Xie Hanzhu, who was following behind, couldn't help but laugh out loud when she saw the situation. "Senior Sister, since when did you have such a big daughter? You've kept this secret well—we didn't even know."

Wen Miaomiao also squatted down, trying to pull the little girl's hand away from Su Luowei's dress. "Little sister, you must have mistaken her for someone else."

The little girl looked up and met Su Luowei's gaze. Her black, grape-like eyes stared at Su Luowei for a moment before she firmly said, "I didn't make a mistake; you are my mother."

Su Luowei smiled and was about to say something when she noticed that someone was standing behind the silk screen at the top of the stairs on the second floor.

The silk screen was something the innkeeper had acquired at great expense, and its craftsmanship was extraordinary. The frame was made from a single piece of pearwood, ancient and sturdy. The screen itself was woven from silkworm threads—the first strands spun in early spring, making them particularly precious. The painting on it was by a contemporary master, depicting a landscape in green hues.

The colors were subtle, blending into the screen and making the scene appear almost illusory. As a result, the person behind the screen was not entirely visible.

Su Luowei instinctively stepped back half a step. Thinking carefully, she realized that the little girl's sudden appearance was quite odd. As a Golden Core cultivator with sharp senses, she should have detected someone hiding around the corner before the child rushed out, but she hadn't.

This made her instinctively feel a sense of danger.

Her eyes were fixed on the silhouette behind the screen, but her fingers quietly moved to the back of the little girl's neck. The child didn't seem to notice and continued to smile sweetly at her.

Suddenly, a voice called out, "Hongdou, come here. Don't cause trouble."

Although it was only six words, upon hearing them, Su Luowei was struck as if by lightning. The fingers she had placed on the back of the child's neck froze instantly.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Su Luowei remained rigidly in place, watching as the person stepped out from behind the screen.

"He" was dressed in a dark blue long robe, with hair tied up high and holding a black hat in "his" hand.

"He" had a face that was delicate and slightly effeminate, but it was the deep, dark eyes that drew attention, causing one to overlook the other parts of "his" appearance.

Though "he" had matured significantly and deliberately disguised "himself" as a man, and though "his" aura was different from before, Su Luowei recognized immediately that this person was Meng Shuying.

Why was Meng Shuying here?

And what had happened to her eyes?

Hongdou, upon seeing Meng Shuying come out, reluctantly let go of Su Luowei's hand and ran over to her side to help guide her.

Holding onto her, Hongdou glanced back at Su Luowei, her eyes blinking nervously, not daring to say another word.

"My daughter is mischievous. I apologize for the disturbance," Meng Shuying said calmly, though there wasn't much sincerity in her tone.

Xie Hanzhu and Wen Miaomiao were also stunned by her appearance, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing that Meng Shuying had no intention of engaging further, she patted Hongdou's head and allowed the child to lead her back to their room.

But just as she took a few steps, a voice she had longed to hear called out from behind her.

"It's been a long time, Meng Shimei."

Meng Shuying's entire body trembled.

The four adults sat around the table, each occupying a side, clearly divided.

Hongdou hesitated for a moment before sitting next to Meng Shuying. She picked up the teapot and tried to pour her some tea.

Xie Hanzhu took over the teapot, poured five cups, and placed one in front of each person. She then sat down, her expression complicated. "Meng Shuying, is this really your daughter?"

Meng Shuying was silent for a long time before letting out a soft sigh. "It's a long story..."

But she didn't outright deny it.

Looking at Meng Shuying, whom she hadn't seen in years, Su Luowei felt a mix of familiarity and unfamiliarity. The face and voice were the same, but everything else seemed different.

This left her feeling a lump in her throat, her limbs stiff.

Meng Shuying had been away for seven years. Su Luowei had once believed that if she just waited patiently for three more years, she would return.

She never expected their reunion to be like this.

A torrent of emotions surged in Su Luowei's heart, but she still spoke calmly. "Your eyes?"

Meng Shuying instinctively touched the corner of her eye. "I was poisoned some time ago, leading to temporary blindness. It will recover once the toxin is cleared."

"I have detoxification pills," Su Luowei said, reaching for her storage pouch, but Meng Shuying stopped her.

Though blind, Meng Shuying turned slightly toward Su Luowei, her eyes reflecting her figure. "I appreciate your kindness, Senior Sister, but this poison is special. Ordinary detoxification pills won't help."

Su Luowei persisted. "How will you know if you don't try? Besides, these aren't ordinary detoxification pills."

Meng Shuying placed her right hand lightly on Su Luowei's wrist, pressing it down. "Really, there's no need."

Su Luowei didn't insist any further.

Meng Shuying withdrew her hand, then turned her face away, speaking softly to Hongdou. "Tell the attendant to bring more dishes."

The waiter quickly brought an array of dishes to the table, all the restaurant's specialties, looking and smelling delicious.

Yet none of them had much of an appetite, except for Hongdou, whose eyes sparkled at the sight of the feast.

Xie Hanzhu glanced at Meng Shuying, who remained expressionless, making it hard to read her thoughts.

She then sneaked a look at Su Luowei, who was staring intently at the tea in her hands.

Words swirled around on her tongue, unsure whether to be spoken or not. Finally, Xie Hanzhu tentatively broke the silence. "Meng Shuying, you still haven't told us why you're here."

