thing" knows.