Hongdou waited inside the room for a long time, but Meng Shuying never returned, so she went out to find her.

Meng Shuying was still in the study, sitting on the threshold facing inside, motionless for a long time.

One leg was stretched out, the other bent, with her elbow resting on her knee and her hand supporting her forehead, her eyes lowered in deep thought.

Hongdou walked past her, but Meng Shuying didn't react at all.

What happened?

Hongdou crouched in front of her, looking her in the eye with concern. "Master, are you alright?"

What was this? Another failed soul inquiry? Was she too devastated by it?

But hadn't they already failed countless times over the years?

Hongdou noticed that the hand resting on Meng Shuying's knee was trembling slightly, increasing her worry.

Her master's hands had always been steady. Whether it was when she followed Yun Fei in learning alchemy, carefully separating complex medicinal powers; when she traveled the mortal realm, coldly dissecting demonic beasts; or when she decapitated enemies from the Danyang Alliance without hesitation, her hands never wavered.

But now, her hands were trembling.

What could have happened in the short time it took Hongdou to clean up the formation?

After a long pause, Meng Shuying finally looked up at her, a faint smile on her lips and a hint of tears in her eyes. "I'm fine, Hongdou."

Though she was smiling, her eyes glistened with tears.

Hongdou, despite being able to take human form, was still a Xuanfeng at heart. As a spiritual beast, she often found it difficult to comprehend the complex emotions of humans.

Like now, she couldn't understand why Meng Shuying was smiling while on the verge of tears.

Was she happy or sad?

Hongdou said nothing, silently offering her a handkerchief.

Meng Shuying didn't take the handkerchief. Instead, she turned her head, leaned against the doorframe, and looked up, letting the tears flow back.

"Hongdou, just now... I think I saw her." She tried to keep her voice calm, but the tumult in her heart made her words catch in her throat.

Hongdou was about to ask who she saw when she suddenly realized—only seeing her senior sister could make her master react like this.

Could it be that this time, the soul inquiry was successful?!

"She was right here," Meng Shuying whispered, her gaze fixed on the chair in the center of the study. "Just like before, sitting there reading a book. I knew it was her, but I didn't dare move. I was afraid that if I moved, she would disappear."

Hongdou quietly observed her, trying to discern whether Meng Shuying was in her right mind.

It was common knowledge that when a soul leaves its body, it becomes a formless, murky entity. Even if she could sense Su Luowei's soul, it wouldn't be clear enough to see what she was doing.

Hongdou suspected that what Meng Shuying saw was a hallucination born of her deep-seated obsession, but she didn't immediately say so.

She knew how her master had endured these past years.

In the years following her senior sister's death, Meng Shuying had only been a Nascent Soul cultivator, powerful but not yet respected by many.

To preserve her senior sister's body, she had gone to Kunlun countless times, trying to persuade the sect leader to lend her the Cold Spirit.

But the Kunlun Sect leader refused, citing the Cold Spirit as a Kunlun treasure that couldn't be easily lent out.

Fortunately, Meng Shuying discovered a spiritual stone mine by chance and traded it for the Cold Spirit, with Zhan Xuehan helping to facilitate the exchange, allowing Su Luowei's body to be placed in the Cold Palace.

During that time, aside from Xie Hanzhu and Wen Miaomiao, almost no one sided with Meng Shuying. Even Su Luowei's parents thought resurrecting their daughter was a delusion and urged her to be buried as soon as possible.

She fought them for years, arguing and struggling until she broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, forcing them to relent.

Preserving her senior sister's body was only the first step in resurrecting her.

In the years that followed, Meng Shuying scoured countless ancient texts and traveled the world, trying every method she could find, but none succeeded in bringing her sister back.

Time and again, hope would flicker only to be extinguished once more.

How many nights had Meng Shuying sat alone until dawn?

These years had been unbearably hard for her.

Meng Shuying stood up slowly and walked toward the desk, picking up the withered peach blossom petal nestled in the book.

The petal was so light in her hand that it had no weight. She closed her fingers around it, holding it tightly in her palm. "It was her. She heard my call and came back to see me."

Would her senior sister be pleased to see that everything here had been kept exactly as it was, unchanged for over a hundred years?

The moonlight filtered through the window lattice, casting a soft glow on the desk that had held a hundred and eighty years of memories.

A teardrop fell, landing on the open book, quickly absorbed by the paper, which darkened and slowly spread out.

Even though Hongdou was one of the smartest and most empathetic of spiritual beasts, she still didn't understand. Her master was clearly happy, so why... was she crying?

Humans were truly complex and incomprehensible creatures.

"Should we go find her?"

But her master had just performed a soul inquiry and was still in a weakened state.

Meng Shuying shook her head. "I'll find her after I've fully recovered."

Once she found her senior sister's soul, she could take her to Kunlun and restore her soul to its original body.

But before that, there was one more thing she needed to do.

