
With Fuguang and the five great demon generals dead, the remaining demon army fell apart. There was no need for Su Luowei or Meng Shuying to intervene, as the five sects' cultivators easily scattered the demons like birds fleeing a storm.

At first, many of the cultivators were hesitant about fighting the demons. After all, most of them had never faced the demons directly, only hearing stories of their brutality and fearlessness. But once they realized that the demons, like humans, could bleed, feel pain, and die, their courage grew.

After several defeats, the demon army realized that their time of unchecked dominance had ended. Without Fuguang to lead them, their morale crumbled. Before long, under the relentless counterattacks of the human cultivators, the demons were forced to retreat to Danyang and flee back to the demon realm through the portal.

The conflict lasted for six months. By the time peace and calm had returned to the human realm, it was already April.

During those months, Su Luowei and Meng Shuying traveled together, along with their companions Yunu and Hongdou, hunting demons across the land. Though the demon army had retreated, some demons stayed behind, blending into human society. Because they looked human and were adept at disguising themselves, they were not immediately detected. Only when they resumed their evil deeds, causing chaos and fear, were they quickly hunted down by Su Luowei and Meng Shuying.

With her half-demon blood, Meng Shuying was naturally sensitive to demonic energy. Often, she would appear just as a demon revealed its true nature, saving many lives. Over time, she gained a reputation for always arriving in the nick of time to slay demons and protect innocent lives.

Grateful villagers who were saved by her wanted to erect a shrine in her honor. Her deeds and name became well-known throughout the land, and every place she went, she was warmly welcomed. However, this popularity shattered the peaceful, idyllic vision Meng Shuying had of traveling freely with her Senior Sister, enjoying the mountains and rivers together.

Returning once more to Dawn City, they settled in an inconspicuous corner of a local inn. The innkeeper greeted them with great enthusiasm.

Though the two travelers were women, the innkeeper did not dare to be careless.

On the right sat a woman in a black Daoist robe, embroidered with dark blue patterns on the collar, exuding a sharp, imposing aura like the night sky with an undercurrent of danger. On the left was a woman in a white Daoist robe, embroidered with golden clouds on the collar, giving her a serene, moon-like presence but with a warmth beyond the cold moon.

Though their temperaments were entirely different, together they seemed perfectly harmonious, making anyone who saw them marvel at how well they complemented each other.

Seeing two such striking women traveling together, the innkeeper couldn't help but recall a popular story he had heard recently about two celestial immortals. He wondered if these two might be the very figures from that tale.

Just as he was about to approach them with more reverence, two young girls ran over, throwing themselves into one of the women's arms and affectionately calling her "Mother."

Surprised, the innkeeper thought to himself, "I hadn't heard that the celestial immortals had children," and took a closer look at the two girls. Their features closely resembled the woman they clung to, clearly her daughters.

Relieved, the innkeeper dismissed his earlier suspicions and returned to his duties.

As the food was served, the two girls turned their attention to the dishes, but their small hands struggled to pick up the food with chopsticks. Meng Shuying chuckled softly and teased them, "Aren't you two a bit too small?"

Yunu thought for a moment, agreeing that Meng Shuying had a point, and was about to cast a spell to make herself bigger. Hongdou quickly grabbed her hand, whispering urgently, "Are you crazy? We're in public!"

Hongdou's wide eyes sparkled like grapes as she held Yunu tightly.

Su Luowei watched them with amusement, resting her chin on her hand. Seeing Yunu's frustrated gaze, she smiled and said, "Hongdou is right. Be careful in public, Yunu."

Yunu pouted but eventually gave up. However, she quickly turned her frustration toward Hongdou, asking, "I was born first, so why are you the older sister?"

She had lived for countless years in Shifang's blessed land before Hongdou even existed. Why was Hongdou the older sister?

Hongdou blinked and replied matter-of-factly, "Because I met Master first."

