Hongdou and Yu Nu's progress went smoothly. After entering the mountain, they returned with Su Luowei's original body at dawn on the eighth day.

Upon hearing that they would be bringing back a young girl who would soon become their master's disciple, Hongdou seemed overjoyed. However, after her initial excitement, she became a bit worried and asked Su Luowei, "Back then, I asked Master if she wanted to take you as a disciple, but she said since you're from Kunlun, she didn't want to. She also mentioned that she had no intention of taking in a disciple. What if Master refuses to accept her when we bring her back?"

Su Luowei reassured Yuchi Yun with a comforting smile and gently replied, "During my time in the mortal world, she took care of me. I'll speak to A-Ying myself; she will surely agree."

While Su Luowei was confident about convincing Meng Shuying, she found herself in a bind when it came to leaving Kunlun. Without a drastic measure like faking her death, she couldn't think of a way to smoothly extricate herself.

Yuchi Yun, having learned of Su Luowei's true identity in recent days, had been gathering information about her future master. She knew that apart from the Qingxu Sect and the Eastern Extremity Sect, the other three major sects treated Meng Shuying like the plague, fearing that a wrong move could provoke her wrath, leading to the annihilation of their entire sect.

Her future master... was truly terrifying.

Yuchi Yun's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, a trait characteristic of young girls. She turned to Hongdou and suggested, "To leave Kunlun smoothly, we'll need to rely on you, Hongdou. Your reputation precedes you. If you approach the Kunlun sect leader and mention that you're interested in taking the two of us as disciples, he surely won't refuse."

As Yuchi Yun predicted, once Hongdou revealed her intentions, the Kunlun sect leader immediately agreed. To him, losing two disciples was a minor matter compared to the risk of angering Meng Shuying.

Their legitimate master, Le Ping Zhenren, was initially displeased when she learned that Hongdou intended to take away her two disciples. However, after Hongdou handed her two top-grade pills as compensation, Le Ping Zhenren's previously stern face broke into a smile. She even advised the two girls to respect their master and diligently cultivate after joining the Qingxu Sect, lest they tarnish Meng Shuying's reputation.

The return journey was smooth as well. The Azure Dragon and the Phoenix revealed their true forms, and Yuchi Yun, sitting atop the two-person-high Phoenix, sweet-talked her "auntie" to the point of flattery.

Su Luowei, on the other hand, sat on the Azure Dragon's back, holding her original body. The sensation of holding herself was so peculiar that it left Su Luowei in a daze.

She couldn't help but recall how Meng Shuying had once stayed alone in the inner hall with this body for several days, with embarrassing sounds constantly emanating from within.

Yuchi Yun, seated on the Phoenix's back, frequently turned her head to glance at Su Luowei, whispering to Hongdou, "So that's what A-Li looked like before; she doesn't resemble her reincarnated self at all."

Hongdou also sighed, "Indeed, that's why I didn't recognize her when I first saw her."

"She was so beautiful! By the way, Auntie, is Master also very beautiful?"

"Are you asking about my master?" Hongdou pondered for a moment, "In my eyes, Master's beauty rivals that of Senior Sister. However, Senior Sister is more gentle, while Master has a certain aloof and world-weary aura."

Senior Sister's passing had left her quite dejected in those days.

Yuchi Yun spent the entire journey trying to imagine what a beautiful yet aloof Meng Shuying might look like. When she finally saw her in person and secretly observed her, she whispered to Hongdou, "Before I came, I heard people say that Meng Shuying was a sinister old witch. But she looks so young, and she's so beautiful. Her robe is also really pretty. Will I get to wear something like that in the future?"

A beautiful robe?

Hongdou thought to herself that her master had never cared about appearances and had worn the same dark-colored robe for a hundred years. How good could it look?

But when she saw the intricate cloud-patterned and gold-embroidered robe Meng Shuying was wearing, she suddenly realized that times had changed.

Ah, of course, her master's long-lost Senior Sister had returned.

Tsk, their master had likely spent the days they were away secretly making new clothes.

Seeing the perfectly tailored, exquisitely crafted robe on Meng Shuying, Hongdou surmised that it was probably made by the most renowned embroiderer in the Jiangnan region.

Ah, women.

Today, Meng Shuying not only wore a new robe but also, quite unusually, adorned herself with a pair of long, golden earrings. The earrings resembled delicate tassels, enhancing her already striking appearance.

When Su Luowei saw her, she waved and then handed over the person she had been holding.

Meng Shuying reached out to take the body, and Su Luowei added, "We brought someone else back this time—"

She gestured for Yuchi Yun to come forward. Yuchi Yun immediately approached, smiling as she greeted Meng Shuying with a bow.

"Greetings, Master."

"This is the disciple I accepted on your behalf. Her name is Yuchi Yun."

Meng Shuying glanced at Yuchi Yun but neither approved nor disapproved. She turned to Hongdou, instructing her to, "Find her a place to stay."

She did not refuse.

Hongdou winked at Yuchi Yun, who instantly understood that Meng Shuying had accepted her as a disciple. Overjoyed, she exclaimed, "Thank you, Master!"

Her excitement was such that her face flushed. "I will work hard in my cultivation and live up to your expectations!"

Meng Shuying, having received little guidance from her own master and never having taken a disciple herself, was momentarily at a loss for how to respond to Yuchi Yun's enthusiasm. After some thought, she retrieved a pill from her Qiankun Bag and handed it to Yuchi Yun.

"Since I didn't know you were coming, I didn't prepare anything in advance. But rest assured, now that you've become my disciple, I will teach you diligently."

