Chapter 13

Mist raised her hand first, so I nodded to her.

"When we first saw you step into the battle arena, we could tell you were brave, that's why when we found out you were going to join our section, you know we celebrated.", everyone nodded while smiling.

"Really?", they nodded again.

"I'm the person you helped when someone beat me", I looked at the man with glasses. He was the man I helped when I passed by, that's why he was familiar when I caught a glimpse of him. "You're really kind, you helped me so since then I've been in awe of you even though you didn't tell me your codename," he said shyly.

"As for me, I saw our peaceful leader in you! I saw how you value us even though you say you don't care about us, but in your every action we see your appreciation," everyone agreed. Is that really how I act? Is it too obvious?

"He's right! Even though you're pushing us away, and you want us to stop you, we know something else is in your heart.",