So that's what she meant.

Meng Shuying first found it amusing, but then the absurdity of it all hit her.

Even though she had never held her master in any regard, she never imagined that one day she would be offered an olive branch dipped in poison.

So, in order to gain cultivation resources, one must submit to her and become her close confidant?

It truly lived up to Min Lanmeng's reputation.

It truly lived up to Qiong Hua Peak's reputation.

A wave of disgust suddenly surged in Meng Shuying's heart. She tightly clasped her hands together, forcing down this emotion. She lowered her head, ensuring that no trace of her mocking smile showed.

"I'm deeply honored by your favor, Master, and I am most grateful. However, cultivation is like climbing a mountain. I believe that to truly appreciate the scenery along the way, one must make the ascent themselves."

Min Lanmeng lightly shook her head, not entirely agreeing with Meng Shuying's view.

"There are countless beings in the world, but how many can truly reach the peak? Many people spend their entire lives standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at others."

Cultivation is all about seizing opportunities.

The chance to become immortal is an opportunity, as is a fortuitous encounter.

Resources are also an opportunity.

Min Lanmeng was well aware that Meng Shuying had never been allocated any cultivation resources on Qiong Hua Peak.

The reason wasn't just because of her unlikable personality, but also because of Min Lanmeng's silent approval.

Yes, it was intentional.

Min Lanmeng knew that Meng Shuying's potential had already surpassed most disciples on Qiong Hua Peak when she ascended the Wenxian Platform and stopped at the ninety-ninth step.

Why, then, did she let this unpolished gem be chipped away by others instead of refining it?

Because only those who are trapped in hardship, with no hope in sight, will cherish a rare opportunity all the more and be utterly devoted to the person who offers it to them.

Not like Yu Qing, who appears submissive on the surface but still foolishly tries to maintain some ridiculous pride.

"Besides, this isn't as terrible as you might think. With countless cultivation techniques in the world, when you get down to it, this is just a form of dual cultivation. Isn't that right, Yu Qing?"

Min Lanmeng's gaze fell on Yu Qing's face.

Like a venomous snake eyeing its prey.

Her finger was still in Yu Qing's mouth, and Yu Qing could only let out a low hum from her throat.

Min Lanmeng smiled.

In truth, Jiang Ye was more attractive than Yu Qing and more perceptive. But for some reason, Min Lanmeng was drawn to Yu Qing.

Perhaps it was curiosity about what this usually serious and composed disciple would be like in bed.

Min Lanmeng had similar thoughts about Meng Shuying.

But unlike what she expected, Meng Shuying was fortunate. Even without her, she could still find opportunities elsewhere.

So Min Lanmeng couldn't resist taking action, wanting to bring Meng Shuying into her fold before she became too strong.

Min Lanmeng sat up, lazily pulling her finger out of Yu Qing's mouth. Her eyes caught the sight of Yu Qing's lips, still slightly parted and flushed with red.

Despite usually having pale lips, her tongue was surprisingly vibrant in color.

Soft yet firm.

A certain place within Min Lanmeng's body, where she had indulged in many pleasures, began to itch.

Desire crept into Min Lanmeng's eyes, and she suddenly grew impatient.

"I'll give you two days to think it over."

With the same fingers still glistening with a sensual sheen, she picked up the golden scissors on the table and cut the rose she had just trimmed.

"I'm not one to force things, so take your time and think it through. But if you still want to climb that mountain yourself, I will—"

She tossed the halved rose to the ground and crushed it underfoot, completely wiping the smile from her face.

"—personally see you on your way."

After Meng Shuying left, only Min Lanmeng and Yu Qing remained in the room.

Min Lanmeng had returned to her reclining position on the couch, regaining her languid demeanor.

Resting her delicate hand under her chin, her thick lashes covered her eyes as she pondered something, letting out a soft laugh before her gaze settled on the face of the disciple kneeling before her.

"You once said something similar back then."

Yu Qing nodded and replied with a quiet "yes."

Back then, she was still young, proud, and in love. How could she accept such an absurd proposal? She had rejected it on the spot.

She had been too young, foolish, and naive, always thinking that if she just worked hard enough in her cultivation, she would one day achieve all that she desired.

It wasn't until she lost her master's protection and her status plummeted that she realized her so-called "talent" was worth nothing on Qiong Hua Peak.

Without spirit stones and without pills, she struggled for over a decade, unable to make any progress.

Then, Ah Ye came to her. She said that Min Lanmeng had seen her once and asked if she was willing to join Qiong Hua Peak.

She also said that if she agreed, she would be accepted as a disciple without any further requirements.

Yu Qing still remembered how, when Jiang Ye spoke these words, her face was a mix of longing and shyness.

"The peak master also said… she's been gravely injured and needs to dual cultivate with someone to recover. If I become her disciple, in the future, I would have to…" At this point, Jiang Ye had already covered her face in embarrassment.

Just by looking at her expression, Yu Qing knew Jiang Ye was willing.

Yu Qing had tried to persuade Jiang Ye otherwise, but Jiang Ye had questioned why Yu Qing had distanced herself after becoming an inner disciple, if she now thought of them as being worlds apart and no longer worthy of being together.

She even said that if she couldn't join Qiong Hua Peak, she would leave Qingxu Sect and never see her again.

At that time, Ah Ye had tears in her eyes, and though she was already in distress, she still clung to Yu Qing's hand, sweet-talking her: "Sister Yu Qing, I just want to be with you forever."