This reasoning didn't sit well with the Azure Dragon, but lacking Hongdou's eloquence, Yunu sulked and refused to eat, storming off in a huff. Hongdou chased after her, worried she would cause trouble.

To avoid attracting attention, both spirit beasts took on the form of young girls in public, though they could transform into adults if they wished. Still, Su Luowei let them be, knowing their minds were still immature.

With the two little ones gone, Su Luowei poured herself a cup of tea, raising an eyebrow at Meng Shuying across the table. "Aren't those your daughters? Aren't you going to chase after them?"

Back when they had first met in Dawn City, Hongdou had clung to Su Luowei and called her "Mother," to which Meng Shuying had responded that Hongdou was hers.

That was years ago, and now they even had another daughter.

Meng Shuying, however, simply said, "It's better that they're gone. They cling to us every day—it's exhausting."

Not just during the day, but even at night, the Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird were always close by. There had been several nights when Meng Shuying had secured the door, ready to explore dual cultivation techniques with her Senior Sister, only to be interrupted by the two spirit beasts barging in, ruining her plans.

It wasn't until she threw them out by their collars that she finally enjoyed a few peaceful nights.

Su Luowei didn't respond, only tilting her head slightly, watching Meng Shuying with a smile that hinted at something deeper. The night before, she had looked at her the same way, though then her gaze had been filled with a soft, dreamy longing.

Remembering those more intimate moments, a spark of desire ignited within Meng Shuying. She quickly poured herself a drink and, noticing Su Luowei's cup was empty, refilled it without being asked.

"What are you thinking?" Su Luowei asked, her smile growing as she gazed at her partner, her eyes bright and gentle.

"Nothing," Meng Shuying replied hastily, sipping her drink to hide her flustered expression.

"Then why are you blushing?" Su Luowei's smile deepened, and she teasingly reached out to touch Meng Shuying's cheek. Her warm fingers sent a shiver through Meng Shuying, reminding her of the moments they had shared the night before. Heart racing, she caught Su Luowei's hand, tracing gentle circles in her palm.

"Senior Sister, you know exactly what I'm thinking."

Su Luowei smiled shyly, trying to pull her hand away, but Meng Shuying held on, refusing to let go.

"Do you remember," Meng Shuying's gaze turned intense, "when we were at Fox Mountain, and we performed a marriage ceremony?"

Su Luowei hummed in acknowledgment, "Of course I remember."

Meng Shuying's eyes gleamed. "Then how about we go to Dongji Island next?"

"Why Dongji Island?" Su Luowei was puzzled, but when she saw the hint of disappointment in Meng Shuying's eyes, she understood.

Ah, she wants to meet my parents and make things official.

Laughing softly, Su Luowei clasped Meng Shuying's hand. "So you want to marry me, huh? I thought since we already formed our Daoist bond, you wouldn't care about these formalities."

"I do care," Meng Shuying admitted quietly, squeezing Su Luowei's hand gently. "When it comes to you, I care about everything."

"Then—" Su Luowei pretended to ponder. "Alright, when we return to Qingxu, we'll discuss it properly."

With their current speed, it would take less than half a day to travel from Dawn City to Qingxu. Though Su Luowei suggested they talk after returning, Meng Shuying couldn't help but want to hurry back.

However, much to her dismay, Su Luowei suddenly seemed more interested in leisurely exploring the mountains and rivers. They took their time, admiring flowers, moonlit nights, and breathtaking views, stretching the journey to a full two weeks before they finally arrived at the base of Qingxu Mountain.

Though Meng Shuying had initially been a bit dissatisfied with the delay, the absence of their spirit beasts—who had been sent on errands by Su Luowei—meant they had uninterrupted time together, and she was soon appeased.

Since regaining her past life memories, Su Luowei's attitude toward Meng Shuying hadn't changed much. They were still close, and only occasionally, when Meng Shuying pushed things too far, would Su Luowei show her a more stern, mentor-like side, gently but firmly guiding her.