"After leaving the mountain, I traveled around. Recently, I heard about a fox beast near Fuxiao City that could take human form, so I came to investigate."

"That's all lies," Xie Hanzhu said indignantly. "We just visited Fox Mountain this morning. There wasn't even an ordinary fox, let alone a spirit beast."

Meng Shuying showed no surprise at her words, as if she had already expected it.

Hongdou had a big appetite and ate quickly. In no time, the dishes on the table were wiped clean. Still unsatisfied, she sucked on the tip of her chopsticks, looking reluctant to finish.

Xie Hanzhu found her amusing and reached out to pinch her chubby cheeks. "Who would have thought? You're so small but can eat so much."

Hongdou ducked out of the way, avoiding her grasp. She set down her chopsticks, frowned at her own stomach, and then looked up, speaking in a childish voice. "I'm still hungry."

Meng Shuying patted her head and said softly, "You've had enough. Eat more, and you'll feel sick later."

Her actions and words were natural, revealing how long she had been caring for the little girl.

It made Su Luowei feel even more bitter, but she didn't ask her anything more. Instead, she turned to Wen Miaomiao. "Later, send someone to the City Lord's mansion to inform Sheng Ruiming that I agree to his plan. Let's set the date for the fifth of next month."

Wen Miaomiao blinked and nodded in agreement.

Su Luowei added, "After running around all day, I'm feeling a bit tired. I'll head back to my room first. You all should finish up and rest early too."

If she was leaving, Xie Hanzhu and Wen Miaomiao naturally had to leave as well.

Meng Shuying remained seated, showing no reaction, but Hongdou quickly stood up, grabbing Su Luowei's sleeve. Hesitatingly, she asked, "After I take Father back to the room, can I come and play with you for a while?"

Su Luowei looked down at her small hand and then back at her face.

Upon closer inspection, it was clear that Meng Shuying's daughter didn't resemble her much.

For some reason, Su Luowei felt that the girl faintly resembled...herself.

She steadied her mind, shaking off the ridiculous thought. Just as she was about to refuse, Meng Shuying's cold voice interrupted. "Hongdou, don't bother Senior Sister."

Su Luowei hesitated for a moment, then, as if deliberately opposing Meng Shuying, softened her tone and squatted down to stroke the little girl's soft hair. "Of course you can."

Just a wall away, Xie Hanzhu heard the sound of Su Luowei closing her door and immediately ran into Wen Miaomiao's room, sitting cross-legged on her bed without any decorum, deep in thought.

"Do you think that child could really be Meng Shuying's?"

Wen Miaomiao, seated in a chair, smiled at her. "Don't you think that child looks like Senior Sister?"

Xie Hanzhu thought for a moment before realization dawned. "No wonder she looked so familiar! So, should we still send someone to the City Lord's mansion?"

Wen Miaomiao calmly replied, "Of course we should."

Su Luowei hadn't been back in her room long when she heard a knock at the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

One knock, a pause, and then another.

It was just like her habit.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a small figure dressed in yellow rushed in.


Su Luowei stepped aside, but the little girl still accurately landed in her arms.

As expected.

"You're not an ordinary person. So, who are you?" Su Luowei grabbed her collar and lifted her away.

Despite her attempt to dodge, the yellow figure still found her way into Su Luowei's embrace.

Hongdou, not one to keep secrets, blurted out, "Mother~ I'm Xiao Jiujiu! You know, the one."

In her panic, she couldn't speak clearly and resorted to flapping her hands like wings.

A sudden realization struck Su Luowei. "You're the little Golden Phoenix?"

Hongdou's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly.

"I'm Master's spirit beast. After eating a lot of energy in the Ten Directions Paradise, I woke up to find I could take human form."

To prove her point, Hongdou transformed into a small bird right before Su Luowei's eyes, perching on her shoulder and nuzzling her cheek before turning back into a little girl.

Looking into the bright eyes of the little girl, Su Luowei hesitated for a moment before, as she used to, reaching out to tap the red spots on her cheeks.

Hongdou shivered, her eyes sparkling even more as she leaped back into Su Luowei's arms, hugging her neck and calling her, "Mother~"

Su Luowei struggled to pry her off and set her down on a chair. "Why do you call her Master but call me Mother?"

What kind of logic was that?

And why did the little Golden Phoenix take on her appearance? Su Luowei couldn't believe it was just a coincidence.

But then she thought of Meng Shuying's cold demeanor earlier, making it hard to believe that she still had feelings for her.

Fortunately, Hongdou wasn't one to keep secrets. "Master told me to call you that. She has a painting in her storage bag and often takes it out to stare at it. When I asked her who was in the painting, she said it was my mother."

Hongdou paused to touch her plump cheeks and added, "Even my appearance is according to Master's wishes."

Seeing Su Luowei's stunned expression, Hongdou hesitated for a moment before leaning in to whisper in her ear, "And there's one more thing I'll tell you quietly. Although she seemed cold when sitting beside you earlier, inside, she was extremely excited."

Back in her room, the first thing Meng Shuying did was wash her sweaty palms.

The second thing she did was sit cross-legged on the bed, trying to use her spiritual energy to suppress the toxin.

She hadn't planned on suddenly encountering her Senior Sister.

She needed to get rid of the poison quickly.

Little did she know, she had already been completely betrayed by little Hongdou.