Kunlun Mountain was blanketed in snow. Su Luowei sent word to Yuchi Shao, who was keeping watch outside the cave, that she had successfully reached the Foundation Establishment stage but needed to stay a few more days to consolidate her progress. She told her to go back and rest.

After Yuchi Shao left, Su Luowei adjusted the oil lamp on the cave wall to make it brighter and then poured a cup of water for Yunu.

"How did you know that I'm Su Luowei?"

"It's a long story, one that can't be told in a short time. Just know that I'm on your side," Yunu said, glancing at the rough porcelain cup with evident displeasure. "To think you've been reduced to living like this—Meng Shuying truly is a terrible person!"

Su Luowei: ?

What did any of this have to do with Meng Shuying?

Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Yunu put down the cup, walked over to her, and took her hand, speaking comfortingly, "I know all about what happened between you and Meng Shuying. She really went too far. You were so good to her, and she repaid your kindness with betrayal!"

She clapped Su Luowei on the shoulder, her expression resolute. "This time, I'll help you take back everything you've lost."

Su Luowei: ?

What exactly had she lost, and what was she supposed to take back? She couldn't understand what the Azure Dragon meant.

Suddenly, a possibility occurred to her, and Su Luowei's lips trembled slightly, her expression dazed. "What version of the story did you hear?"

Yunu had been reluctant to bring up such a painful topic in front of her, but Su Luowei insisted.

Yunu's face darkened with anger as she recounted what she had heard. "Back then, Meng Shuying was a lonely child, shunned by others in the Qingxu Sect. It was you who brought her to Yanmo Peak, patiently teaching her for three years and even securing her a chance to ascend the Questioning Immortal Platform."

Su Luowei: That part sounds about right.

"Among her peers was Wen Miaomiao, a prodigy who quickly caught the sect leader's eye. Meng Shuying went to Qionghua Peak, where she was tormented by the former peak master Min Lanmeng and bullied by her fellow disciples."

"She refused to accept such a fate, so she succumbed to demonic influence. You know, demonic energy amplifies the desires in a cultivator's heart."

Yunu's expression was conflicted as she looked at Su Luowei. "No one expected that from the moment she arrived at Yanmo Peak, Meng Shuying had harbored improper feelings for you!"

"But you, Su Luowei, born in Dongji Sect and raised in Qingxu Sect, were naturally pure-hearted and focused solely on cultivation, unwilling to get entangled with her. So, when she couldn't have you, she turned her love into hatred! On the day she formed her Nascent Soul, she tried to force herself on you, and you, unable to bear the humiliation, shattered your own Golden Core."

Su Luowei: This sounds a bit off, but let's keep listening.

"After your death, she was filled with regret, not only for failing to stop you but also for not possessing you sooner. So, she began searching for a way to bring you back to life."

Yunu's gaze sharpened, like daggers piercing Su Luowei, her voice firm and resolute.

"And she found one!"

Su Luowei felt a bit disoriented.

If she weren't the person in question, she might have believed this story.

"If I'm not mistaken, the one who just used a soul inquiry to summon you was her! Your body is probably in her possession as well. Once she finds your soul, she'll trap you by her side for all eternity."

This was too much! How could Meng Shuying still be considered human after doing something like this?

Ever since Yunu had heard the story of Meng Shuying and Su Luowei while in the mortal realm, she had felt extreme sympathy for Su Luowei and had vowed to help her seek justice.

Her desire for revenge was so strong that she even set aside her grudge over having her heart's blood taken, focusing entirely on finding Su Luowei's soul and helping her get revenge on Meng Shuying.

Su Luowei raised a hand to stop her, stammering, "Well... my body... isn't with her."

Yunu's eyes lit up. "That's great! Do you know where your body is?"

Su Luowei nodded obediently. "I do."

"Do you want to return to your original body?"

Su Luowei hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes."

If possible, she did want to return to her original body. Although the body Xiao Ba had found for her was fine, it was hard to explain certain things to others while she wore this face.

Yunu's mind raced. Since Su Luowei knew where her body was, all she needed was a few specific items to help her return to it.

Meng Shuying had just used the soul inquiry technique, weakening her greatly. This was the perfect opportunity for them to act.

She made up her mind instantly and stood up, extending her hand to Su Luowei with determination. "Let's go!"

Su Luowei: "... Where?"

"To the Qingxu Sect! If you want to return to your original body, there are a few essential items, and Meng Shuying just so happens to have them. We'll go and take them!"

Su Luowei hesitated. "But I can't fly with a sword yet." Before leaving Yanmo Peak, Meng Shuying had already seen her. She had wanted to say something to Meng Shuying, to tell her she was in Kunlun and to stop using the soul inquiry.

But before she could say anything, Yunu had suddenly pulled her back, leaving her with no chance to speak.