Meng Shuying remembered every word Su Luowei said, but she couldn't help herself—Su Luowei's soft body was too tempting.

And so, the two weeks had been blissful, with all other concerns slipping from her mind. It wasn't until they reached the base of Yanmofeng Peak that Meng Shuying remembered Su Luowei's promise to discuss their marriage upon returning to the sect.

As they climbed the peak, Meng Shuying noticed something different this time.

The once familiar mountain, where she had lived for so many years and knew every flower and tree, was now adorned with a breathtaking display of peach blossoms. The delicate pink flowers, tinged with white, swayed in the breeze, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Su Luowei held her hand as they walked up the mountain, petals landing on her hair and shoulders, making her look even more beautiful.

Meng Shuying could guess what Su Luowei had in mind, and excitement surged through her heart. It was as if a playful rabbit was bouncing inside her chest, making her feel both thrilled and overwhelmed.

She bit her lip, unable to tear her gaze away from her Senior Sister, her eyes filled with a deep affection that made Su Luowei blush.

Though a bit shy, Su Luowei remained composed. With a flick of her fingers, their robes transformed into elaborate wedding garments—crimson bridal outfits adorned with phoenixes and peonies.

Meng Shuying had never worn such bright colors before, and she tugged at her skirt, feeling a bit self-conscious. She hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Do I... look alright?"

Though she knew she couldn't compare to her Senior Sister in beauty, she still hoped she would be worthy of standing by her side.

"You look stunning, Ah Ying. I can't take my eyes off you," Su Luowei said tenderly, adjusting the tassels on Meng Shuying's headdress. Her eyes softened as she gazed at her, full of admiration and love.

"I originally wanted to take you to Dongji to marry, but then I realized—this place is our home." Su Luowei smiled as she took a strand of her own hair and tied it with Meng Shuying's, symbolizing their eternal bond.

"A-Ying, are you ready?"

Meng Shuying held her hand tightly. "I've been ready for a long time."

There was no grand wedding procession, no ceremonial red veils, just the two of them, walking side by side, hand in hand, up the mountain.

From now on, they would face the years ahead together, side by side, with nothing and no one able to separate them.

Along the way, disciples of the Qingxu sect lined the path, dressed not in their usual Daoist robes but in festive attire to celebrate the occasion.

Meng Shuying saw many unfamiliar faces. These were the disciples of Qingxu, people she didn't know but who had all heard of her deeds.

They smiled and cheered, tossing flower petals and offering their blessings, some even setting off fireworks.

The scene was lively and joyous, but in her heart, Meng Shuying felt a deep sense of peace.

There were no veils covering their faces, just the golden tassels of their headdresses swaying gently in the breeze. The wind was soft, the clouds light, and spring flowers bloomed all around them. The world seemed perfect.

Waiting at the top of the mountain were Zhan Xuehan, Xie Hanzhu, Wen Miaomiao, and others. Behind them stood Su Luowei's old home, now decorated with lanterns and red banners, the windows adorned with festive characters.

Su Haocang and Zhan Xueying sat proudly on a platform, their faces glowing with happiness as they watched the two brides approach.

The day after they had descended from Kunlun, Su Luowei had announced her intention to marry Meng Shuying. As parents, Su Haocang and Zhan Xueying were, of course, overjoyed.

They had heard many stories about Meng Shuying and were more than satisfied with their daughter's choice of partner.

Powerful, devoted, and affectionate—who wouldn't be pleased?

Su Luowei was their only daughter, the apple of their eye, and her wedding was a momentous occasion. Su Haocang had suggested a grand ceremony, but Su Luowei had declined.

Even so, Su Haocang's enthusiasm for his new daughter-in-law was undiminished. After the tea ceremony, he handed Meng Shuying a ring—a space artifact containing an entire world within.

