Meng Shuying remained silent.

Ming Lanmeng didn't like her and had given her a faulty cultivation technique, which she realized the first time she tried to practice it. However, when she approached Yu Qing about it, Yu Qing simply said that there must be a reason for the master's decision.

So, Meng Shuying discarded those techniques and attended classes with the outer sect disciples at Qingxu Peak.

The progress of the outer sect disciples' lessons was slow, so no matter how well Meng Shuying did, in Su Luowei's eyes, she was still behind in her studies.

Meng Shuying didn't explain, and Su Luowei didn't press the matter further.

As they approached the hill, the massive serpent beast came into full view.

The serpent was enormous, its body covered in gruesome wounds, including long scratches and charred burns. The most shocking wound was at its weak spot, the "seven-inch" point, where the scales had been shattered, leaving a gaping wound half a meter wide as if it had been pecked by a sharp beak.

There was no sign of the Golden Flame Eagle, but the ground was splattered with its golden blood and scattered feathers.

Su Luowei's expression grew serious. "It seems they fought to a draw."

If the Golden Flame Eagle hadn't died, its core was likely gone.

Meng Shuying, however, was unwilling to give up. She asked Su Luowei to stay put while she searched the area, collecting various herbs that Su Luowei couldn't name. She then squeezed the juices out of the plants and smeared them on herself.

"Senior Sister, is the core of a serpent beast also located in its heart?"

Su Luowei shook her head. "No, the core of a serpent is located below its head and above its heart, commonly known as the seven-inch point."

"That's good."

After observing the coiled serpent on the hill, Meng Shuying estimated the location of its seven-inch point. She tightly secured the sword on her back and said to Su Luowei, "Senior Sister, wait here for me. I'll be back soon."

Su Luowei, however, didn't let her go.

The serpent was at the Golden Core level, and despite being injured from battle, it was still far beyond what Meng Shuying could handle.

But Meng Shuying was uncharacteristically stubborn.

Seeing she couldn't persuade her, Su Luowei sighed softly, taking out a small green lantern. She had Meng Shuying drop a bit of her blood onto it.

As the drop of blood was absorbed by the lantern, it suddenly lit up.

"Is this... a soul lantern?" As the lantern glowed, Meng Shuying felt a mysterious connection form between herself and the light, as if an invisible thread linked them.

"Yes, this soul lantern is now temporarily linked to you."

If the flame weakened, it would mean its owner was in danger.

Su Luowei looked at Meng Shuying, her expression serious. "I don't know what you're planning, and I won't stop you. I just want you to know that no matter what danger you encounter, I will come to save you."

As a child, Meng Shuying had encountered a giant snake while gathering herbs in the mountains. The snake had been three times her size, and when it saw her alone, it had quietly slithered over, intending to swallow her whole.

But... she had survived.

With that experience, Meng Shuying felt little fear when facing the serpent before her.

Sensing someone approaching, the serpent lazily opened one of its eyes.

Its eyes were emerald green, large as a disk, and gleamed brightly in the dark.

Noticing that the approaching figure was just a weak Foundation Establishment cultivator, the serpent closed its eye again.

Humans were too weak, with little meat and spiritual energy. Even if they offered themselves up, the serpent couldn't be bothered to eat them.

The Golden Flame Eagle, however, had been delicious—its flesh tender and rich in spiritual energy. As the serpent remembered the taste of the eagle meat, its tail twitched slightly.

It needed to figure out a way to lure that eagle back.

While it was thinking this, the serpent suddenly caught a whiff of a very enticing scent.

It smelled like some sort of plant, sweet yet slightly fishy. The scent excited the serpent, causing it to fully open its eyes, its pupils narrowing into thin slits.

The serpent moved its massive head around, finally determining that the scent was coming from the human in front of it.

It was the scent of snakeberries, mixed with the smell of the swamp lizard.

Intrigued, the serpent raised its head, coiling its lower body around the hill, and moved its head from side to side as it approached Meng Shuying.

Then, it swallowed her whole.

From her distant position, Su Luowei saw the serpent move but couldn't tell where Meng Shuying was.

Fortunately, the flame in the soul lantern remained relatively steady, allowing her to stay calm.


Su Luowei held the lantern up, her eyes fixed on the flame.

The flame... seemed to be getting dimmer.

After waiting for what felt like the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the serpent suddenly convulsed.

The serpent, previously coiled around the hill, appeared to be in distress, thrashing and rolling on the ground. Its tail whipped against the hill and slammed into the ground, leaving deep cracks.

Su Luowei couldn't see what was happening but noticed the lantern's flame flickering weakly, as if it might go out at any moment.

Meng Shuying was in danger!

Su Luowei's heart clenched, and without hesitation, she flew toward the serpent on her sword.

The serpent had already slid down from the hill and was rolling on the ground in a coiled mass. Dust billowed up and fell back down, obscuring the scene.

Su Luowei gripped her sword with one hand, pouring spiritual energy into it. Timing her move perfectly, she leaped toward the serpent, her form flashing like lightning. She deftly maneuvered her way to the serpent and, with a swift motion, drove her sword into the beast's seven-inch point.

The sword cut through the scales with a sharp, screeching sound.

However, the scales at the seven-inch point were the hardest part of the serpent's body. Su Luowei's sword only penetrated about an inch before her hand was jarred with the impact, preventing her from pushing any deeper.

