Chapter 12 - The Supernatural Play



["Speech Through Technology"]


Making sure to move far away from my house before removing my hoodie from the psychopath, I made a gesture for him to lead the way.


He nodded and began leading me somewhere. After around 20 minutes of walking, we came to a stop at a house.


As he entered the house, I cautiously entered behind him. He eventually came to a stop at the wall underneath the staircase. Somehow, the wall turned into a hidden door, and he opened it.


Inside the staircase was another door, not too far away. As he opened that door, what was in front of me was a massive staircase leading down.


"Ay," I said, tapping him on the shoulder. "Put the hoodie back on."


"What?" He looked at me confusedly as he spoke. "How will I go down the stairs if I'm unable to see?"


The stairs and the entire way leading down were painted marble white, and as I looked at him, I pointed to the side.


"There's something to hold onto for a reason," I said as the handrail came into his vision.


"Fine, just give me the fucking hoodie." He said as I passed the hoodie to him, making sure to "help" him put it on so he wouldn't be able to see.

"Don't worry, you won't fall; I'll be right behind you," I said as he began trying to make his way down the staircase.


'But this is where my gamble starts!' I thought as a massive grin formed on my face.


Taking both hands, I slicked my hair backward. Making sure to put on my best resting "I need power" face, I began following the blindfolded man.


My plan was simple: pretend to be Vergil in order to get free stuff. This guy might not know what Vergil looks like, but his cousin should most definitely know.


To them, Vergil is like Jesus, and to see Jesus walking toward you in your secret hideout might be the scariest thing you could see.


The way I saw it, it was the easiest mind game of my life. No one could fake the hair color, facial structure, way of speaking, and voice all at the same time. Well, no one besides me.


If they had a way to scan facial structure, they would realize the 100 percent match, so even then, I was good.

Finally, both I and the person I put my hoodie on made it to the bottom of the steps. Pushing him softly as a way to get him to walk forward, we both began moving.


Around 30 seconds later, we began entering a spacious area. Right as I was about to enter behind the guy I was using as insurance, I paused.


Watching the person with my hoodie enter the spacious area, I heard someone.


"Christian? What are you doing, and why do you have a hoodie on you?" As soon as I heard someone speak, I began walking forward. I had to let him ask questions for dramatic effect.


"So he belongs to you," I said vaguely as I walked forward and into the spacious area.


The floor was made from marble tiles. In the center of the room was a circular table with multiple chairs, and there were doors on different sides of the room that led somewhere.

Upon both me and the man in the chair not too far away from me getting sight of each other, my face didn't change. His, however, went from defensive and ready to fight to absolutely shell-shocked.


Instantly, he sat back down in his chair, seemingly starting to sweat bullets.


"My Lord Vergil, what do I owe this meeting to?" He said quickly, as he bowed his head.


He was a relatively tall, light-brown-skinned man. He was not taller than me, it seemed, but he also had black eyes and black hair. He was relatively skinny but seemed like he had a workout routine, as there was a bit of muscle on him.


He was currently wearing a black suit with a red tie. And appearance-wise, he was average in looks.

Slowly walking to build tension as a big bad, I began to speak.


"You see, I was enjoying my day until someone happened to attack me." I said as I looked toward "Christian," who was now trying to take the hoodie off. "I didn't say you could take the hoodie off."


Instantly, he stopped trying and left his arms by his sides.


"Well, your 'cousin' did tell me of an ability you had, and instead of killing your 'cousin,' I decided it would be best if I asked for some martial arts instead of taking his life," I said as I watched the man in the suit grimace.


"Goddamn it, Christian!" The man screamed as he looked at the person who made this possible. "I literally gave you fucking pictures of what to do and what not to do!"


"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was a part of the supernatural!" Christian screamed back, still blindfolded. "I just thought it would be easier than going over to a kindergarten."


The man in the suit looked mortified.


"Christian, don't tell me you told him your idiotic plan!" As soon as he said this, he received a nod from the hooded Christian. "Oh, my fucking god! You are one dumb motherfucker! For the last time, you are not shooting up a kindergarten! I sacrifice the bodies of old people because they don't have much longer to live; targeting the young is not what we do here."



"Christian! Do me a favor, a big one." The man in the suit said as he interrupted Christian. He received a nod from Christian. "Shut the fuck up! Do us both a favor and just shut the fuck up!"


I had to hold back my laughter at the way he said it. Internally, I was laughing my fucking ass off, while on the outside, I was stone-faced.


Christian, while dejected, nodded and kept silent.


"Sorry about that." The man in the suit now looked at me as he spoke. "My name is Damon. You said you wanted a martial art?"


"Yes, I want you to write down four manuals for me," I said to Damon as I kept a straight face.


"Four manuals will take some time to write down," Damon said, a bit apprehensive. "Can you tell me which ones you want?"

"For the first one, I want Renewal Taekwondo and the recoilless version of it from God of High School." As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I saw Damon's eyes go wide.


"A–are you sure you want that one?" Damon spoke with great shock and stuttered.


"Did I stutter?" I made sure to look exactly like an annoyed Vergil as I said it.


Quickly, Damon shook his head. "What about the other three?"

"Second, I want Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist from One Punch Man. Third, I want Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist, also from One Punch Man. Finally, I want All Life Eradication Fist, also from One Punch Man." As I said my list of martial arts I wanted to learn, I watched Damon's eyes get wider and wider.


"I'll have to go see the martial arts; it'll take me a few minutes," Damon said, a cold sweat forming on him from the names mentioned. "It will take me a bit longer to write down the way to learn the martial arts."


"I can wait."


And with that said, Damon got up from his chair and went through another door.


'I just love it when a plan comes together.' I thought as a devious grin formed on my face.

(A/N: Sorry for not posting, I ate a bunch of candy and felt sick. I felt like my heart was gonna explode, but I'm better now.

Sadly, I am now going to college. I won't stop uploading, though.)