Meng Shuying infused her divine sense into the ring and was taken aback by the wealth it contained. Even with her considerable resources, she was momentarily stunned.

Su Haocang chuckled, stroking his beard. "We know you've been without parents since childhood, but from now on, we'll be your parents."

He wanted to add that if anyone ever dared to bully her, she could come to him. But then he remembered that Meng Shuying's cultivation far surpassed his own, so he thought better of it.

Zhan Xueying also presented Meng Shuying with a ring, and though Meng Shuying thought she had already seen it all, she was once again surprised by the sheer amount of spirit stones within.

Did Zhan Xueying just drain an entire spirit vein?

With many elder relatives present, Meng Shuying received numerous gifts. By the time the ceremony was over, her wealth had exceeded even her peak in her previous life.

Though usually indifferent to material wealth, Meng Shuying was genuinely moved—not by the items themselves, but by the sincerity of the people who had accepted her and were genuinely happy for her marriage to Su Luowei. They gave her their heartfelt blessings, and that meant more to her than any treasure.

It wasn't until she was sent to the bridal chamber that Meng Shuying finally snapped out of her daze.

Su Luowei gently tapped her on the nose, smiling. "Ah Ying, come back to earth."

Meng Shuying blinked and looked around, realizing they were in Su Luowei's old room. The candles burned brightly on the table, and the bed was adorned with a festive red quilt.

Since they were both women, there were no peanuts or lotus seeds scattered on the bed, but a twin lotus flower rested between the pillows, symbolizing their perfect union.

Meng Shuying led Su Luowei to the vanity, carefully removing her headdress and hairpins. She picked up the wooden comb and gently brushed out Su Luowei's long, black hair, just as she had done so many times before.

Dressed in her red bridal attire, Su Luowei's slender waist and graceful posture were more striking than ever, her pale neck glowing in the soft candlelight. Though they had shared a bed countless times before, tonight felt different, and Meng Shuying found herself unexpectedly nervous.

After combing her hair, it was time for bed. Meng Shuying escorted Su Luowei to the bed, then returned to the vanity to remove her own ornaments. When she turned back, she saw her Senior Sister reclining on the bed, gazing at her with a warm, loving smile.

Meng Shuying's heart fluttered, and she moved to extinguish the candles, but Su Luowei stopped her.

"We haven't had the wedding wine yet," Su Luowei reminded her.

The wine had been specially prepared by Yun Fei, a senior of their sect. It was said that drinking it would ensure a harmonious and happy marriage.

One cup later, Meng Shuying noticed a flush rising on Su Luowei's cheeks, her eyes becoming slightly hazy. Meng Shuying herself felt as though a wildfire was spreading through her veins, filling her with an overwhelming need for release.

It was unclear who made the first move, but soon the embroidered robes were scattered across the bed, discarded in a passionate frenzy. When they became too cumbersome, they were thrown onto the floor, leaving a trail of crimson silk.

Despite her best efforts to restrain herself, when Su Luowei's lips met hers, all self-control vanished.

To share such moments with the one you love is the most complete happiness in the world.

They spent most of the night entwined, casting cleaning spells several times.

At dawn, Meng Shuying turned over, only to find herself alone in bed.

Where is Senior Sister?

She sprang up, only to hear a soft voice nearby.

"Why are you awake?"

Turning toward the sound, Meng Shuying saw Su Luowei lounging on a nearby couch, smiling at her.

She wore a white robe, her hair loosely tied, and her neck and collarbone still bore faint marks of their earlier passion.

The rising sun bathed her in a soft glow, just as it had the first time they met.

For the first time in a long while, Meng Shuying felt completely at peace, as if the missing piece of her heart had finally been found. She walked over, wrapped her arms around Su Luowei, and buried her face in her neck, inhaling the familiar scent of lilies.

"Senior Sister."

Su Luowei embraced her gently. "I'm here."

And from now on, I'll always be here.

I'll never leave again.