The serpent reacted instantly to the attack, snapping its massive jaws at Su Luowei. She used the serpent's body as a springboard, leaping into the air to avoid the attack.

As she jumped, she drew a stack of talismans from her sleeve, sending them toward the serpent's seven-inch point with a flick of her wrist and igniting them with a spell.

The talismans exploded one by one, each blast more intense than the last, sending waves of heat and fire surging through the air.

At that moment, the serpent's seven-inch point bulged strangely, as if something inside was trying to break free. Su Luowei's eyes narrowed as she tightened her grip on her sword, launching herself like an arrow toward the bulging spot.

Her sword gleamed sharply in the night, slicing through the air with cold precision as it drove into the serpent's seven-inch point.

There was a sudden popping sound, like a bubble bursting, and the serpent's body visibly deflated.

At the spot where Su Luowei's sword struck, another sword pierced through from the inside out.

The two swords moved in opposite directions, eventually carving out a person-sized opening.

Meng Shuying emerged from the opening, drenched in blood. Though she appeared disheveled, her eyes were bright.

She clutched a large purple core in her hand, radiating a powerful spiritual energy.

She held the core out to Su Luowei, a faint smile on her lips as she said softly, "Senior Sister, I got the core."

Meng Shuying had willingly risked her life, diving into the serpent's mouth, to retrieve this core for her Senior Sister.

The lizard in the swamp was only at the Foundation Establishment level, yet Jiang Ye had treated its core like a treasure.

This serpent was at the Golden Core level, so its core would be even more precious.

Though the serpent's saliva had corroded her skin, leaving her covered in wounds, Meng Shuying didn't seem to notice. All she wanted was to hand the core to Su Luowei.

Seeing her bloodied appearance, combined with the joy in her eyes, Su Luowei felt a surge of emotion, a mix of feelings washing over her.

"What you did was too dangerous. A single mistake, and you would've been lost in the serpent's belly."

"I'm not afraid," Meng Shuying replied, her lips curling into a smile.

As long as she could be with her Senior Sister, she feared nothing.

But Su Luowei's expression grew stern. "You mustn't do this again."

"Why not? Didn't you want the beast's core?"

"I am interested in the core, but not at the cost of your safety."

Her eyes were bright, shining with a gentle light. Like a clear, still lake, her gaze was calm and enveloping, silently encompassing everything.

Meng Shuying was momentarily dazed.

Her Senior Sister wanted the core but didn't want her to get hurt. Did that mean that, in her Senior Sister's heart, she was more important than the core?

The thought filled her heart with a sweetness she couldn't suppress.

Su Luowei noticed Meng Shuying seemed especially happy, assuming she was just pleased with obtaining the core. She shook her head in mild exasperation and took out a handkerchief to gently wipe the blood from Meng Shuying's face.

The blood on her face was mostly from the serpent; Meng Shuying had only suffered minor external wounds from the corrosive saliva.

The fragrant handkerchief slowly removed the bloodstains, revealing her fair skin underneath. As Su Luowei carefully wiped her face, she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity.

After a moment's thought, she remembered the first time they met—she had also wiped Meng Shuying's face like this.

The once frail child had grown into someone capable of handling herself, even if a bit recklessly.

But still so daring.

Su Luowei sighed inwardly.

Meng Shuying, unaware of Su Luowei's thoughts, only felt that the handkerchief was so soft and her Senior Sister smelled so nice.

And the expression on her Senior Sister's face was so gentle.

Her heart raced, as if a dozen or so rabbits were jumping around inside her chest.

In the distance, a sudden cry of an eagle echoed through the sky—it was the Golden Flame Eagle returning.

The Golden Flame Eagle could fly, making it even harder to deal with than the serpent. Su Luowei's expression changed, and she wrapped her arm around Meng Shuying's waist, quickly lifting her onto the sword as they flew away from the area.

The Golden Flame Eagle spotted the serpent's corpse from afar, screeching angrily before swooping down.

It moved incredibly fast, like a streak of lightning through the sky, or a meteor falling from the heavens.

Su Luowei flew a great distance before daring to stop and look back.

The Golden Flame Eagle had discovered that the serpent's core was missing. It let out a frustrated cry, wanting to pursue them but unwilling to abandon the serpent's body. After hesitating for a moment, it eventually gave up on chasing them, grasping the serpent's body in its talons as it flew away.

Seeing the Golden Flame Eagle gradually disappear into the distance, Su Luowei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After this ordeal, the sky had begun to brighten.

Sunlight peeked through the thin clouds, illuminating the barren land.

In this vast world, there were only the two of them, and Meng Shuying suddenly felt a sense of being alone with her Senior Sister, dependent on each other.

It wasn't so bad.

Just being with her Senior Sister.

With only the two of them.

Sunlight slowly crept up, casting a golden glow over Su Luowei.

"Let's go," Su Luowei said calmly.

They should return, rejoin the rest of the Qionghua Peak group.

Meng Shuying's eyes dimmed.

In the end, they still had to go back—to the place she didn't like, to be with people she didn't care for.

It was all because she was too weak, so she didn't have any control. She couldn't even simply present a core to her Senior Sister without having to go through Jiang Ye.

If she were strong enough, would she be able to easily offer her Senior Sister the best things in the world?