Chapter 7 - Dreams Of The Unknowable



["Speech Through Technology"]


I made sure to take down the curtain when I took a shower, as I knew that was a common horror movie idea—the entity hiding behind the curtain.


I also made sure to put my knife underneath my pillow again before sitting on top of it. As I said before, I was never sleeping on a bed again while in this world.


It took me a while, but eventually, I was tired enough to fall asleep once again.

Waking up, I had a massive headache; it was as if a massive force was pressing down on me. Looking forward, I noticed I was no longer in my house.


In front of me were two beings, both covered in robes. Behind the second being, farther was a massive "wall" of light.


They seemed to be having a conversation as I saw four arms come from the farther-robed being.


"All In One, I find our intellectual conversations no longer hold the same weight. I ask you once more, let me into the ultimate gate and join the creatures in the last void." The closer robed being said as his white hand appeared holding a sheathed katana.

|| The secondary robed being said with his voice carrying a calm yet semi-disappointed tone.


"I see," The first robed being seemed to look down and speak with a returned calm tone that held hints of regret. "I do hope that this doesn't sour our relationship; those talks, exchanging knowledge, were very profound and enlightening lines of conversation."


The first robed being brought his katana up to his chest and flicked the guard of the blade upwards with his thumb, causing the blade to unsheath.

All of it happened in an instant and felt like it lasted an eternity, yet only an instant passed.


The first robed figure multiplied into countless different clones that covered the entirety of whatever this place was.


In an instant, they all lashed out with different attacks, and in an instant, all of them were taken out. Only one of the attackers, probably the original, remained.


The first robed figure had stumbled back but caught himself and fell onto one knee. His body was charred black, with only pants remaining in a disheveled state.


His hair had burned off, and his shoes, shirt, robe, and everything else besides his pants, which now looked as if he had been teleported to the Fallout universe, remained.


The robeless man seemed to cough. Slowly, he began trying to stand again as the secondary-robed man just watched.

The now-charred man found himself unable to stand. Back into the kneeling position, the man began muttering to himself, but for some reason, even being so far away from me, I could hear it as if he said it right next to me.


"Now, I'm a little motivated!" The charred man said as power quite literally burst from his body.


The man, if I could even call it that, now stood at around 9 feet and 4 inches tall. He grew two more arms underneath his first pair that burst out of his body in blood and gore.


His body became all black in color, with four tendrils coming out of his back. His eyes were a crystal glowing blue.


Four eyes were now on his face, his mouth full of sharp shark-like teeth, and another mouth on his chest that was sideways.


It looked as if someone took the mouth on his face, copied it to his stomach, and then turned it 90 degrees.

On his head were two black horns that came out from the side but weren't curved backward or forwards but looked big and short in length. These horns had rune-like blue markings that began to spread across his whole body.


Quickly, as they spread, his body got more monstrous, with his hands and feet turning into almost claws. His body was growing some defensive scale-like protrusions all over his limbs, chest, back, neck, and pelvis.

Once the transformation had finished, which had only taken an instant, the monstrous figure bent his legs a bit and took a stance.


His left hand held onto his katana sheath while his right hovered over his katana's handle while it was still in the sheath.


In an instant, everything changed once again. The monstrous man became an uncountable many that attacked all at once.


As I watched the fight happen, it felt as if hours were taking place where I watched the monstrous man's clones get slaughtered over and over, but in reality, an instant passed, and the fight was over.


The man lay on his back as the robed figure stood victorious and as calm as he was before the fight started.

|| The robed figure said as he looked down at the being he defeated.


"I am." The creature on the ground took a few seconds to find his words. "However, it isn't enough."


"I need more!" The creature suddenly exclaimed as it tried standing. "I need more power!"


The man in robes seemed to softly sigh at the exclamation. One of his four hands grasped at his face underneath the hood of his robe as he shook his head.


|| The robed man said as he stared into the eyes of the downed creature.


"Do not try and denounce my need for strength! I will not tolerate your meddling in my actions!" The creature nearly shouted in anger at the robed man. Anger was clearly felt in his voice, though.

|| The robed man responded, seemingly very amused. ||


"You are omniscient!" The creature instantly replied. "You know I'll be back."


|| The robed man said as he turned his head and began looking in my direction. ||


The robed man began waving at me as my consciousness became heavy, and I couldn't even continue listening to what the creature was saying as a response.


Everything was becoming dar—

I woke up with a gasp, air stuck in my throat as I realized I was in my house. The fight I had seen between those two beings was burned into my memory.


I had watched as clone after clone got beheaded, cut in half vertically, vaporized, burned to dust, punched so hard cracks formed on their body, followed by them exploding, a fist going through their chest, ripped in half horizontally, spit up their organs, then brain, had their meat suit separated from their skeleton, necks twisted 720 degrees like a cartoon character, their anatomy reversed, their entire body folded like a pretzel, their entire spine pulled from their back, allowing the head to rest on the top of the removed spine, and then had another clone be beaten with it, their entire body becoming inside out, having their blood flow reversed, only to have their heart, brain, and organs explode, having their arms and legs ripped off, only for those limbs to be reattached and remade into a cross, having all their bones broken the wrong way and misaligned back into misshapen place, experiencing the removal of the right side of their brain, while still being alive, getting paper cuts all over their body, making it so just existence is excruciating, being killed and reborn just for time to flow backward for them, so they can experience it all again, being given every mental and physical illness in existence, being flattened until they become a two dimensional human cutout, and more.


Somehow, while I was there, I knew that the being making clones had an infinite supply, yet the being in the robes beat infinity.


He won against Infinity twice! I couldn't wrap my head around how I knew what I knew or the way I could perfectly replay the fight in my head without any details being lost.


Whatever those two beings were, especially the man in the robe, I should be careful of. The being that transformed said it was omniscient.


'There's no use in worrying; I just need to be ignorant of it to keep peace of mind.' I thought as I calmed myself and got ready to start my day.


I would need to take a shower, eat, brush my teeth, and work out. Going for a run would be something I would need to do to train my stamina as well.

Hopefully, I would be able to go on a run without any creatures attacking or stalking me.


But if I couldn't, I'd definitely make whatever tried to attack me cry.

"Alright, let's do this!" I said as I grabbed my phone.