Forever together—a beautiful dream.

So that year, to protect the kind and pure Ah Ye, she chose to soil herself.

At that time, she thought that as long as Ah Ye was happy, it didn't matter if she sacrificed herself.

She could think of it as being bitten by a dog.

But Ah Ye was too naive, easily swayed by a few words.

Her weakness was held in someone else's hands, so she could only do those things that disgusted her again and again.

It didn't matter anymore; it wasn't the first time, after all. She was already tarnished.

Not long after Meng Shuying stepped out of the room, she heard faint moans coming from behind her.

She knew whose voice it was and could guess what they were doing inside.

She just hadn't expected them to be so unreserved.

Meng Shuying had never held any expectations for anything on Qiong Hua Peak, so she wasn't disappointed.

She was just suddenly curious about what Wen Miaomiao would do if she were in her place.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, the jealousy she had buried deep inside started to surface.

She even masochistically wondered if Senior Sister would regret it if she knew about everything on Qiong Hua Peak.

Regret not choosing her.

Regret letting her fall into this abyss.

The next evening, Yu Qing came to see her.

When she arrived, Meng Shuying was in the middle of cultivating. Yu Qing waited outside for a while before finally knocking and entering.

Meng Shuying poured her a cup of cold tea, skipping any small talk and directly asking about her visit.

"I came today without Master's knowledge, and I hope you won't mention this to anyone."

"Of course."

Meng Shuying waited for her to continue, but Yu Qing suddenly stood up and began to look around her room.

The room was small, the entire space visible at a glance. The furnishings were neither new nor old, and even the room's location was the worst on Qiong Hua Peak.

It was hard to imagine what kind of feelings Meng Shuying had while staying in such a place for three years.

Everyone on Qiong Hua Peak was opportunistic, knowing that she didn't have the master's favor, so they disdained associating with her.

If they knew that one day, the master would invite Meng Shuying personally, who knew what expressions they would show?

They would probably be as shocked as they were when they found out that she had entered the master's chambers.

"Have you made your decision regarding what the master said?"

Meng Shuying didn't respond, simply looking at her with a probing gaze.

"I don't mean anything by it, I just wanted to remind you," Yu Qing said, tracing her finger along the edge of the tea cup, a hint of bitterness in her eyes. "Master… she is an expert at manipulating people. If you're determined to refuse, you'd better find a way to escape far away. Otherwise, from what I know of her, she won't give up so easily."

Meng Shuying was silent for a moment before suddenly asking, "You know her well?"

Her question had a deeper meaning.

"Of course I know her well," Yu Qing didn't get angry, continuing to meet Meng Shuying's gaze without avoiding it. "It's because she manipulated me that I'm in this position now."

After seeing how Yu Qing had "served" the master, Meng Shuying had developed a bit of aversion toward her.

So she wasn't inclined to take her warning seriously.

"Is that the only reason you came today?"

In Meng Shuying's eyes, Yu Qing was someone who sought shortcuts in cultivation and ended up entangled with Min Lanmeng. She couldn't help but look down on her.

Sensing the coldness in her words, Yu Qing remained silent for a long time before suddenly letting out a bitter laugh. "Meng Shuying, you don't think I did all of this willingly, do you?"

Suddenly, she pulled down her collar, exposing most of her shoulder.

Meng Shuying didn't have time to look away, so she was caught off guard by the sight of the scars on Yu Qing's shoulder.

Crisscrossing scars left by a fine, soft whip.

Meng Shuying had once had two similar scars on her face and body. So she instantly recognized that these were marks left by Min Lanmeng.

"Isn't it ironic? Everyone envies me for being her favorite disciple. But if they saw this, would they still envy me?"

"No," Meng Shuying answered honestly. She frowned, thinking for a moment before asking, "I just don't understand why you're telling me all this?"

With what she knew of Yu Qing, she wasn't the kind of person who did things out of kindness.

Yu Qing didn't hide anything either. "Of course, I have my own selfish reasons. If you agree to the master's offer, I will become insignificant, and my words will carry even less weight."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing? After all, you didn't do it willingly, so this would be your chance to escape that suffering."

Meng Shuying's expression was serious as she analyzed, "If I were you, I would find a way to drag someone else down with me."

"I have my own difficulties."

Before today, Yu Qing had barely spoken to Meng Shuying, yet at this moment, she suddenly felt the urge to confide in someone.

Perhaps it was because she could see that Meng Shuying, too, had someone she held dear in her heart.

But Yu Qing was still Yu Qing—no matter the situation, she was always the composed and serious Yu Qing.

So she merely sighed, burying everything deep within, before saying sincerely, "Since you have someone you care about, you must do everything you can to improve your strength. Only by becoming strong enough yourself can you protect her. Soon, a group of wandering disciples will descend the mountain. While there's still time, go and sign up with the Sect Leader."

Meng Shuying was unsure why she had brought this up and asked hesitantly, "Wandering disciples?"

"Every ten years, Qingxu Sect sends a group of disciples down to the mortal world to travel and gain experience, mainly to eliminate demons and exorcise evil spirits. It's both a form of protection for the mortal realm and a way to train the disciples."

It had also been Yu Qing's escape route.

But now, it was no longer an option for her.

"Go, Meng Shuying, and make good use of these ten years."

Though Yu Qing was sitting right in front of her, her gaze seemed to look far, far beyond her.

"I hope that the next time we meet, you'll have the strength to stand against the master."