Now, hearing Yunu suggest going to the Qingxu Sect, Su Luowei was tempted. But she was also worried. Her body had just reached Foundation Establishment, and leaving aside how she would manage the journey, it would be difficult to sneak past Kunlun's protective array undetected.

"Flying on a sword is too slow; I'll carry you myself."

Yunu was an impatient person. Once she decided to go, she wanted to leave immediately. She cast an invisibility spell on both of them and then transformed into her true form.

Her true form was that of an Azure Dragon, which, when fully revealed, could reach nearly a hundred meters in height.

Given the limited space in the cave, she deliberately shrank herself down to three meters tall, with a body thick enough for two people to embrace.

The Azure Dragon soared through the clouds and mist, moving at a speed far beyond that of ordinary cultivators. In just two or three hours, the Qingxu Mountain was already in sight.

It was still early, and the Qingxu Mountain was silent. The Azure Dragon cautiously landed on a small mountain path, transforming back into human form, and whispered to Su Luowei, "Do you remember where Meng Shuying stayed?"

Of course, Su Luowei remembered.

She and Hongdou followed the path back to her old residence. From a distance, they could see that the light in Meng Shuying's room had already been extinguished, indicating that she was likely asleep.

Considering that Su Luowei was now only a Foundation Establishment cultivator, Yunu advised her to find a place to hide and promised to take her back immediately after she had retrieved the necessary items.

Perhaps out of concern, Yunu repeatedly warned, "You must hide well. No matter what you hear, don't come out. Meng Shuying is ruthless, and if she catches you, she won't let you go easily."

Su Luowei hesitated, wanting to say, "Yunu, actually, Meng Shuying and I..."

She wanted to explain that her relationship with Meng Shuying wasn't as Yunu imagined and that her death wasn't as Yunu believed.

But Yunu waved her off. "No need to explain, I understand. Don't worry, this time, we'll make sure Meng Shuying knows we're not to be trifled with."

With that, she disappeared, leaving Su Luowei standing there, helpless.

What was this all about?

Worried about Meng Shuying and Yunu, afraid they might really fight and something might happen to either of them, Su Luowei didn't stay put as Yunu had instructed. Instead, she ran toward her courtyard.

She had only run a few steps when she saw a silver figure shoot into the sky from the courtyard, swiftly disappearing into the distance.

Following close behind was a flash of red, likely Hongdou, who had noticed the intruder and was giving chase.

But there was no sign of Meng Shuying.

Su Luowei felt a sudden pang of unease.

Earlier, when her soul had drifted to this place, she had seen that Meng Shuying seemed seriously injured. She hoped nothing had happened to her.

Biting her lip, she hurried to Meng Shuying's room, pushed open the door, and stood in the doorway, looking around. The room was pitch black, with only the faint outlines of furniture visible. There was no sign of Meng Shuying.

Taking a deep breath, Su Luowei stepped inside, intending to light the oil lamp on the table to see more clearly.

But she had only taken one step when someone hidden in the shadows grabbed her and pressed her against the wall.

The person's voice was icy cold. "Who are you? What are you doing sneaking into my room in the middle of the night?"

As she spoke, her hand loosely grasped Su Luowei's throat, ready to snap it at any moment.

She didn't let her guard down, even though Su Luowei was only a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

In this body, Su Luowei was almost a head shorter than Meng Shuying, so she had to strain to tilt her head up to meet her gaze.

In the endless darkness, her eyes were like a cold lake, calm on the surface but with turbulent currents below.

There was also a faint scent of blood in the air, a result of the backlash Meng Shuying had suffered after using the soul inquiry.

Thinking of the scars on her wrists, Su Luowei felt a pang of sorrow. She reached out and gently wrapped her arms around Meng Shuying's waist, her voice choked with emotion. "Meng Shuying... how could you let yourself get like this?"

Meng Shuying froze at the familiar tone.

She had already suspected, but she was too afraid to ask.

She feared that if she spoke, her senior sister would disappear just as she had before, leaving no trace.

Finally, Su Luowei couldn't hold back any longer and gently pushed her away. She snapped her fingers, igniting a flame that lit the candles in the room. Standing by the light, she looked at Meng Shuying with a calm gaze.

The candlelight bathed her face in a warm glow.

In the light, Meng Shuying could finally see what she looked like now.

Su Luowei stared at Meng Shuying without blinking, not wanting to miss even the slightest change in her expression.

From the moment she had first seen Meng Shuying at Kunlun Sect, she had been curious about what Meng Shuying's reaction would be if she ever found out that the Kunlun disciple she had been ordering around was actually the senior sister she had been longing for.

And Meng Shuying did not disappoint.

She furrowed her brow, staring at Su Luowei for a long time before tentatively asking, "Senior Sister?"

When Su Luowei confirmed it, a flash of regret crossed Meng Shuying's face—regret that her senior sister had been right in front of her, and she hadn't recognized her.

Then a faint blush spread across her cheeks.