Evans Anderson

        Life is so unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. I came to Melbourne seeking solitude, a chance to unwind and escape the chaos of my life. But fate had other plans. A chance encounter with a mysterious stranger turned my world upside down, injecting a whirlwind of excitement and unexpected emotions into my solo getaway. 

I turned to look at her, I could see her hesitation to ask me further questions, I knew this because reading body language was so easy for me. I spoke out first so she wouldn't feel nervous or hesitant in asking me anything. Strangely, I wanted this strange girl to be comfortable around me.

"You can ask me whatever you want to ask, Cherry," I said, looking down at her with a smile on my face. 

Cherry? Really? Shit! I shouldn't have called her that. I don't want to go about pissing her off. I turned to look at her to know how she would react to it, not what I was expecting. Her cheeks had turned slightly pink and She was literally trying so hard to hide her smile, but that changed quickly into a confused look when she spoke out.

"Cherry??" She asked, her brows knitted together looking utterly confused.

Damn! My heart skipped a beat. Never in my life did I think that I would see a flustered and yet still beautiful face. She truly was a sight to behold from her long brown hair that flowed down her shoulders, to her plush tan skin radiating under the moonlight, the brown freckles on her face, her beautiful blue eyes, her perfectly arranged white teeth and her slim, slender and almost perfect body. 

She was showing too much skin with the bum short she was wearing and the V-neck shaped top she was wearing, it was doing a lot on me right now. I needed a distraction. I looked at her face and saw the most hilarious expressions displayed on her face, I pointed at her and laughed out loudly. It had been a while since I laughed this much, ever since I lost my dad ten years ago.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked, chuckling lightly.

"You needed to see your face, you had the cutest and yet funniest expression displayed on your face," I said, laughing out loud trying really hard to control my laughter.

"That's because you called me cherry!" She said out loud, making me stop laughing.

"Why did you call me cherry?" She asked inquisitively, waiting for an answer.

I swiftly changed the topic not wanting her to know the reason why I had called her cherry and end up ruining the whole mood we were having right now.

"You wanted to ask me about my dad right?" I said, changing the topic. She gave me a knowing look, like she knew what I was doing but went along with the flow.

"Yes, I wanted to know about your father," she said pausing in her statement

 "First things first, what's your name?" she asked, smiling sweetly at me.

I chuckled lightly at her question, I looked sternly at her to know if she was just pretending or she truly knew who I was but there was definitely no sign of pretense. She didn't know who I was? That's just crazy and unbelievable. She was the first person I would say didn't recognize me. Ever since I became one of the top ten models all over the world I was surprised she didn't recognize me.

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked, still trying to figure out if she was just pretending.

She chuckled lightly. "Serious about what? Your name? Or?" She asked, looking at me confused.

She truly doesn't know who I am. That's really crazy. 

"Evans Anderson?" 

"Who's that supposed to be?" She asked, chuckling lightly.

"Are you for real right now?" I asked again.

"Okay, you're confusing me. What's happening and who's Evans Ander….." she said, trailing off.

"Oh crap! Anderson, you're Evans Anderson! I finally know your name my savior" she said, grinning from ear to ear like a little child.

She really doesn't know who I am, if she did she would probably be all over me by now trying to take pictures and videos. 

"She doesn't know me" I whispered underneath my breath.

"Are you saying something?" She asked, looking at me.

I shook my head in silent response that I didn't say anything.


"You're acting a bit weird" she said, moving further a bit from me.

I looked at her shockingly, she was literally keeping a distance between us. This was new and for sure it did feel good not having someone hovering over me.

"Sorry, I'm not just used to people not knowing me" I said, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"I don't understand, Am I supposed to recognize you? I've only just met you today. I'm not sure if I'm….." she trailed off, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

"No it's just fine this way but my guess is that you'll know me soon" I said, with a smile on my face.

"Anyways, My name is Evan Anderson," I said, sweetly.

"Okay Evan, tell me about your dad" she said.

I looked at her with a questioning face.

"What?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders.

"You're not going to tell me your name?" I asked her, waiting for a response. She chuckled lightly.

"I'm coral, coral miller," she said.

She didn't just have the most perfect features, she had a beautiful name that fitted perfectly into everything about her. I really want to know who Coral miller is.

A gentle breeze blew and she instinctively rubbed her hands on her arm trying to warm up. I took off my shirt, moved closer to her and placed the shirt over her shoulder. Her face was really close to mine, really close.  I could see her freckles even more, her long lashes and those lips…..

I instantly moved away from her. What was I doing? What is she doing to me? 

My gaze met hers as she was smiling awkwardly at what had just happened, placing her brown hair at the back of her ear.

"So, yes about my dad!" I said, trying to change the atmosphere.

"Yeah, your dad," she said, coughing sarcastically.

"So my dad was from Melbourne, he met my mom here, they got married and gave birth to me here. I spent most of my younger days growing up in Melbourne." I said, pausing looking towards the ocean.

"He died when I was just twelve, he died of colon cancer. He was diagnosed late and it couldn't be treated" I said, holding back the tears that welled up in my eyes threatening to fall.

"I'm so sorry, you didn't have to go through that" she said, patting my back softly. Her hand felt warm and comforting. It brought  back a memory of my father and I. 

I had lost a friend back in high school, his name was Adrian. He was still very much young and he died of cancer of the blood. I was beyond heartbroken and my father patted my back softly and said I was too young to be going through that. But that's just life, things come and go just like Adrian.

"Thanks coral," I said, smiling at her.

"My mom and I moved out of Melbourne so we could move on. Living in Melbourne held so many memories that we didn't want to keep holding on to or else we wouldn't be able to move forward." I said, looking up at the sky.

"The stars are breathtaking," I said, gazing upwards. "And so are your eyes," I continued, our eyes locking in a moment of silent connection. We held that gaze for what felt like an eternity, lost in the intensity of the moment. I cleared my throat, breaking off the gaze, it was too intense. This feeling felt somewhat strange, I had not been this connected with a lady before, all I ever had were flings with high class models and actresses.

"My dad was everything to me," I said,  clearing my throat again trying not to make it awkward.

"He was the mayor of this city before he died. The people loved him and so did I," I said, turning to meet her shocked face.

"Really? A mayor?" She asked excitedly.

I nodded in response, with a smirk.

"From the way you talk about him and the admiration in your eyes when you talk about him, he does seem like a great person, I really wish I had met him." she said, with a grin on her face.

"Yes he was! I wish I had more time to spend with him," I said, our gaze locking into each other.

Her light blue eyes really do look pretty, they looked like the Galaxy designed with thousands of stars in them.

"Fuck!" I cursed underneath my breath. I am not sure I can hold back myself anymore.