Chapter 18 - My First Friend Has “Special” Properties



["Speech Through Technology"]


As I was released from Malo's grasp, I began wondering. How was Malo physically in front of me? As far as I know, no matter how much time you spend with Malo, she'll never become physical.


Then there's her height. She's tall as fuck for no reason. Lastly, why the fuck is she so strong? Nothing I did even phased her or hurt her in any way.


"Malo?" My first friend in this world continued to push her full attention onto me. "Can I test a few things?"


That earned me a tilt of the head from her in confusion. "Just stand there and let me try something out." Although still confused, she nodded.


Taking both of my hands and putting them on Malo's abdomen, I began to push. I felt the skin underneath, and as I pushed, I began to apply more force.


The force grew and grew until my feet were sliding on the carpet floor, trying to get a firm hold. Yet, no matter how much I pushed, she wouldn't budge!


Looking up at Malo, I knew she was looking at me with amusement. It made me feel a bit foolish.


"Pick me up." I held out my arms toward her. Faster than expected, I was lifted off the ground and into the air like a child.


"As high as you can, please." Malo quickly lifted me as high as she could, my head softly touching the ceiling. "Any difficulty in this?"


With her tail wagging hard, Malo shook her head. "Alright, you can put me down."


Being put down, I put my hand on Malo's abdomen again. Feeling the smooth skin underneath the fur, I tried pressing down.


"Do you feel any pain?" I received a shake of the head from that.

From what I remember, Malo is similar to a mental demon or paralysis demon. She only appears in situations where you can't fully view her or in reflections.


It was said by the Foundation that Malo "incarnates" differently in people. For some people, she's in reflective surfaces. For others, she's in the corner of their vision, but for me, she's physically there.


It seems her anomalous properties have changed to support this physical change. I'm unable to hurt her, unable to move her without her input, and I'm borderline weightless to her.


"Malo, hold this." The second Malo held out her hand—I dropped my phone into her palm. The phone fell from my hand, through her hand, and landed on the soft carpet below.


'Can she not touch anything other than me?' That thought made things more interesting.


"Hmm, why are you so tall?" I said as I picked up my phone. Malo couldn't give me a direct answer and instead fidgeted in place for a bit before pointing at me. Her index finger touched my chest as she did so.


Why would she point at me? I went into deep thought. She should have been with me since the app was installed on my phone, right? So why?


Suddenly, an embarrassing thought hit me.


'I like my women tall and with a fat ass!' I could feel myself internally cringing. Not because it wasn't my taste but because someone as innocent as Malo saw me doing something so stupid!

'But that means she heard what I said and changed her height so I wouldn't reject her.' It had to be true. I was a naturally tall guy. Malo would have no way of knowing how "tall" I like my women.


To make sure I wouldn't reject her, she went with the easiest choice: becoming taller than me. By how much? She must not have known.


"Then, can you change your size?" I received a quick nod from Malo. "What's the smallest you can go? Can you show me?"


Amidst another nod, I blinked and watched Malo disappear from my vision. I was looking up at her, and when I looked down, I saw a smaller version of her.


It wasn't small, like a dog or cat, but was still human-sized. Around 5'0 or 4'11. Not as small as I thought but still small enough to be considered child-size.


"Was the previous size the biggest you could go?" I received another nod from the almost chibi-like version of Malo.


Blinking again, I was met with fur and abdomen in my vision as Malo returned to her 7-foot stature.


"Why not stay around my size?" I received a shake of the head as Malo ruffled her hand through my silvery-white hair.


Was she still hell-bent on the tall woman thing? I could only sigh in defeat.

Leaving my room with Malo following me, I walked into the basement and put on my washed uniform that I was too lazy to stay awake for in the dryer.


After that, I went to make myself some cereal using the same bowl I had been using for the past few days. The milk had about a week left before it went bad and was halfway empty.


Sitting at the table and eating my cereal, I felt clawed fingers softly run through my hair. It was very gentle, all things considered. It must have something to do with Malo being able to throw me into the ground with a touch.


I felt her face touch the back of my head by the slight disturbance coming from my hair being pushed inward towards my head. I only raised an eyebrow at this and continued eating.

Finally, finished eating cereal, I put the bowl back in the sink and filled it with water. I didn't clean it, though. I felt like if someone saw the singular bowl in the sink, they would feel pissed, and I found it funny.


I would need to wash all my towels and other clothes soon. Not having other family members sure does suck.


After brushing my teeth and gathering clothes to change into after I got out of the shower, I stepped into the bathroom—"Oh, I almost forgot."


Turning on my heel to see Malo tilting her head. "Ahem."


"Get out!" I shooed her away with a gesture as well as verbally. "You're not allowed in here when I'm in here. This is my thinking space."


I made sure Malo took enough steps back before closing the door. I knew, in the end, it was probably useless as she was like a vision; she could disappear and reappear at will.


Not to mention, I don't know if she can see what I see.


'Hopefully, work isn't hectic.'

I was followed by Malo all the way through my walk. It was funny watching people pass Malo and not notice the seven-foot-tall wolf-girl that was quite noticeable. It was even funnier that only I could see her.


Opening the door of the restaurant, I clocked in using the app once again. While I was here, I wanted to see if I could "merge" Malo into my fighting style.


While she can interact with me, nothing else can interact with her. This meant I could essentially be tossed around by Malo with minimal effort on her part.


I also figured out that she's able to disappear and reappear around me, but I need to blink for her to be able to do so. I still haven't tested how far she can go.


If I ever fall, trip, misstep, or overextend, Malo could always pull me up or throw me somewhere. It was kind of disgusting how powerful this could be in the right hands.


All I needed to do was set in place gestures and meanings for each action I wanted to be done, and enemies would be left confused as I bypassed the laws of physics to always land my attacks or somehow move away from danger.

Getting behind the register, I was greeted with the amusing sight of Malo sitting at one of the tables, her head resting on the table, turning to face me.


The second I blink, she disappears and reappears at another table. Seeing this, I began rapidly blinking and watching her go from table to table.


This went on for around twenty blinks before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and squeeze lightly. Her head rested above mine, her body in a slight slouch.


"It seems my first friend is being quite the hassle," I said aloud as I tried to look up, only to not be able to as her head was stopping mine from moving.


Noticing my plight, Malo moved her head slightly, allowing me to stare up at her as she stared downwards at me.


At least today wouldn't be boring.