Seeing the pill, Yuchi Yun's eyes sparkled with delight. But when she heard Meng Shuying promise to guide her seriously, her smile froze.

No! She was just being polite! Why did Meng Shuying take her seriously?

She immediately turned to Su Luowei with a pleading look, only to see Su Luowei smiling at her. "In the past, A-Ying was the most diligent in her cultivation. To be her disciple is a great blessing."

With everything in place, Meng Shuying announced that she would be entering seclusion and that no one should disturb her.

In the room, steam filled the air, and Su Luowei's original body had been placed in a large tub.

Meng Shuying, wearing only a thin inner garment with her sleeves rolled up, carefully poured a brownish liquid into the tub. The herbal scent wafting through the air helped to soothe Su Luowei's anxious heart.

She sat cross-legged on a chair opposite the tub, looking up at Meng Shuying. "What will happen to this body after my soul leaves?"

"If my guess is correct, this body isn't your reincarnation. Once your soul is transferred back to its original body, this one will likely dissipate."

"How did you know that this body isn't my reincarnation?" Su Luowei was curious.

Since their reunion, Meng Shuying had never inquired about what happened to her after her death. Despite the passage of 180 years, Meng Shuying hadn't once questioned how Su Luowei's soul had come to inhabit a stranger's body.


"Shh." Meng Shuying raised her hand and placed a finger over Su Luowei's lips.

"Everyone has their own secrets. For me, the greatest blessing is that you've come back. I have no intention of probing into your secrets."

Su Luowei looked up at her. Despite the difference in appearance, her eyes still held that same gentle light.

"And you? Do you have any secrets of your own?"

"I don't," Meng Shuying whispered. "I've never had any secrets from you."

Su Luowei's eyes curved into a silent smile as she held Meng Shuying's hand and said softly yet firmly, "Let's begin."

Even though Su Luowei had experienced this twice before, the sensation of her soul leaving her body was still strange.

Light as a feather, soft as a cloud, as if she were floating in the sky.

She "watched" herself drift out of Su Li's body, glowing softly like a lantern wrapped in cotton. Blue sparks flew out of her original body, like snowflakes, and landed on her soul.

She glanced down at "Su Li's" body one last time. Now that her soul had left it, the body was becoming transparent, along with its clothing, fading like ink washed in water.

When she opened her eyes again, she was back in her original body.

Su Luowei raised her hand, examining her fingers, which were now pale and delicate, completely different from the rough hands of Su Li.

Meng Shuying handed her a mirror, allowing her to see herself.

Her eyebrows were arched, her lips naturally red. Apart from being a little pale, she looked just like she remembered.

But something didn't feel right. She felt weak—not just physically, but spiritually as well.

Her spiritual sea, once full of energy, was now dry, and her shattered golden core was nowhere to be found.

Panic set in, and she quickly looked up to ask Meng Shuying what had happened, only to see her leaning on the edge of the tub, moving closer.

Su Luowei's fingers twitched slightly, but she didn't move away.

The steam blurred her usually cold features, her long lashes fluttered in the mist, avoiding Su Luowei's gaze and landing on her lips.

Su Luowei noticed that Meng Shuying was staring at her lips.

Her lips, which had thinned from disuse, now glistened from the steam, reflecting the soft light.

Even the mist she breathed out carried the scent of medicinal herbs.

As Meng Shuying hesitated, Su Luowei softly called her name, her voice a bit unsure, "A-Ying..."

Their closeness made it easy for Meng Shuying to see the light pink of Su Luowei's tongue between her teeth.

A drop of condensation fell from her sharp chin onto her collarbone, trailing down her white skin before disappearing into the water.

"You're finally back," Meng Shuying's voice was hoarse, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears. She leaned in closer, so close that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

Su Luowei's heartbeat was steady, a calm rhythm in a body that had been silent for 180 years.

Meng Shuying's heart, on the other hand, pounded loudly, like a panicked deer crashing through the forest.

Their breaths mingled in the small space between them.

Su Luowei waited for Meng Shuying to close the distance, but then saw her close her eyes instead.

This time, Meng Shuying decided to leave the choice to her.

Even though Su Luowei had told her before that she wanted her to move in once she returned to her original body, Meng Shuying couldn't believe her luck.

She had waited so long, suffered so much.

So she closed her eyes.

If her senior sister kissed her, then she would pull her into her arms and never let go.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long this time.

She heard Su Luowei laugh softly before her lips brushed against hers.

It was like spring thunder, melting the winter frost and causing a thousand pear blossoms to bloom.

Meng Shuying hesitated for only a moment before she cupped the back of Su Luowei's neck and deepened the kiss.

The sound of soft gasps and water moving filled the room as Su Luowei pulled at Meng Shuying's collar, breathing heavily.

But then Meng Shuying suddenly lifted her, ignoring the water soaking her own clothes.

The scent of herbs lingered in the air as Meng Shuying laid her down on the bed, kissing her once more, then gently touched her ear, asking, "Can I kiss you here?"

Su Luowei nodded.

But Meng Shuying was stubborn, insisting that Su Luowei say it out loud.

With no other choice, Su Luowei whispered, "Yes."

But Meng Shuying wasn't satisfied, asking each time before she kissed her neck, her collarbone, her heart.

The tassel earrings slid down, brushing over her curves before falling into the hollow of her throat.

Su Luowei's eyes were wet, like flowers drenched in rain.

As Meng Shuying paused to look up at her, she asked softly, "Is this okay, Senior Sister?"

This time, she didn't wait for an answer, her small tongue licking her lips before leaning in eagerly.

Su Luowei, overwhelmed, could only hold on to Meng Shuying's silky hair as the room seemed to spin around her.